July 2024

A total of 134 species so far this year

139 species seen by this time last year


Light cloud, light SW wind. Three Gannets flew east, the immature Shag was resting on the spit and the groynes, a Grey Heron flew west and there were six Little Egrets on the Marsh Pool. A flock of 15 Common Scoters flew east. An Avocet was on the Marsh Pool and five Ringed Plovers and a Greenshank paused briefly on the shoreline. There were five Mediterranean Gulls on the Marsh Pool and two Common Terns offshore.


Sunny, light NW wind. There were eight Little Egrets, one Avocet and two Redshanks on the Marsh Pool and 12 Turnstones on the groynes. Three Great Black-backed Gulls, included one adult, and there were two Sandwich Terns offshore. Birds of the day, however, were a Raven flying west at 6.18 am and a Sedge Warbler seen and heard singing briefly in the scrub.

Butterflies noted included Essex Skipper, Marbled White and Small Heath and a Shaded Broad-bar moth was seen in the scrub.


The immature Shag showed very well on the groynes. Two Avocets and eight Little Egrets were on the Marsh Pool, two Common Sandpipers flew west and 22 Turnstones were also present. A significant increase in the number of terns, on the beach and offshore, with 36 Sandwich Terns, including 12 juveniles, and 46 Common Terns, including four juveniles. 12 Mediterranean Gulls were also on the beach.


Sunny, calm. The immature Shag was still present, one Gannet flew east and three Mute Swans circled the area. Waders noted were three Oystercatchers west, two Avocets and two Redshanks on the Marsh Pool and c25 Turnstones on the groynes. Also noted were two Mediterranean Gulls and two Sandwich Terns.


The immature Shag was present for its fifth day. Waders noted were the Avocet, our first returning Whimbrel, three Common Sandpipers along the shoreline and eight Turnstones. Other birds noted included a Buzzard over the church, a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a House Martin.


Cloudy, cool, light WNW wind. The immature Shag was again on the sea off the Obs and resting on the spit, in the absence of any outflow islands. A flock of 40 Common Scoters flew west. Waders noted were a single Oystercatcher and an Avocet again on the Marsh Pool. Three Mediterranean Gulls flew west including our first juvenile of the year. Other birds noted included 31 Swifts and 39 Sand Martins west.


Sunny, light northerly wind. The immature Shag returned to the outflow islands. A juvenile Marsh Harrier flew west over the sea at 8.45 am and an adult Cattle Egret flew west at 10 am. Waders noted were four Oystercatchers, the Avocet on the Marsh Pool, a Curlew west and Greenshanks, probably two, heard calling.

A good day for butterflies with 12 species recorded including our first Gatekeepers.

Comma – Geoff Burton
Large White – Geoff Burton


Sunny periods, moderate SW wind. One Great Crested Grebe offshore and the immature Shag reappeared on the out flow islands. Two Avocets were n the Marsh Pool, a Curlew was on the beach and another flew west and there were two Oystercatchers on the beach. There were c25 Mediterranean Gulls around the tidal ponds as well as four Sandwich Terns and two Common Terns. Surprise of the day went to a ringtail Hen Harrier which flew west low over the sea, at 9.35 am, before circling around and being lost to view. There have been no previous records here in the period between April and August.

An Essex Skipper brought our butterfly total to 18 species for the year.

Avocet – Geoff Burton
Essex Skipper – Geoff Burton


A Little Tern which flew east with Sandwich and Common Terns was new for the year although this species has been seen a number of times feeding with other terns to the west off the Street. Flocks of 14 and 18 Common Scoters were also noted.


Sunny, light SW wind. An immature Shag was seen on the sea off the Obs and rested on the “outflow islands” for about 75 minutes before being pushed off by the incoming tide. A party of 12 Oystercatchers flew west, there were three Redshanks along the shoreline and the Avocet reappeared on the Marsh Pool. A party of nine Mediterranean Gulls flew west and there were four Sandwich Terns and two Common Terns offshore. A Marsh Harrier flew west and also noted were four Sand Martins and a Swallow also flying west.

Butterflies noted included a Comma by the scout hut and the Common Seal was again hauled up on the tidal ponds.

Shag – Geoff Burton
Little Egret – Geoff Burton
Common Seal – Geoff Burton


Unusually, a Common Seal was seen basking on the tidal ponds.


Sunny periods, strong westerly wind. There were nine Little Egrets on the beach. An early returning Common Sandpiper was on the Marsh Pool. A group of seven adult Mediterranean Gulls flew west and another was on the Marsh Pool. 13 Sandwich Terns and one Common Tern flew west. Also noted were 13 Swifts flying west.


Cloudy at first then sunny, moderate westerly wind. Six Mute Swans flew SE over the area then back west over the Obs. One Oystercatcher was seen and four Curlews flew west. One Sandwich Tern flew east.

Butterflies noted were Meadow Brown, Small and Large Skipper, Small and Large White, Marbled White and Red Admiral.


Cloudy with a light SW wind. One Gannet flew west and five Common Scoters flew east. There were five Little Egrets and the Marsh Pool where the Avocet was still present.


The Avocet was on the Marsh Pool but flew out east over the sea.


Cloudy and cool at first, sunny and warmer later. Light NW wind. One Grey Heron west and there were five Little Egrets. The Avocet was again on the Marsh Pool, two Curlews flew west and two Turnstones were on the groynes. Two Sandwich Terns and a Common Tern flew east. Also noted were 85 Swifts, a Sand Martins and two Swallows flew west.

Avocet – Geoff Burton

Butterflies included our first Painted Lady of the year, Small and Large Skippers, Small and Green-veined Whites, Meadow Brown and Marbled White.

June 2024

A total of 74 species for the month compared with the ten-year average of 69.9 species. The first month this year to better the ten-year average. However, the total number for the year so far of 132 species is the lowest since 2018. The highlight of the month was the first recorded attempt by a pair of Oystercatchers to nest. First noted sitting on a nest on the shingle ridge on 12th and last noted on 18th. With the amount of routine disturbance on the beach, it was always a slim hope that they would be successful, but it does illustrate the possibilities if that problem could be eliminated. Two new species were added to the year list, a drake Pochard on the shoreline on 25th and a party of c10 Black-tailed Godwits that flew west on 27th. Other birds of note included a singing Sedge Warbler in the Scout Wood on 22nd, an Avocet on the Marsh Pool from 26th and only our second Kingfisher of the year on 27th.

A total of 132 species so far this year

139 species by the same time last year


Sunny, calm and warm. An Oystercatcher offshore, two Curlews west and the Avocet was present on the Marsh Pool from 7.45 to 10 am, at least. Other birds noted included five Great Black-backed Gull, one adult, a Sandwich Tern east, five Swifts and two Swallows. There were 51 Carrion Crows on the beach.

A better morning for butterflies with a Small Tortoiseshell, our first Comma since April, Small Heath, Meadow Brown, Holly Blue, Small Skipper, Marbled White and Small White.

Avocet – Geoff Burton
Marbled White – Geoff Burton


Light cloud and a light SW wind. A flock of eight Little Egrets flew west early morning and there were three on the Marsh Pool. Two Curlews flew west, a flock of c10 Black-tailed Godwits which flew west were new for the year and the Avocet was present again on the Marsh Pool from mid-morning. A Kingfisher ,which flew from the wooden bridge towards Coot Strait, was early for a post-breeding bird. Only the second recorded here in the month of June and only the second record this year, due to the condition of the brook.


Cloudy, light NE wind. Four Gannets flew east, one flew west and two Common Scoters flew east. Waders noted were two Oystercatchers, two Curlews west and an Avocet on the Marsh Pool from midday. Four Mediterranean Gulls and three Sandwich Terns were seen offshore.

Butterflies included Red Admiral and Holly Blue.


A drake Pochard, which came in over the caravan park and settled along the shoreline, was our first of the year.


Sunny with a light westerly wind. There were four Little Egrets along the shoreline, three Mute Swans swam west offshore and one Oystercatcher was seen. Other birds noted were a single Sandwich Tern and three Lesser Whitethroats along the upper brook.

Butterflies included out first Marbled White of the year, Small Skipper, Small White, Small Heath, Speckled Wood and Meadow Brown.

Immature male Kestrel – Geoff Burton
Small Skipper – Geoff Burton


Cloudy, light SW wind. One Curlew which flew west was the only wader of the day. Five adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls circled over the estate and there were three Sandwich Terns offshore. Surprise of the day was a Sedge Warbler singing in the Scout Wood. Only recorded once before in June, in 2008, in contrast to Reed Warbler which has been recorded in eight of the last ten Junes. Also noted were four Swifts and a Swallow.


