September, like August, was well below par in terms of the number of species recorded. An total of 92 species recorded during the month compares with a ten-year average of 104.1 species. There were eight additions to the year list during the month. Three species: Manx Shearwater and Arctic Skua on 5th and Pomarine Skua on 27th related to strong northerly winds, a Black-necked Grebe on 3rd and a Black Tern on 9th flew west over the sea in calmer conditions. Two Whinchats and a Spotted Flycatcher on 6th and a Wryneck on 12th to 16th were also additions. The Black-necked Grebe was the seventh record for the site and, with another on 20th and 21st, a total of six Wrynecks for the site. It has been a good month for Redstarts with four individuals seen but a poor month for the more regular Wheatear with only three singles reported.
As most of the summer visitors have now left, it seems likely that we will not record Turtle Dove this year. Also, most unusually, we have not recorded any Reed Warblers this autumn and the only Whinchats were the two birds on 6th.
A total of 147 species so far this year
154 species by this time last year
Cloudy, milder, freshening SW, nine wind. A rare afternoon visit produced two Red-throated Divers and 18 Common Scoters east and nine Brent Geese west. Waders included 31 Oystercatchers on the beach, four Redshanks in the remnant brook, two Snipe in the Marsh Pool and two Dunlin west. Three Stock Doves dropped onto the beach, three Swallows flew west and two male Stonechats spiralled into the sky above the wooden bridge.
Recent rains have begun to put some water back onto the Marsh Pool.

Sunny, cool, light NW wind. Eight Gannets flew east and there were two Sandwich Terns on the beach. A Goldcrest along the east bank was our first of the autumn, a female Redstart was in the churchyard and other birds noted included a Buzzard, a Kingfisher, c20 Chiffchaffs and five Goldfinches and a Reed Bunting flew west.
Speckled Wood and Small White butterflies wee also noted.
Freshening NW winds brought many seabirds into the Swale in the afternoon. On site, two adult Pomarine Skuas flew west close inshore, there were also 30+ Arctic Skuas and nine Great Skuas. There were also 12 Little Gulls and 34+ Kittiwakes, and a Red-throated Diver flew east.
Sunny with a light SW wind. There were c10 Gannets offshore. Waders included a single Dunlin roosting between the groynes and a Redshank in the remnant brook. There were three Sandwich Terns offshore and a Kingfisher flew downstream towards the brook.
A Speckled Wood butterfly was noted.
Cloudy, calm, some light rain. A summer plumage Red-throated Diver flew east and three Brent Geese flew west. Three Sandwich Terns and three Common Terns were offshore. Other birds noted included a Kingfisher, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Grey Wagtail, a Lesser Whitethroat in the scrub, six Blackcaps and c20 Chiffchaffs and a Jay.
There were three Sanderlings, a Wheatear at the eastern end of the beach and the now regular Kingfisher.
Three Great Crested Grebes, eight Brent Geese and four Wigeon flew west and there were 11 Little Egrets on the beach. A Hobby flew over the estate and other birds noted included a Kingfisher and a few Sand Martins and a Reed Bunting west.
A Great White Egret was our second of the year.
A Little Grebe along the middle brook was our first of the autumn. Waders included a single Dunlin. The Wryneck was present in the s crub for a second day. Other birds noted included a Great Spotted Woodpecker, Sand Martin, Yellow and Grey Wagtails and Chaffinch.
There was one Great Crested Grebe. A Pintail flew east, two Teal flew west and two Wigeon were also seen. Waders included our first Curlew of the month on the beach and a single Dunlin. A Wryneck in the scrub and four days since the previous sightings, was thought to be a second bird. Our sixth record and two in a year for the first time. Also noted were Yellow Wagtail, Grey Wagtail and Chaffinch.
Cloudy, moderate NE wind. Seven Brent Geese flew west and 11 Teal circled around the beach. Waders included 45 Oystercatchers, 126 Ringed Plovers and a Dunlin on the beach. A female/immature Redstart was in the churchyard and also noted were a Great Spotted Woodpecker flying east over the area and two Yellow Wagtails near the car park.
Cloudy, moderate NE wind. Six Gannets flew east, five Brent Geese, a Teal and 21 Common Scoters flew west and there were 37 Mallard in the brook. Waders included 35 Oystercatchers on the beach and 60 Ringed Plovers and a single Dunlin roosting between the groynes. A Redstart was seen briefly in the bushes opposite the Obs and also noted were a Grey Wagtail, 14 Pied Wagtails on the football pitch and 24 Long-tailed Tits along the east bank.
A Red-throated Diver flying east was our first reported returning bird. Three Great Crested Grebes flew east, five Brent Geese, three Wigeon, a Teal , 22 Common Scoters and an Arctic Skua flew west.
Cloudy, sunny later, light northerly wind. Two Great Crested Grebes flew west, there were c20 Gannets offshore, six Wigeon flew east and two Common Scoters flew west. Waders included 23 Oystercatchers, a Dunlin, and a Redshank on the beach. There were 12 Sandwich Terns offshore. The Wryneck was still present and other birds noted included a Kingfisher, 35 House Martins west in two pulses and a single Chaffinch.
Butterflies noted were Common Blue, Speckled Wood, Green-veined and Large White.
The Wryneck was present for its fourth day and Kingfisher and Great Spotted Woodpecker were also noted.
There were 35+ Mallard, two Redshanks and a Sandwich Tern. The Wryneck was still present and both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were noted. Other birds noted included noted a Kingfisher, three Sand Martin west, a Willow Warbler and a Jay.
The Wryneck was present for its second day and a male Stonechat was our first of the autumn.
Sunny, cool, light westerly wind. What was looking like a quiet morning was interrupted when Arnie found our fifth Wryneck for the site along the east bank. In a similar circumstances to the fourth, four years ago, showing in the long grass at the edge of the football pitch. Three Bar-tailed Godwits flew west close inshore. Three Sand Martins flew west, there were eight Pied Wagtails on the promenade and the football pitch, a Grey Wagtail and a Wheatear, a Hobby, and a Reed Bunting which flew west by the Obs was our first of the autumn.
Sunny, cool, moderate westerly wind. Four Gannets and a single Arctic Skua flew east. Waders included only our second Green Sandpiper of the year, three Dunlin, with two flying west, and 63 Ringed Plovers and 140 Turnstones roosting between the groynes. Other birds noted included four Sand Martins west, a Grey Wagtail, and five Pied Wagtails on the football pitch.
Butterflies noted were Speckled Wood, Red Admiral, Small and Green-veined Whites.
Waders included 130+ Turnstones and a group of 7+ Sanderlings. Also noted were a Hobby flying west over the sea, a Skylark by the wooden bridge and a Willow Warbler.
Cloudy, cool, fresh NW wind. Not a great deal of movement in these promising winds but a Black Tern flying west close inshore was new for the year, a drake Wigeon flew west and five Gannets flew east. Also two Sanderlings and three Sandwich Terns flew west. Hirundines were on the move with four Sand Martins, 48 Swallows and 34 House Martins (in two pulses) flew west. A flock of 16 Long-tailed Tits were moving along the east bank.

