A total of 104 species during the month compares with an ten-year average of 109.8 species. However, there were some interesting birds seen. A Sabine’s Gull on 2nd was only our second record for the site, after one in September 2014. Although this species is regularly seen along the North Kent coast in stormy autumnal conditions. A Yellow-browed Warbler is another autumn specialist and one on 3rd was the seventh record for the site. A Dartford Warbler on 22nd was the fifth, record and another from 30th, the sixth. Finally, a Hawfinch that flew west on 22nd was also only our second record after one in June 2002.
A total of 160 species so far this year
164 species by this time last year
A flock of 50 White-fronted Geese flew high west at 11.05 am. The Snow Bunting was seen again on the beach. Also noted were four Great Crested Grebes offshore, six Gannets east and a single Dunlin.
Sunny periods and light to moderate SW wind. A Snow Bunting, on the beach by the caravan park early morning, was our first of the year. A second Dartford Warbler of the month, and year, was in the scrub and a Firecrest was along the middle brook. Late morning, two Fieldfares flew north, another addition to the year list. A Great Northern Diver, seen briefly offshore, was the first returning bird, a Red-throated Diver flew east and, later, one was close inshore. 40 Brent Geese flew west and another 20 were close inshore at high tide. One Shelduck flew west and there were 27 Mallard on the Marsh Pool. Waders included 95 Ringed Plovers, 107 Dunlin and 11 Sanderlings on the beach and 15 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. Other birds noted included three Sandwich Terns offshore, seven Swallows west, the Cetti’s Warbler heard again in the scrub by Lang Court, and a flock of 40 Siskins west over the Obs.

Sunny periods, light to moderate SW wind. There were three Great Crested Grebes offshore and about 12 Gannets offshore, fishing, and all but one an adult. There were 24 Brent Geese on the beach whilst waders included the Purple Sandpiper, a single Dunlin and 21 Sanderlings amongst the Ringed Plovers and Turnstones on the beach. An adult Mediterranean Gull flew west. Other birds noted included two Stonechats in the scrub, a Chiffchaff at the Obs and a light westerly movement of Chaffinches.

Light cloud, a shower and a light southerly wind. There were six Great Crested Grebes offshore and 28 Brent Geese on the beach. Waders included 12 Snipe on the Marsh Pool. A second winter Mediterranean Gull flew west, there were four adult Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach and only one Sandwich Tern offshore. A male Sparrowhawk picked a rodent out of the grass by the Obs. Also noted were a Little Grebe in Coot Strait, a Kingfisher, a single Swallow west, a Chiffchaff, a Jay carrying acorns into the scrub, three Goldfinches and a Reed Bunting.
Sunny and calm. Waders included the Purple Sandpiper on the spit off the Obs, eight Snipe visible in the marsh and a Curlew on the beach, colour-ringed and flagged, which hopefully will provide an interesting history. There were three Sandwich Terns offshore. A Kingfisher, seen several times during the course of the morning, was our first since late September. An indication of the state of the brook when the rains bring down much silt presumably from the house building further upstream. Also noted were two Stonechats, three Chiffchaffs, a Goldcrest, a Rook and another Greenfinch, heading west.
Sunny, light SW wind. There were four Great Crested Grebes offshore and two Common Scoters flew east. A Little Grebe was on the Marsh Pool, two adult Mediterranean Gulls and two Sandwich Terns were seen offshore. A Cetti’s Warbler, heard calling neat the chalets, was our first of the year although, in recent years birds have lingered for months and may have bred last year. Other birds noted included a Great Spotted Woodpecker in the Elm Wood, four Chiffchaffs, a Brambling amongst a westerly movement of Chaffinches, a juvenile Greenfinch in the churchyard, our first for many months, and four Reed Buntings.
A Hawfinch, that flew west at 9.15 am, was only the second record for the site. The first was in June 2002! At 9.30 am, a Dartford Warbler was found near the Obs. This was only the fifth record for the site. Both rare birds here but if they were going to turn up, this is the time of the year to expect them. Also noted were a Great White Egret flying west at 1.26 pm, our third of the year but only the ninth in total. In addition, the Purple Sandpiper continues to show regularly and a Goldcrest was seen along the east bank.
A flock of Egyptian Geese flying west at 9.45 am were most likely the flock of nine seen earlier at Seasalter flying east at 8 am.
Cloudy, rainy periods, light SW wind. A juvenile Red-throated Diver close inshore and 11 Great Crested Grebes offshore, including a raft of ten. Waders included 30 Redshanks along the tideline which relocated to the Marsh Pool at high tide, five Snipe on the Marsh Pool and two Curlews on the beach. There were also 33 Mallard and a Teal on the Marsh Pool and eight Little Egrets there at high tide. Eight Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach included seven adults and there were 11 Sandwich Terns offshore. Steady vis mig inncluded c200 Swallows and c250 Chaffinches and three Goldfinches heading west. Also noted one female Stonechat, a Chiffchaff, at least six Blackbirds including four black-billed immature males in the bushes opposite the Obs and an immature male Sparrowhawk in scrubland trees.
Sunny, mild, light SW wind. After overnight storms with heavy rain, the brook finally broke through the shingle ridge to flow into the sea. A Red-throated Diver flew east, there were seven Great Crested Grebes offshore, a juvenile Pomarine Skua offshore landed on the sea, a Tufted Duck flew west at 10.25 am and a Short-eared Owl, new for the year, flew west low over the sea at 11 am. Two juvenile Mute Swans also flew west and three Arctic Terns, resting on the spit early morning, were also new for the year. Waders included a single Sanderling along the shoreline and five Snipe and 19 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. Also noted were 11 Sandwich Terns offshore, two Song Thrushes in the scrub and an increase in the number of Blackbirds.