Sunny after early morning mist, calm. There were two Shelducks on the Marsh Pool and two Teal flew over the area early morning. A Greenshank could be heard in the Therwasearly mist and one Oystercatcher was seen. There were four Sandwich Terns offshore. Also noted were three Swifts, two Sand Martins flew west and two Swallows were feeding over the football pitch.

Butterflies noted included Red Admiral, Small Heath and Holly Blue.


A Grey Heron was on the beach at dawn.

Summer Solstice Sunrise – Graham Blunt


Cloudy, moderate NE wind. There were c20 Gannets offshore and two Common Scoters flew east. The Oystercatchers were still present but showed no interest in the nest site. Possibly as a result of yesterday’s disturbances or other disturbance risks. Two Lapwings and two Redshanks were disturbed from the Marsh Pool and 14 Curlews flew west. Nine Kittiwakes flew west and a large auk sp flew west. Also noted were a Hobby flying NW low over the sea, there were two Swifts, two Skylarks flew south by the Obs and there were three House Martins.


A Fulmar flew west over the Obs and an Avocet flew east. The Oystercatchers were still nesting but the laying of the new pipe and drones were causing them much agitation.


Sunny, warmer with a light westerly wind. A flock of 24 Common Scoters flew west and three broods of Mallard ducklings were noted in the brook (eight full-size, seven large and two small). The Oystercatchers continue nesting, two Curlews rested on the outflow islands before flying off west and a Turnstone was on the beach. A Cuckoo flew west along the promenade (our fourth sighting of the year). Three Lesser Whitethroats along the east bank suggests a successful breeding attempt.

A Large Skipper in the scrub was our 13th butterfly species of the year. Meadow Brown, Holly Blue, Small and Green-veined Whites were also seen.

Large Skipper – Geoff Burton


Sunny but clouding west, over and rain from 10.15 am. Moderate SW wind. There were ten Gannets offshore. The pair of Oystercatchers continue to nest. There were 14 Sandwich Terns offshore. Other birds noted included a single Buzzard, surprisingly the first since April, 50 Swifts west and one Swallow. A juvenile Robin was in the Elm Wood and a Goldfinch sang from a TV aerial in the caravan park.


One Great Crested Grebe offshore and a Little Egret on the Marsh Pool. The Oystercatchers were still nesting and 12 Turnstones were seen. Sandwich Terns were feeding offshore, there were two Swifts and six Swallows flew west.


Sunny, light SW wind. One Great Crested Grebe flew east, three Little Egrets included one flying west and there were three Gadwalls west.The pair of Oystercatchers were still nesting but they were regularly disturbed. Two Sandwich Terns were offshore and also noted were 11 Swifts and three Swallows west, a count of 64 Carrion Crows on the beach and a Meadow Pipit in song and display flight; not seen since April 30th.

Small White and Holly Blue were the only butterflies noted.


Cloudy, light NE wind. One Little Egret was on the Marsh Pool. Broods of seven and two Mallard ducklings were resting on the mud just below the sluice. Also noted were eight Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach and at least two juvenile Long-tailed Tits in the Elm Wood and along the east bank.

Highlight of the day was a pair of Oystercatchers with one bird sitting (on a nest) on the shingle ridge. Displaying Oystercatchers have been present in recent years but this is the first occasion that nesting has been observed. The incubation period for this species is between 24 and 27 days but the level of disturbance on the beach, primarily by dog walkers but others as well, makes the chances of success seem slim. The notice boards request dog walkers to keep off the beach but this is routinely ignore by some. As well as direct danger of the nest being trampled upon, it would be very difficult to see the nest, disturbance of a sitting bird may lead to the eggs becoming cold and infertile and also allow predation by crows or gulls. However, with the help of some sympathetic dog walkers, it is hoped that disturbance can be limited.

Oystercatcher on nest – Geoff Burton


A Little Egret and two Shelducks were on the Marsh Pool. There were two Oystercatchers and a Mediterranean Gull was heard.


A Meadow Brown butterfly, near the marsh this morning, was our 12th species for the year.


Two Great Crested Grebes, two Little Egrets, two Swifts and two Swallows were noted.


There were five Little Egrets, five Mute Swans at the eastern end of the beach, one Oystercatcher and four Swallows noted.


Sunny with a light NW wind. There were three Great Crested Grebes offshore and a Shelduck on the tidal ponds. Two Oystercatchers and a Turnstone were the only waders recorded. Also noted was a Reed Warbler singing in the bushes opposite the Obs.


Sunny, light NW wind. A pair of Shelducks and two Oystercatchers were on the Marsh Pool. There were six Turnstones on the groynes. Two adult Mediterranean Gulls joined the gull feeding frenzy offshore and there were six Great Black-backed Gulls, including two adults, on the beach. Also noted were 10 Swifts, nine Swallows, a Great Spotted Woodpecker along the upper brook, our first Song Thrush since April, a Lesser Whitethroat and two Jays in the churchyard.


Cloudy, light SW wind. A Brent Goose was seen amongst feeding gulls of the Street. Two Oystercatchers flew east, one flew west and there were nine Turnstones on the groynes. One Swift and five Swallows flew west.


Two Avocets flew west at 6.38 am.


Two Fulmars flew west together, two Canada Geese flew SE, a Lapwing was over the marsh and two Stock Doves were on the beach.


Cloudy, cool, fresh NNW wind. A Fulmar flew east, three Gannets flew west and ten flew east, and ten Common Scoters flew west and nine flew east.

May 2024

The total of 80 species for the month was below the ten-year average of 83.5 and the year total of 130 species was below the ten-year average of 133. A cold month dominated by northerly winds. Surprises included unseasonal occurrences of Black Redstart on 23rd and Black-throated Diver on 30th. Neither has been recorded here before in May. No Turtle Doves or Spotted Flycatchers were seen this month.

A total of 130 species so far this year

138 species by this time last year


Cloudy, cool, moderate SW wind. A big surprise this morning was a Black-throated Diver flying high eastwards at 8.20 am. Our first May record of this the scarcest of this winter visitor family of divers. A Fulmar flew west then east, two Gannets flew east and two Shelducks flew west. A Mallard duck with eight fully-grown, if not fledged, ducklings were resting on the mud below the sluice. Not seen for a long time and presumably have been further up the brook. There were 18 Turnstones on the beach, three adult Kittiwakes flew west and there were six Sandwich Terns offshore. Other birds noted included nine Swifts, eight Swallows, four House Martins and two Yellow Wagtails. More activity than we’ve had for some time this May.


Sunny with a light SW wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes offshore, three Oystercatchers and 13 Turnstones and 28 Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach included only one adult. Also noted were one Swift and one Sand Martin west.

Butterflies noted included a female Holly Blue at the Obs.


There were two summer plumage Sanderlings on the beach early morning and 23 Turnstones were counted.


Sunny, light westerly wind. Three Oystercatchers and three Turnstones were noted, 17 Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach included only one adult and two Sandwich Terns flew west. Also noted were two Stock Doves and eight Swifts, one Sand Martin, two Swallows and three House Martins west.


Sunny, light westerly wind. There were four Great Crested Grebes offshore. Two Oystercatchers flew east and there were six Turnstones. A second calendar year Mediterranean Gull flew east. Other birds noted included three Swifts, two Skylarks south over the area and two Sand Martins east.


Sunny periods, light WNW wind. Two Great Crested Grebes and a Gannet were offshore. A flock of 23 Sanderlings landed on one of the “outflow” islands where they remained until pushed off by the rising tide, and 22 Turnstones w48 ere between the groynes. One second calendar year Mediterranean Gull, a second calendar year Common Gull and an adult Kittiwake flew west, there were 21 Great Black-backed Gull on the beach and one Sandwich Tern offshore. Surprise of the was an adult male Black Redstart which flew west by the Obs. Our first of the year and our first ever May record. Other birds noted included 10 Swifts, one Sand Martin, 48 Swallows, six House Martins and a Yellow Wagtail west. A Reed Warbler was singing in the vegetation behind the eastern promenade, a Lesser Whitethroat was seen along the upper brook and a Willow Warbler along the east bank.

Butterflies noted were Holly Blue, Green-veined White and our first two Small Heaths of the year. our 11th species for the year.