Cloudy and calm. A Great Crested Grebe was present offshore. Waders included 16 Oystercatchers and a single Dunlin as well as good numbers of Ringed Plover and Turnstones. A Spotted Flycatcher was in the churchyard, possibly the bird of yesterday or maybe not. A Kingfisher, which flew downstream under the Brook Road wooden bridge, was only our third of the year after singles in April and June. A regular visitor in most years with birds typically present from July or August until the new year. However, for much of the time this year, the brook has been unfishable, possibly because run-off from building works upstream.
Coincidentally, a shoal of Grey Mullet were observed in the brook above the sluice. Too big for a Kingfisher, I think.
Butterflies noted were Red Admiral, Peacock, Small White and Small Heath and a Yellow Shell moth was seen in the scrub.

None of the regulars could make it today. A pity as casual visitor, Steve Arthur, arriving at 9.30 am, noted two Whinchats in the grassland bushes and a Spotted Flycatcher along the east bank, which were both additions to the year list. A Garden Warbler in brambles near the Obs was our first of the autumn and a Yellow Wagtail flew west.
Cloudy, fresh to strong NE wind. With the first strong onshore winds of the autumn, hopes were raised. A Manx Shearwater flew east at 8.10 am, later four Arctic Skuas flew east (both new for the year) and 39 Gannets flew east during the morning. A bit disappointing! One Teal flew westand two were later on the beach.
Cloudy and calm. Bird of the day was a Black-necked Grebe which flew west close inshore at 9.45 am. Our seventh record for the site. Two Gannets and three Sandwich Terns flew east. The female/immature Redstart was again present in the scrub but could be elusive. Other birds noted included a Grey Wagtail, five species of warbler including single Lesser Whitethroat, Whitethroat and Willow Warbler.
A Common Seal pup was along the shoreline but soon swam out into the sea. Unusual to see an apparently healthy individual on the beach.
The work on the outflow appears to be finished but what will happen to the flower meadow that never was?

There were five Grey Herons on the Hampton flats and a Redstart was seen and heard briefly in the scrub.
Cloudy with a light southerly wind. Much better autumnal feel to the birding today. A Greenshank flew west and another was on the beach late morning. A Ruff came in from the west with two Turnstones, dropping out of sight on the back of the tidal ponds. There were three Shovelers within the tidal ponds, which flew off west, and three Teal landed by the ponds. Two Redshanks were on the beach early morning and another seven appeared later. Also noted were four Common Scoters east, at least four Sand Martins with Swallows flying west and a Lesser Whitethroat in the Elm Wood.

Sunny with a moderate NE wind. A very quiet start to the month. 30 Gannets and six Sandwich Terns flew east. Also noted were a Grey Wagtail which flew into the sewage works and a Wheatear in the scrub.