Sunny, very warm (21.5 C on leaving), Calm. A Black-necked Grebe was drifting west on a flat calm sea early morning. Our second of the year but only our eight in total. A single Red-throated Diver and Great Crested Grebe were also offshore, two Gannets flew west whilst 120 Brent Geese on the beach included no juveniles. This strongly suggests a very poor breeding season in Siberia. Waders included the Purple Sandpiper and six Snipe and 24 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. Other birds noted included a duck Wigeon on the Marsh Pool, Redwing arriving in off the sea, small numbers of Chaffinches heading west and three Reed Buntings.
Speckled Wood and Small White butterflies continue to show.

Sunny, cool, calm. There were two Great Crested Grebes offshore, two more flew west, and there were six Little Egrets and 22 Brent Geese on the beach. Waders included the adult Purple Sandpiper, first seen on 1st, on the groynes, three Sanderlings, a Dunlin and a Curlew on the beach, and a Snipe on the Marsh Pool. Also noted was a Little Grebe along Coot Strait, six Sandwich Terns offshore, ten Skylarks, a Grey Wagtail, four Stonechats, a Blackcap and three Chiffchaffs, a Goldcrest at the Obs, our first Coal Tit for two years, in the churchyard, and three Reed Buntings.
Small White and Speckled Wood butterflies were joined by a male Common Blue near the Obs.

Cloudy, some light rain, moderate NW wind. Northerly winds failed to produce a sea watching event. There were c20 Gannets offshore, including many juveniles, a lone Pintail, four Arctic Skuas, three Mediterranean Gulls, a juvenile Kittiwake and three Sandwich Terns flew west and three Common Scoters flew east. Waders included 73 Ringed Plovers and a Sanderling roosting between the groynes. Also noted were a Blackcap calling at the Obs and 12 Linnets.
Sunny periods with a light SW wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes offshore, two Gannets flew east, 38 Brent Geese were on the beach and 44 Mallard on the newly-reflooded Marsh Pool. Waders included a single Curlew and 58 Turnstones on the beach. There was an adult Mediterranean Gull on the beach and also an adult Common Tern there, our first for some time. Other birds of note included a male Great Spotted Woodpecker in the Elm Wood, a Rock Pipit on the beach, a pair of Stonechats, two female Blackcaps and c10 Chiffchaffs, a Jay and our first Redpoll of the year that flew west by the Obs.

Sunny with a light SE wind. A summer plumage Red-throated Diver and six Great Crested Grebes were offshore and there were five Brent Geese on the beach. There were also two Little Grebes in the brook. Waders included a Snipe in the Marsh and 21 Redshanks on the shoreline on the incoming tide. 23 Sandwich Terns also gathered on the beach on the incoming tide. Other birds noted included a single Skylark south, a westerly movement of Swallows and House Martins late morning, two pairs of Stonechats, about 15 Chiffchaffs, mainly in the churchyard, six Chaffinches and a Goldfinch west and a Reed Bunting in the grassland.
A Speckled Wood burtterfly was also noted.

A Red-throated Diver and three Great Crested Grebes were offshore, five Gannets flew east and three Mute Swans flew west. A single Grey Heron was at the eastern end of the beach and nine Sandwich Terns were settled on the spit amongst the Oystercatchers. A Ring-necked Parakeet, heard in the sewage works, was our second of the year and a Redwing in flight was our first of the autumn. Other birds noted included 50+ Swallows, a few House Martins, a single Sand Martin and Skylark heading west, and another Brambling was heard.
A Brambling in the churchyard was our first of the autumn, and the year as well!
A Yellow-browed Warbler was seen near the entrance to the sewage works between 8.16 and 8.40 am. This is the seventh record for the site but our first for five years. All records have been between 24th September and 15th October. Two Little Grebes were seen in the brook by the sluice.
Cloudy, showers and a light northerly wind. A fairly quiet start to the morning with a highlight of a Firecrest seen briefly amongst a tit flock in the churchyard. However, movement over the sea began to pick up. 20 Gannets and 20 Common Scoters flew east, 140 Brent Geese, 30 Wigeon, two Teal and a party of 11 Pintail flew west. A Great Skua and two Arctic Skuas flew west but the real highlights came later with a Puffin east at 11.50 am and a Sabine’s Gull east at 12.47 pm. Although fairly regularly seen along this coast during autumn storms, the Sabine’s Gull was only our second at this site after one on 10th September 2014! Other birds noted included a Common Sandpiper at the eastern end of the beach, an adult Kittiwake east, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, a flock of ten Skylarks east, a Grey Wagtail, an elusive Redstart calling loudly in the churchyard and a male Stonechat.
Cloudy with a moderate SW wind. A Great Crested Grebe, eight Brent Geese, a Wigeon and six Teal flew west, one Sandwich Tern flew east and a Little Grebe was in the middle brook. A Purple Sandpiper, with Turnstones between the groynes, was probably our earliest autumn bird. Other birds noted included a Stock Dove, three Swallows, a male Stonechat, a Blackcap and six Chiffchaffs, a Jay and two Chaffinches.