Cloudy, light SW wind. One Great Crested Grebe offshore, six Gannets flew west and 11 flew east whilst a drake Eider which landed close inshore was a new species for the year. Two Grey Plovers flew west and two Common Sandpipers were in the brook and on the beach. 24 Great Black-backed Gulls, including only one adult, were on the beach and 13 Sandwich Terns flew west. More vis mig today with our third sighting of Cuckoo for the year, with one west at 6.40 am, 80 Swifts, two Sand Martins, 140 Swallows, 38 House Martins, two Yellow Wagtails and six Goldfinches, all flying west.


Cloudy, cool, light NE wind. One Great Crested Grebe and one Gannet flew west, five Oystercatchers and two Mediterranean Gulls flew east. There were 28 Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach. Other birds noted included 26 Swallows and two House Martins west.


A Cuckoo flew west, circled the area and then flew back east.


Cloudy, cool, light NE wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes offshore, a Fulmar and 30 Gannets, including one flock of 24, flew east, a Greylag Goose came in from the west over the sewage works, and the drake Shelduck was on the Marsh Pool. One Oystercatcher flew east, a Common Sandpiper was on one of the islands created by the work on a new outflow, and there were six Turnstones. There were 25 Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach and three Sandwich Terns offshore. Other birds noted included three Swallows west and a male and two juvenile Pied Wagtails on the grass by the chalets.


A Cuckoo flying west was our first of the year. 15 Common Scoters flew east and there were two Sandwich Terns on the 8 knot buoy.


A Common Sandpiper was in the brook and on the Marsh Pool.


Cloudy, light SE wind. There were three Great Crested Grebes offshore, four Gannets flew east, a Grey Heron came in off the sea and flew SE and the pair of Shelducks were on the Marsh Pool. Amongst the five raptor species recorded were a Marsh Harrier and a Hobby both flying south. Waders noted were two Oystercatchers east, five Sanderlings along the shoreline on the outgoing tide, four Bar-tailed Godwits circling over the beach and a Common Sandpiper in Coot Strait. Two Mediterranean Gulls flew west, a second calendar year Common Gull was offshore and there were 23 Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach including only one adult. Other birds noted included two Skylarks west and four Yellow Wagtails on the shingle ridge. A count of Carrion Crows on the beach came to 50. It seems to have stabilised around that number.

Butterflies noted were Small and Green-veined Whites and two Silver Y moths were also seen.


Sunny, calm. There was one Great Crested Grebe offshore, a Gannet flew east, two Canada Geese flew SE over the caravan park, three Gadwall were on the sea and the pair of Shelducks was on the Marsh Pool. One Turnstone was the only wader noted. there were 19 Great Black-backed Gulls, including two adults, on the beach. Vis mig included five Swifts, five Swallows, a Yellow Wagtail and a Corn Bunting west. There was a Wheatear on the shingle ridge and three Greenfinches flew over the sewage works.

Butterflies noted were Red Admiral, Holly Blue and Green-veined White.

Great Tit – Geoff Burton


A Garden Warbler, singing along the east bank and then in the bushes opposite the Obs, was our first of the year.


Sunny, with some mist offshore, light NE wind. Two Gannets flew east and the drake Shelduck was on the Marsh Pool. Waders noted were one Oystercatcher, seven Bar-tailed Godwits east and four Whimbrel west, a Greenshank heard calling and three Common Sandpipers. There were 11 Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach and an adult Kittiwake flew east.

Small and Green-veined White butterflies noted.


Sunny, warm, with a light SE wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes offshore, two Little Egrets flew west and the pair of Shelducks were on the beach and the Marsh Pool. Three Oystercatchers flew east and a Sanderling was roosting on the groynes with nine Turnstones. There were three immature Great Black-backed Gulls, and a Hobby and a Yellow Wagtail were also noted.

Butterflies noted were Small and Green-veined Whites, Speckled Wood, Holly Blue and Peacock.

Turnstones and Sanderling – Geoff Burton
Speckled Wood – Geoff Burton


Cloudy, cool, light NE wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes offshore and a pair of Shelducks on the Marsh Pool. Waders noted were an Oystercatcher, a Curlew, a Whimbrel flying across the area towards Studd Hill and six Turnstones. One Common Tern flew east and other birds noted included a Stock Dove, and five Swallows and a Yellow Wagtail west. The pair of Mallard seen with 12 ducklings on 6th only had two surviving ducklings today.

Shelducks on the Marsh Pool – Geoff Burton


A Sanderling and two Whimbrel were on the beach and three Swifts (a very late first record of the year) flew west.


Cloudy, light ENE wind. One Great Crested Grebe was offshore, two Gannets flew east and west, and 15 Common Scoters flew east. A pair of Mallard with 12 newly-hatched ducklings were by the sluice. A single Whimbrel was noted, there were nine immature Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach and two Common Terns offshore. Also noted were two Sand Martins east and 11 Swallows and a Yellow Wagtail west. Also a pair of Mallard, with the drake unusually in attendance, and 12 newly-hatched ducklings by the sluice.


Sunny, light SE wind. 11 Gannets flew east and two Shelducks west. A group of seven Common Sandpipers were on the beach early morning and 38 Turnstones roosted between the groynes. There were 16 Great Black-backed Gulls, an adult and 15 immatures, on the beach and eight Sandwich Terns were offshore. Other birds noted included a single Skylark and two Yellow Wagtails and our first Reed Warbler of the year in song in the Scout Wood and along the upper brook.


Cloudy, light SE wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes offshore, nine Gannets flew west, the Brent Goose was again on the beach and a pair of Shelducks were on the Marsh Pool. Waders noted were 13 Oystercatchers flying west, a Common Sandpiper in Coot Strait and 12 Turnstones. Five Mediterranean Gulls flew west, there were two second calendar year Common Gulls and six Great Black-backed Gulls included one adult. A Sandwich Tern and a Common Tern flew west and a large auk species flew east. Five Swallows and a Yellow Wagtail flew west and a Sedge Warbler, singing intermittently along the brook, was a new bird for the year.


Sunny, warmer, calm then light SE wind. There were four Great Crested Grebes offshore, 19 Gannets and seven Common Scoters flew west and a Brent Goose, with an injured wing, was on the beach. Waders noted were six Oystercatchers, a Whimbrel west, three Common Sandpipers and 13 Turnstones. Two Sandwich Terns and two Common Terns were offshore. Other birds noted included, a Skylark, a Sand Martin and two Swallows west.

Small White and Green-veined butterflies were also noted.

Brent Goose – Geoff Burton

Apri1 2024

The total of 91 species for the month was below the ten-year average of 94.9 species and the year list of 121 species is also below the average of 125.5 species, and 11 behind last year’s total. No great surprises this month; the Long-tailed Duck was last seen on 6th and additions to the year list included Redstart on 5th, Ring Ousel on 15th, Firecrest on 18th and Velvet Scoter on 29th.

A total of 121 species so far this year

132 species by the same time last year


Sunny, light SW wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes offshore and four Egyptian Geese were on the beach. Waders included a Grey Plover, that appeared to drop onto the beach, and four Whimbrel. A Hobby that came in-off the sea and headed south and two Ring-necked Parakeets that flew west over the sewage works were both new for the year. Other birds noted included seven Common Terns east and two Yellow Wagtails west.

Egyptian Goose – Geoff Burton


Sunny, warmer, light southerly wind. Bird of the day was a drake Velvet Scoter which, accompanied by a female Common Scoter, came in from the east and landed off the Obs. There have only been two later records of Velvet Scoter in spring, in May 1991 and 1992! They bathed and dived but were soon lost to sight. Three Great Crested Grebes were offshore, a Gannet flew west, a vocal Canada Goose came in from the west, remaining on the sea for a short while and then continuing east. Two Mute Swans, an adult and an immature drifted west along the shoreline then flew west. Presumably, the same birds were seen at Seasalter later that morning. A single Oystercatcher and 29 Turnstones were on the beach. Four adult Mediterranean Gulls flew west and a pair of Sandwich Terns were mating on one of the 8 knot buoys. Other birds noted included ten Swallows and two House Martins, two Wheatears, and a Willow Warbler singing by the Obs.

Canada Goose – Geoff Burton


Cloudy, cool, moderate easterly wind, rain until 8 am. One Great Crested Grebe was offshore, three Gannets flew east and 12 flew west. Waders included one Oystercatcher on the beach, a male summer plumage Bar-tailed Godwit on the Hampton flats and singles of Whimbrel and Curlew. Other birds noted included a Peregrine west over the beach, eight Swallows west and a flock of 15 Goldfinches briefly in trees along Swalecliffe Court Drive.


There were two Whimbrel on the beach, c20 Common Terns offshore and a Red Kite flew west at 10.15 am.


Cloudy, cool, light SW wind. There were three Great Crested Grebes offshore, a Gannet and three Shelducks flew west, an immature Mute Swan flew east, four Greylag Geese flew east and then returned west and another flew west inland. There was a trickle of vis mig with two Sand Martins, three Swallows, three House Martins and two Yellow Wagtails west.


Sunny, cold, fresh NW wind. There were four Great Crested Grebes on the sea by the tidal ponds. Waders noted were a Bar-tailed Godwit and three Whimbrel west and a single Turnstone. Two Mediterranean Gulls flew east, 12 Swallows flew west and a Lesser Whitethroat sang in the bushes opposite the Obs.

Sparrowhawk – Geoff Burton
Jay – Geoff Burton


A Marsh Harrier flew north.


Sunny, cool, light northerly wind. A Fulmar and three Gannets flew east, there were two Egyptian Goose and a Little Egret was on the beach. Waders included an Oystercatcher and a Curlew on the beach, four Dunlin in transitional plumage along the shoreline on the incoming tide and 19 Turnstones between the groynes. Four adult Mediterranean Gulls flew east. Other birds noted included five Swallows and three House Martin, and a Yellow Wagtail west.

Dunlin – Geoff Burton


A Fulmar flew NW over the Obs.


A Brent Goose and two Whimbrel flew west. 44 Swallows and 18 Yellow Wagtails flew west, two Wheatears showed well on the shingle ridge and a Willow Warbler was along the east bank.


Sunny, cool, fresh NNW wind. 18 Gannets flew east, eight Mediterranean Gulls flew west and a pair of Shelducks and a Redshank were on the Marsh Pool. A Firecrest which showed briefly near the entrance of the sewage works was new for the year. Other birds noted included four Swallows, a Yellow Wagtail and two singing Lesser Whitethroats.


Sunny periods, cool, fresh NW wind. Seven Gannets flew east, a pair of Shelducks on the Marsh Pool flew east, and a duck Mallard with nine ducklings were in the middle brook. Waders noted included our first three Whimbrel of the year west, two Curlews west, two Oystercatchers and two Redshanks and a Snipe on the Marsh Pool. Eight Mediterranean Gull and seven adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls flew west. Visible migration included two Sand Martins, 11 Swallows and six House Martins, five Yellow Wagtails, 96 Goldfinches and six Siskins.

Butterflies appeared in sheltered sunny spots and included our first Green-veined White of the year, Speckled Wood, Peacock and Orange-tip.

Green-veined White – Geoff Burton


Cloudy, cooler, showers, fresh SW wind. There were three Great Crested Grebes offshore, a Grey Heron and four Shelducks flew west and a Little Egret was on the Marsh Pool. Waders on the beach were four Oystercatchers, a Sanderling and a Redshank and 37 Turnstones. Eight adult Mediterranean Gulls flew west and there were seven immature Great Black-backed Gulls and two Sandwich Terns on the beach. Also noted were a Red Kite west, five Swallows west, a Lesser Whitethroat singing in the bushes opposite the Obs, a Willow Warbler singing in the NW corner of the sewage works and 18 Goldfinches and two Corn Buntings west.


Our first Lesser Whitethroat of the year was in the churchyard.


Sunny, warm, with a light SW wind. Bird of the day was a male Ring Ousel which flew into the trees at the front of the sewage works at 7.25 am, then crossed the area, pausing briefly in a tree within the caravan park, before typically disappearing. Our first since October 2022 but recorded in six of the previous ten years. Other birds noted included a male Marsh Harrier west low over the sea, ten Oystercatchers and a Dunlin on the beach, a Swallow and 55 Goldfinches west.

A good butterfly morning with seven species including our first Holly Blue of the year, Orange-tip, Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Wood and Brimstone.


Cloudy, light westerly wind. Four Great Crested Grebes were offshore and three Shelducks flew west. Three immatures Mute Swan resting in the shallows by the tidal ponds drifted west (later were off the pumping station at Seasalter). Waders included three Oystercatchers and four Redshanks were on the beach. Other birds included two Ravens flying south beyond the estate, two Stock Doves in the grassland, two Swallows west and a Willow Warbler singing in the bushes opposite the Obs.


Sunny, calm. Two Great Crested Grebes and a flock of eight Common Scoters were offshore, six Gannets flew west, returning east about an hour later, and one Mute Swan and a Shelduck flew west. Waders included 115 Turnstones, four Sanderlings and three Dunlin roosting between the groynes, a Snipe and seven Redshanks on the Marsh Pool and 15 Curlews west. Other birds noted included six adult Mediterranean Gulls west, a Red Kite and five Buzzards, a Sand Martin and two Swallows west, and ten Goldfinches, a Siskin and a Reed Bunting west.

Butterflies noted were Small White, Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral and Orange-tip.


Sunny periods, light SW wind. A Red-throated Diver and six Gannets flew east, there were seven Great Crested Grebes offshore, two Egyptian Geese, our first of the year, flew north over the sewage works, and a party of five Canada Geese and a Greylag Goose circled over the area. Two Gadwall flew west and there was a brood of eight Mallard ducklings on the Marsh Pool. Waders included our first Bar-tailed Godwit flying west amongst a flock of Curlews, three Sanderlings, three Dunlin and six Redshanks on the beach whilst one Snipe was visible on the Marsh Pool. Other birds noted included our first Yellow Wagtail of the year, west, two Swallows west, three Wheatears on the shingle ridge and our first Whitethroat in song in the scrub.


Cloudy, warm, strong southerly wind. There were five Great Crested Grebes offshore, six Gannets and one Common Scoter flew east and a single Brent Goose was on the beach. A Greenshank hunkered down on the tidal ponds, was our first of the year and the earliest for the site. It flew off west at 7.52 am as the tide rose. Two adult Mediterranean Gulls and seven Sandwich Terns flew west. Other birds noted included a Sand Martin, three Swallows and our first two House Martins of the year, two Wheatears on the shingle ridge, two Rooks south Siskin amongst a strong westerly movement of 105 Goldfinches.

Small White and Brimstone butterflies were noted.


A local resident found, and photographed, a male Common Redstart in his garden.


Sunny, with some light rain and a moderate SW wind. Two Great Crested Grebes were offshore, three Gannets flew west, two Pintail and two Common Scoters flew east. The Long-tailed Duck appeared offshore late morning. Waders included five Oystercatchers, a Sanderling and the Purple Sandpiper on the beach and five Snipe and six Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. Three second calendar year Common Gulls and five Sandwich Terns flew west and eight Great Black-backed Gulls were on the beach. A Redwing along the east bank was only our second this year. Also noted were three Swallows and three Rooks flying west.

Sandwich Tern – Andy Taylor


Cloudy; light rain, light SW wind. There were five Great Crested Grebes offshore, a single Brent Goose was on the beach and two Shelducks and a pair of Shovelers flew west. The Long-tailed Duck was again offshore from 8.35 am. Waders included seven Oystercatchers, a Ringed Plover, six Sanderlings, the Purple Sandpipers and 40 Turnstones on the beach. There were nine Great Black-backed Gulls, three adults and six immatures, on the beach. Also noted was a single Swallow west.


Two Canada Geese flew north and six Pintail flew east. Waders included a single Ringed Plover and 60 Sanderlings. Also noted were a Stock Dove, a Willow Warbler singing in the sewage works and a Jay.


Sunny, light SW wind. There was a single Red-throated Diver and four Great Crested Grebes offshore, nine Brent Geese on the beach, three Shelducks flew east, a pair on the Marsh Pool earlier, four Shovelers flew west and a Common Scoter flew east. Waders included an Avocet east and eight Sanderlings and the Purple Sandpiper on the beach. A Marsh Harrier flew west and three adult Mediterranean Gulls circled over the Obs. Other birds noted included a Jay, two Rooks and a Corn Bunting on the grassland bushes which flew high to the west.

Small Tortoiseshell – Geoff Burton

Brimstone and Small Tortoiseshell butterflies were at the Obs.

March 2004

Statistically, it was a very average month with 85 species recorded (ten-year average 84.6) and the a three-month total of 104 species (ten-year average 103.1). A total of 15 species were added during the month including our third ever Red-legged Partridge on 9th, two Ravens and a Kingfisher on 18th, our earliest ever Willow Warbler on 20th and a Long-tailed Duck from 26th.

A total of 104 species so far this year

109 species by this time last year


Cloudy, cool with a light SE wind. There were four Great Crested Grebes offshore, two Shelducks flew east, another west, and the Long-tailed Duck dropped in in front of the Obs at 9.20 am. Five of the larger auk species flew east.


Cloudy, calm. There were four Red-throated Divers and ten Great Crested Grebes offshore and the Long-tailed Duck was offshore all morning at least. Waders included a Grey Plover (not the injured bird that wintered here) and 11 Curlews on the Hampton flats. Three adult Mediterranean Gulls flew west and other birds noted included two Buzzards, two Stock Doves and three Siskins that flew south over the upper brook.


The Long-tailed Duck was reported again and there three Sandwich Terns offshore in the afternoon.

Chiffchaff – Andy Taylor


Sunny, freshening SW wind. One Red-throated Diver flew east, another was offshore with two Great Crested Grebes. Four Brent Geese flew west and two Shelducks flew east and west and the Long-tailed Duck was again present offshore. Waders included nine Oystercatchers, eight Sanderlings, eight Dunlin and 22 Turnstones on the beach, six Curlews and seven Redshanks on Hampton flats and two Snipe visible on the Marsh Pool. Two adult Mediterranean Gulls flew west. A Grey Wagtail was along the middle brook by the sluice.


The Long-tailed Duck was still present.

Buzzard – Andy Taylor


Sunny, calm. There were four Red-throated Divers and seven Great Crested Grebes offshore. A Long-tailed Duck offshore was the first of the year. One was seen regularly from early November until 23rd December, and then off the Tankerton slopes until 6th January, and one has been recorded regularly in the Swale off Elmley and Murston up to the present. It has not been clear how many individuals were involved but there are at least two birds present. Nine Shelducks flew west. Waders included a Sanderling and nine Dunlin, nine Redshanks on the Marsh Pool and 26 Turnstones between the groynes. Other birds noted included three Buzzards and three Chiffchaffs were singing.


A Red Kite over the caravan park was new for the year.


Two Swallows, six Stock Doves, a flock of 15 Jackdaws and our first two Siskins of the year were noted.


Cloudy and calm. There were three Red-throated Divers offshore, a Shelduck flew west and there were 57 Brent Geese on the beach. Waders included 15 Sanderlings, the Purple Sandpiper and ten Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. A Great Spotted Woodpecker in trees south of the caravan park was only our second of the year. A Blackcap was singing in the Elms Wood and five Greenfinches flew overhead.


Sunny, warm, calm. There were c25 Red-throated Divers offshore and a single Great Northern Diver. 5 Greylag Geese flew SE in off the sea, a Shelduck, a Pintail and a Common Scoter flew west and there were 44 Brent Geese on the beach. Waders included 112 Sanderlings roosting between the groynes and the Purple Sandpiper. A Willow Warbler, singing in the bushes opposite the Obs, was our earliest recorded here. Other birds noted included our first Swallow of the year, a Stock Dove, a Blackcap and five Chiffchaffs and a Reed Bunting.

Two Peacock butterflies were also seen.


Two Avocets flew west. Another addition to the year list. Five Pintail and two Shovelers flew east. An increase in Sanderling, with a total of 73 birds, suggests a passage movement. Also some evidence of vis mig with 16 Stock Doves and 60 Goldfinches flying west.


Sunny, warmer, light SW wind. There were four Red-throated Divers offshore, two Shelducks flew west whilst waders included 17 Sanderlings and the Purple Sandpiper. Of particular note were our first two Ravens of the year, which flew SE over the caravan park, and Kingfisher, not seen previously this winter because of the soil-laden state of the brook; a combination of heavy rains the housing estates being built along its course. Also noted were six adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls on the beach, three Chiffchaffs, and another year tick in the form of a Greenfinch heading west over the Obs.

Butterflies noted included two Brimstones, Peacock and Small White.


Sunny and calm. There were four Red-throated Divers and three Red-breasted Mergansers offshore, five Canada Geese, five Greylag Geese and two Shelducks flew east, six Shovelers flew west and there were 28 Brent Geese along the shoreline. Waders included a single Ringed Plover, eight Sanderlings and the Purple Sandpiper. Other birds noted included a female Blackcap along the upper brook, our first of the year, three Chiffchaffs an two Rooks in-off the sea and south over the Obs.

Peacock and Small White butterflies were noted.


A Great Northern Diver and three Red-breasted Mergansers were noted offshore.


Cloudy, mild (up to 13 degrees C), light SW wind. A Cattle Egret which flew west with a Little Egret low over the sea, was a first for the year. Two Canada Geese and flocks of eight and 25 Pintail flew east, a Shelduck flew west and there were eight Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. Other birds noted included an adult Mediterranean Gull, three Skylarks, two Reed Buntings and two Corn Buntings west and nine Linnets on the coastal path.


Cloudy, milder with a moderate SW wind. There were four Red-throated Divers, eight Great Crested Grebes and five Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. 87 Brent Geese scattered along the shoreline and a Teal flew west. Waders included two Lapwings west low over the sea, three Sanderlings and 30 Dunlin. Nine Mediterranean Gulls flew west. Other birds noted included three Meadow Pipits, including one in display flight over the coastal path, a Chiffchaff and two Reed Buntings.


A Wigeon flew west, waders included six Ringed Plovers, a Grey Plover and the Purple Sandpiper a Little Gull flew east.


Cloudy, murky, light NW wind. A Red-throated Diver flew east, a Great Crested Grebe offshore, a drake Common Scoter flew west and there were 20 Brent Geese on the beach. Waders included 12 Oystercatchers the beach and ten Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. Other birds included a Mediterranean Gull west, two Stocks Doves on the beach and a Song Thrush in song in the bushes opposite the Obs.


Sunny, light SE wind. Two Red-throated Divers, a Gannet and 20 Common Scoters flew east, three Shelducks flew west, a drake Shoveler was on the sea west of the tidal ponds, and a pair were later off the Obs, and a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers were on the tidal ponds with a drake off the Obs. Surprise of the day, however, was a Red-legged Partridge which flew west in front of the Obs, appearing to drop onto the beach, but was not seen again in the face of the oncoming park run! This was only the third live record of this species after birds recorded in April 2004 and 2006. A dead bird was found on the beach several years ago. Other birds recorded included three Ringed Plovers, a Jay in the Elm Wood and two Rooks in-off the sea and heading south by the Obs.

Kestrel – Geoff Burton


A quiet morning. Birds noted included a Stock Dove, a Skylark flying south over the foot ball pitch, two Long-tailed Tits and a Reed Bunting.


Cloudy, calm. There were c20 Red-throated Divers and c15 Great Crested Grebes offshore and 14 Shelducks and four Pintail flew east. Waders included four Ringed Plovers, 15 Sanderlings and the Purple Sandpiper. Other birds noted included four adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls in flight over the area, three Meadow Pipits and a Jay.


A Great Northern Diver was on the sea, a Knot was on the beach and the Purple Sandpiper was on the groynes.


Sunny and calm. There were ten Great Crested Grebes and four Red-breasted Mergansers offshore, a duck Shelduck was on the sea close inshore and there were four Little Egrets on the beach. The Purple Sandpiper was in the bay but only four Ringed Plovers were seen. Other birds included two Skylarks, west and south, and six Linnets.

A Red Admiral briefly at the Obs was our first butterfly of the year.


Cloudy with showers and a fresh southerly wind. One Red-throated Diver, three Great Crested Grebes and seven Red-breasted Mergansers were noted offshore. A Marsh Harrier west close inshore at 9.40 am was only our second of the year.


A Fulmar flying west at 7.10 am was our first of the year, Red-breasted Mergansers were noted offshore and the Purple Sandpiper was still present at the east end of the beach.

February 2024

A total of 71 species was well below the ten-year average for the month of 77 species. Also, the year total of 89 species was below the ten-year average of 92.6 species. The Red-necked Grebe was seen on and off up to 17th, a Slavonian Grebe was reported on 15th, a Corn Bunting and a Merlin were seen on 22nd, a high count of ten Common Buzzards, including a flock of seven circling together, on 24th and the Purple Sandpiper was present throughout.

A total of 89 species so far this year

100 species by this time last year


Cloudy, light southerly wind. There were two Red-throated Divers, seven Great Crested Grebes and five Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. One Greylag Goose flew west and there were six Little Egrets on the tidal ponds.


One Shelduck flew west and there were five Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. There were four Little Egrets and a Grey Heron and the Grey Plover was again on the beach.


Sunny, cool, light NE wind. One Red-throated Diver flew east, there were seven Great Crested Grebes offshore, two redhead Red-breasted Mergansers landed on the sea by the tidal ponds and there were two Shelducks on the Marsh Pool. Other birds noted included a Jay along the east bank and a Chaffinch in song along the upper brook.


Sunny, cold, calm. There were three Red-throated Divers, a Great Northern Diver, 10 Great Crested Grebes and five Red-breasted Mergansers offshore and c200 Brent Geese along the shoreline. Waders included 45 Oystercatchers, eight Ringed Plovers and the Purple Sandpiper on the beach. Seven Buzzards circled over Studd Hill together at 11 am, with another three at 11.45 am. Other birds noted included the pair of Stonechats in the scrub, a Chiffchaff along the east bank with snatches of song heard and a Jay in the Scout Wood.


An adult Gannet flew east, there were five Red-breasted Mergansers offshore and a Chiffchaff, down the brook, was the first recorded this month.


Cloudy, drizzle then rain, moderate southerly wind. A Corn Bunting, bush-hopping through the grassland, waas our first of the year, as was a Merlin which came in off the sea and headed SE over the caravan park. Two adult Gannets flew east and other birds noted included an adult Mediterranean Gull on the beach and 12 Linnets over the grassland.


Cloudy, light SW wind. There were six Great Crested Grebes and a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. Waders included the Purple Sandpiper on the groynes and 40 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool.

Purple Sandpiper – Geoff Burton


Cloudy, light southerly wind. The Red-necked Grebe, c10 Great Crested Grebes, three Red-throated Divers and six Red-breasted Mergansers wee offshore. A Grey Heron flew west over the sea, our first of the month, and six adult Mediterranean Gulls were three on the beach and three flying west. The Purple Sandpiper was present in the bay.


Cloudy, mild with a light southerly wind. The Red-necked Grebe, c10 Great Crested Grebes and six Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore and a Slavonian Grebe was reported by Alan Wells. Waders included the Grey Plover on the beach and there was also an adult Mediterranean Gull on the beach. Other birds noted included the male Stonechat, and a Jay in the Scout Wood.


Cloudy, rain showers, light southerly wind. The Red-necked Grebe was offshore, eight days after it had last been seen here. One Red-throated Diver and a Shelduck flew west, there were six Great Crested Grebes and four Red-breasted Mergansers offshore, and a Little Grebe and an adult Mediterranean Gull were on the beach. Other birds noted included the male Stonechat and 12 Linnets.


Sunny, light westerly wind. Two Mute Swans came in off the sea, returning and flying off west, and there were six Red-breasted Merganser offshore. Other birds noted included an adult Mediterranean Gull flying west, a Skylark and eight Goldfinches.


Sunny and calm, then cloudy with a light southerly wind. A flock of 40 Red-throated Divers flew west, with many more on the sea. Two Shelduck flew east, six Common Scoters flew west and one drake Red-breasted Merganser was offshore. Waders included 50 Oystercatchers on the beach at high tide and the Purple Sandpiper on the concrete platform. Other birds noted included an adult Mediterranean Gull west, the pair of Stonechats, a Jay and two Rooks flying west.


There was no sign of the Red-necked Grebe but a drake Gadwall was on the sea drifting west late morning.


Cloudy, fresh SW wind. The Red-necked Grebe was present for its seventh day. A Greylag Goose flew NW over the area, a Teal flew west and there were four Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. Waders included six Golden Plovers west over the sea and the Purple Sandpiper and 77 Sanderlings in the bay at the eastern end of the beach. Other birds noted included a Mediterranean Gull on the football pitch and a Grey Wagtail by the sluice.

Grey Wagtail – Geoff Burton


There were three Rooks on our beach. Our first of the year.


Sunny with a light SW wind. The Red-necked Grebe continued its stay, there were 144 Brent Geese on the beach, four Shelducks flew east, and three flew west and two drake Red-breasted Mergansers. Waders included the Purple Sandpiper and 73 Sanderlings in the bay at the eastern end of the beach. A Jay was present in the Elm Wood and a Chaffinch sang at Lang Court.


The Red-necked Grebe was still present.


Sunny, light NW wind. The Red-necked Grebe was present for its second day. There were 112 Brent Geese on the beach, three Shelducks flew west but only one drake Red-breasted Merganser was seen offshore. Waders included the Grey Plover and Purple Sandpiper on the beach and three Knot flying west close inshore. Other birds of note included our first Reed Bunting of the year, a male, a Skylark and a Grey Wagtail.

January 2024

A total of 82 species for the month, aided by an additional four species on the last day, was still below the ten-year average of 83.5 species. A quiet month generally, the Purple Sandpiper remained all month but the Long-tailed Duck preferred the Tankerton slopes to the west before disappearing with the cold spell early in the month, and wasn’t seen on site. A Hen Harrier west on 27th (mot recorded last year) and a Red-necked Grebe on 31st (only one last year) were probably the birds of the month.

A total of 82 species so far this year

86 species by this time last year


Cloudy, light westerly wind. It was a surprisingly good last day of the month. A flock of 23 White-fronted Geese flew east early morning, and another three flew east with a flock of c30 Greylag Geese. A Redwing was seen flying around the pigloos. A Red-necked Grebe, seen off the Obs from 10 am onwards was bird of the day, two adult Mute Swans flew east and, finally, three Gadwall were on the sea off the skate park at about midday. A haul of five new species for the year! In addition, there was one Great Northern Diver offshore, three Shelducks and a drake Pintail flew west and there were five Red-breasted Mergansers offshore.


A Tufted Duck flew east at 7.48 am. Our first of the year.


Cloudy, light southerly wind. Seven Shelducks and a pair of Pintails flew west and ten Red-breasted Mergansers on the sea included two redheads. Waders included the Grey Plover and Purple Sandpiper on the beach and a Knot which circled over the beach. There were also seven Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach.


Sunny, light SW wind. A ringtail Hen Harrier flew high over the sea towards Sheppey at 10.20 am. New for the year and our first since November 2022. There were 20+ Red-throated Divers, four Great Crested Grebes and eight Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. An adult Gannet flew east and c250 Brent Geese were along the shoreline. Waders included the “resident” limping Grey Plover. Other birds noted included two Grey Wagtails, the female Stonechat and six Long-tailed Tits.


Eight Teal flew west and Kestrel and Peregrine were also noted.


Cloudy, light southerly wind. Eight Common Scoters flew east and one drake Red-breasted Merganser was offshore. Waders included 36 Oystercatchers, one Grey Plover, ten Lapwing west low over the sea and 13 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. Other birds noted included the pair of Stonechats, a Jay in flight between the Elm Wood and the churchyard and nine Linnets along the coastal path.


Sunny, milder, moderate westerly wind. There were three drake Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. Waders included 35 Oystercatchers on the shingle ridge at high tide, three Golden Plovers west close inshore, 41 Sanderlings in the bay and ten Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. An adult Mediterranean Gull was on the sea.


Sunny, mild, strong SW wind. There were 24 Red-throated Divers, a Great Northern Diver, three Great Crested Grebes and a Red-breasted Merganser offshore. Waders included 77 Golden Plovers, 46 Sanderlings and the Purple Sandpiper. Other birds noted included one Little Grebe, a Grey Wagtail and 11 Goldfinches.


Sunny, frost, light SW wind. Two Great Crested Grebes flew west, a Gannet flew east and there was one drake Red-breasted Merganser offshore. Waders included six Lapwings west low over the sea and the Purple Sandpiper in the bay. A Rock Pipit on the beach by the skate park was new for the year. Other birds noted included a Song Thrush in the scrub and ten Goldfinches by the changing rooms.


A Ruff flew west over the Obs and the sewage works. New for the year and unusual here in winter.


Sunny, cold, light NW wind. A Great Northern Diver flew east, three Shelducks flew west and there were three drake Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. Waders included c30 Golden Plovers west and the Grey Plover and Purple Sandpiper on the beach. A Guillemot flew west close inshore. Other birds noted included a Skylark over the area and a Grey Wagtail.


A Song Thrush in the bushes opposite the Obs was our first of the year.


A Marsh Harrier flew west at 8.45 am.


Sunny, cold, moderate NE wind. One Great Northern Diver flew west and there were four Great Crested Grebes and three Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. Waders included one Grey Plover west, the Purple Sandpiper, c40 Snipe and 22 Redshanks in the marsh. Also noted was a Grey Wagtail by the sluice and 15 Goldfinches.


Three Golden Plovers flew west over the tidal ponds and 11 flew NW over the caravan park and marsh. Our first of the year.


Cloudy, cold, light NW wind. There were six Great Crested Grebes, four Teal and three Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. The Grey Plover was on the beach. A female Great Spotted Woodpecker in the Elm Wood was new for the year and the pair of Stonechats were still present.

Stonechat – Geoff Burton


A flock of ten Shovelers were on the sea off the coastal path and seven drake Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore. There were two Grey Herons and the Purple Sandpiper was also seen.


Sunny, light NE wind. A Great Northern Diver flew east, a Shelduck and a Common Scoter flew west and a single drake Red-breasted Merganser was offshore. Waders included 64 Dunlin betwewn the groynes and the Purple Sandpiper. Three Kittiwakes flew east and a first-winter lingered close inshore. Three unidentified large auks flew east. Other birds noted included the male Stonechat, our first Goldcrest of the year, a Jay sunning and preening itself on the edge of the Scout Wood and a party of 12 Magpies along the east bank.

Kittiwake – Andy Taylor
Little Gull – Andy Taylor
Jay – Geoff Burton


Sunny, cold with some frost, fresh NE wind. 103 Red-throated Divers, a Great Northern Diver and five Great Crested Grebes flew east. There were six drake Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. Waders included the Purple Sandpiper, an adult Little Gull and a Kittiwake flew west. Two Long-tailed Tits by the scout hut were new for the year.


There were three Teal on the Marsh Pool and a Knot flew east. Both additions to the year list.


Cloudy, cold with a little snow, fresh NE wind. A Gannet and an adult Little Gull flew east, there were four drake Red-breasted Mergansers on the sea offshore and six Shelducks were in flight offshore.


Sunny, cold, moderate northerly wind. Four Gannets flew east and two Kittiwakes flew west. Only one drake Red-breasted Merganser was seen offshore. Waders on the beach included 50 Sanderlings and the Purple Sandpiper. A Grey Wagtail by the sluice was our first of the year.


Sunny, moderate to light SW wind. A Great Northern Diver flew west, there were 11 Great Crested Grebes and seven drake Red-breasted Mergansers offshore and a Common Scoter flew east. Unusually, a Greylag Goose lingered on the beach all morning. The Purple Sandpiper was present and an adult Mediterranean Gull was on the beach. Other birds noted included the pair of Stonechats and a Chiffchaff calling by the Obs.


Sunny with a light SW wind. A Great Northern Diver fishing offshore was tracked closely by an adult Great Black-backed Gull. There were also seven Great Crested Grebes and nine drake Red-breasted Mergansers offshore and a single Gannet flew east. A Kestrel was the first seen here since November 25th and a Stock Dove, which flew west, was also our first since November 9th.


Cloudy, mild with a moderate SW wind. Six Red-throated Divers flew west, two Great Norther Divers, 17 Great Crested Grebes and four drake Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore. There were three Little Egrets, a Grey Heron and c50 Brent Geese on the beach and flocks of eight Pintail and 17 Common Scoters flew west. Waders included 72 Ringed Plovers roosting between the groynes, the limping Grey Plover and the Purple Sandpiper. One Mediterranean Gull flew south over the area. Other birds noted included the pair of Stonechats, a Chiffchaff and a Jay.

A modest total of 52 species recorded on the first day of the year.

December 2023

A total of only 76 species during the month was well below the average of 85.6 over the previous ten year period, when total ranged from 79 to 94 species. There were no additions to the year list during the month. The Long-tailed Duck continued throughout the month although, latterly, was more often seen off the Tankerton slopes, the Purple Sandpiper was present throughout and a Great White Egret on 14th was the second of the year and the eighth record for the site.

A total of 167 species so far this year

171 species by this time last year


Cloudy, some light rain, moderate SW wind. There were six Great Crested Grebes and seven drake Red-breasted Mergansers offshore and a Great Northern Diver flew east. Waders included 51 Oystercatchers roosting on the spit, 32 Ringed Plovers, 52 Sanderlings and the Purple Sandpiper in the bay and 22 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. Other birds noted included a Jay along the east bank and ten Goldfinches in the Scout Wood.


Cloudy with a moderate SW wind. There were six Red-throated Divers, one Great Northern Diver, seven Great Crested Grebes and ten drake Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. Waders included 46 Oystercatchers, 31 Ringed Plovers and 71 Sanderlings on the beach. Also noted were six Goldfinches in Scout Wood and eight Linnets along the coastal path.

Red-throated Divers – Geoff Burton


Strong SSW wind. There were 20 Great Crested Grebes to the east of the tidal ponds and six Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. The Grey Plover was present and a Razorbill flew east.


Cloudy, mild. There were three Red-throated Divers, a Great Northern Diver, a Great Crested Grebe and three drake Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. Two Gannets flew east and the Long-tailed Duck flew west by the Obs. Waders included 57 Sanderlings along the shoreline, 50 Ringed Plovers and 50 Dunlin roosting between the groynes and the Purple Sandpiper on the groynes. One adult Lesser Black-backed Gull and two adult Great Black-backed Gulls were on the beach. Other birds noted included one Meadow Pipit, two Pied Wagtails on the football pitch and a Chiffchaff along the east bank


There were three Red-throated Divers, a Great Northern Diver and a drake Red-breasted Merganser offshore and 130 Brent Geese on the beach. Waders included 60 Sanderlings and the Purple Sandpiper in the bay, 71 Ringed Plovers roosting amongst the pebbles on the beach, 40 Golden Plover flying west close inshore and 20 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. Other birds noted included a Grey Wagtail by the sluice and ten Linnets on the shingle ridge.


A Great Northern Diver and nine Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore.


Cloudy, light westerly wind. There was one Great Northern Diver and six drake Red-breasted Mergansers offshore and a Teal and ten Common Scoters flew west. An increase in the numbers of Brent Geese with 220 on the beach and there were two Grey Herons on the tidal ponds. Waders included 48 Oystercatchers roosting on the spit and other birds noted were the pair of Stonechats, a Goldcrest and 18 Goldfinches.


The Long-tailed Duck was on the sea behind the tidal ponds.


Cloudy, light westerly wind. One Great Northern Diver flew west and three Great Crested Grebes, the two duck Eiders and seven drake Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore. There were 60 Brent Geese on the beach and 32 Wigeon flew west. Waders include the Purple Sandpiper along the shoreline, c40 Snipe flushed from the Marsh Pool during a WEBS count and 58 Curlews heading towards their roost at Studd Hill. A Great White Egret that flew SE over the caravan park at 1..45 am was our second record of the year and our eighth in total for the site. Other birds noted included a Grey Wagtail by the sluice, the pair of Stonechats, and a Chiffchaff at the Obs.


Cloudy, moderate northerly wind. There was one Great Crested Grebe and two duck Eiders offshore and a Common Scoter flew east. Other birds noted included one Kittiwake east, a Grey Wagtail along the middle brook and 23 Goldfinches in trees by the wooden bridge.


Sunny periods, light SW wind. Seven Red-throated Divers and two Shelducks flew west, one Gannet, two Mute Swans and a flock of 25 female/immature Common Scoters flew east, and one Great Crested Grebe and a duck Eider were offshore. Waders included 27 Oystercatchers on the beach, c100 Golden Plovers flying west low over the sea, and 48 Sanderlings and the Purple Sandpiper along the shoreline. An adult Mediterranean Gull flew south over the caravan park and a first calendar year flew west. Other birds noted included a Sparrowhawk, the pair of Stonechats, a Chiffchaff calling behind the skate park, a Jay along the upper brook and six Linnets.


The Long-tailed Duck flew east and landed on the sea by the caravan park.


Two Shelducks, 13 visible Snipe on the Marsh Pool and the pair of Stonechats were noted.


Cloudy, light rain at first, moderate SE wind. There were four Red-throated Divers and five Great Crested Grebes offshore and 10+ Gannets with Cormorants fishing offshore. There was one drake Red-breasted Merganser offshore. Waders included 41 Sanderlings along the shoreline and a Grey Plover and the Purple Sandpiper. Other birds noted included a Chiffchaff at the Obs and four Linnets along the coastal path.


Sunny, calm with a touch of frost. 13 Red-throated Divers and 58 Common Scoters flew east, two Greylag Geese, five Shelducks and the Long-tailed Duck flew west. The Purple Sandpiper was along the shoreline. Other birds noted included two Chiffchaffs and a Goldcrest, a Rook flying west, a Greenfinch and a Reed Bunting.


Cloudy, cold, light SE wind. A Great Northern Diver east of the tidal ponds flew off west. There were two Red-throated Divers, seven Great Crested Grebes, two duck Eiders, the Long-tailed Duck and a drake Red-breasted Merganser offshore. An increase in Great Black-backed Gulls with 22 adults, mostly on the tidal ponds. Other birds noted included a Buzzard drifting west behind the church, a Great Spotted Woodpecker along the upper brook, the pair of Stonechats, a Song Thrush and a Goldcrest.


Cloudy cold (0-1 degree C), light NW wind. There was one Red-throated Diver offshore, two Wigeon and four Teal, nine Pintail flew west and a group of eight were on the sea drifting west. The Long-tailed Duck was asleep within the arms of the tidal ponds, a Common Scoter was offshore and seven drake Red-breasted Mergansers were on the sea off the Obs. Waders included a Lapwing, which dropped onto the beach, and two Grey Plovers. Other birds noted included a Little Grebe at the mouth of the brook, a Grey Wagtail, a male Stonechat, a Song Thrush, a Chiffchaff and a Goldcrest and a Jay.


Cloudy, cold, rain and hail showers, light NE wind. Two Red-throated Divers flew east, there were three Little Egrets, seven Teal on the tidal ponds and a flock of 12 flew west and five drake Red-breasted Mergansers offshore.

November 2023

A total of 167 species so far this year

The total of 99 species for month was a little below the ten-year average of 102.2 species. There were only three additions to the year list. A Long-tailed Duck on 3rd remained all month. Our fifth record but the only one that has stayed around. It was joined by a second bird on 17th. A Sooty Shearwater that flew west then back east on 21st was our first record since October 2017. It was also seen at Shellness and Reculver. Three Great White Egrets flew NW on 22nd. Our seventh record and the sixth in the last 5 years. It was also our first multiple occurrence. Mild weather during the month saw four species of butterfly: Speckled Wood, Red Admiral, Clouded Yellow and Peacock. Our first November records of Speckled Wood and Clouded Yellow and our our first November butterfly records since 2015.

169 species by this time last year


Cloudy, cold, showers, light NE wind. 67 Red-throated Divers flew east and a Great Northern Diver was offshore. Two shelducks and six Teal flew west, the Long-tailed Duck flew west, at 8.40 and 10.55 am, four Common Scoters flew east and a duck Eider and six Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore. There were 47 Oystercatchers and two Grey Plovers on the beach. Small passerines seem rather scarce but the pair of Stonechats are still present.


Sunny, cold, light northerly wind. There were 51 Brent Geese on the beach, three Shelducks flew west, a duck Eider was offshore, the Long-tailed Duck flew east and west by the Obs, four Common Scoters flew west and a duck was with Great Crested Grebes offshore, a redhead Red-breasted Merganser flew west and a drake was offshore. Waders included 25 Sanderlings along the shoreline and the Purple Sandpiper between the groynes. Other birds included a Short-eared Owl in off the sea at 8.200 am which dropped into the scrub (our third this month), Kingfisher, two Chiffchaffs and seven Goldfinches.


Wildfowl included 43 Brent Geese, four Shelducks and two Gadwall west, Wigeon, two Teal, two Pintail and the long-staying Long-tailed Duck (for its 26th day). Waders included 74 Lapwings, 53 Curlews, 42 Snipe flushed from the Marsh Pool and the Purple Sandpiper. Three Little Gulls flew west, there were 13 Great Black-backed Gulls and a Razorbill. Other birds noted included three Fieldfares that landed briefly on the coastal path, Grey Wagtail, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and ten Linnets.


Cloudy, some rain, light WSW wind. Three Red-throated Divers flew west, a Great Northern Diver and six Great Crested Grebes were offshore. A drake Shoveler flew west, 18 Common Scoters flew east and a duck Eider was offshore. Waders included 41 Oystercatchers on the beach and the Purple Sandpiper was roosting with other small waders between the groynes. Two adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls flew west inland and a Mediterranean Gull was amongst the caravan park’s pigloos. Also noted were a Grey Wagtail and a female Stonechat.


Sunny, cold, moderate NW wind. Wildfowl included 14 Shelducks, eight Wigeon, two Teal, two Common Scoters and two redhead Red-breasted Mergansers flying east and the Long-tailed Duck by the tidal ponds. Despite kite surfers setting up on the shingle ridge a Snow Bunting appeared there briefly.

A kite surfer set himself up on the shingle ridge and proceeded to “surf” up and down the remnant brook for at least an hour. He was filmed by another surfer and second surfer joined the fun! What a way to treat a SSSI.

Kite surfer – Geoff Burton


Cloudy then sunny, colder with strong NW-N winds. Two Great Northern Divers came in from the east and landed on the sea, and another flew west. There were 70+ Gannets offshore, a Shelduck, 12 Pintail and 12 Common Scoters flew west and two Eider flew east close inshore. The Purple Sandpiper flew by the Obs, a Golden Plover flew west, a flock of 35 Curlews circled above Studd Hill and there were 26 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. A Little Gull flew east and two Kittiwakes and three Sandwich Terns flew west. It was ideal sea watching conditions today but alas too late in the year. The pair of Stonechats were still present.


Sunny, mild, moderate westerly wind. One Gannet and six Common Scoters flew east, a Shelduck flew west and there were two Eiders offshore. Waders included 49 Ringed Plovers, 53 Sanderlings and 40 Dunlin roosting between the groynes, the Purple Sandpiper on the groynes, a flock of 25 Golden Plovers west and 18 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. There were two adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls, four Great Black-backed Gulls and 250 Herring Gulls on the beach and a Sandwich Tern offshore. Other birds noted included a Grey Wagtail, a Goldcrest, a flock of 15-20 Long-tailed Tits and 11 Linnets.

A late Peacock butterfly and several Harlequin Ladybirds were at the Obs.


Three Great White Egrets flew north at 10.05 am. Our first of the year. First recorded in 2011 with five records between 2019 and 2022. A Great Northern Diver offshore and 40 Red-throated Divers flew east. Wildfowl included 58 Brent Geese, 11 Shelduck, 21 Wigeon, three Teal, 11 Pintail and 24 Common Scoters. Waders included a westerly movement of 308 Lapwings, one Bar-tailed Godwit west, 28 Sanderlings, 22 Redshanks and the resident Purple Sandpiper. There were also 14 Little Gulls and a Razorbill, a Kingfisher, four Skylarks, 40 Chaffinches west and four Redpolls.

Great White Egrets – Andy Taylor
Great Northern Diver – Andy Taylor


Cloudy, fresh northerly wind. Good sea-watching weather but perhaps rather late in the year. However, a Sooty Shearwater, which flew west at 10.25 am, was our first since October 2017. It returned east at 10.50 am was was presumably the bird seen at Reculver 20 minutes later. Other birds on the move included c30 Red-throated Divers east, three Shelduck and a Pintail west, an Eider east, two Golden Plovers west, two Great Skuas chasing a Gannet offshore, a Pomarine Skua west then later back east, 16 Little Gulls, 47 Kittiwakes and five Sandwich Terns west. Also, a Great Northern Diver and two redhead Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore. Other birds noted included a Kingfisher, the pair of Stonechats, 14 Goldfinches south over the Obs and 11 Linnets.


Sunny with showers, light SW wind. There were six Red-throated Divers, a Great Northern Diver and c12 Great Crested Grebes offshore. 80 Brent Geese along the shoreline, a duck Eider offshore and a Common Scoter flew east. A WEBS count flush of the Marsh Pool produced 45 Snipe and other waders noted included the Purple Sandpiper along the shoreline and a Grey Plover. A Sandwich Tern flew east and a Razorbill was offshore. Other birds noted included two Little Grebes along Coot Strait, 11 Long-tailed Tits at the Obs, eight Linnets along the promenade by the caravan park where a Snow Bunting appeared at 1.30 pm.


Sunny with a light SW wind. The weather gave little indication of the movement this morning. Wildfowl were prevalent with 270 Brent Geese west, and another 100+ on the beach, 32 Shelducks, 70 Wigeon, five Gadwall, 27 Teal, 23 Pintail, seven Pochard and five Tufted Ducks all heading west. A single redhead Goldeneye and a redhead Red-breasted Merganser also flew west whereas 60 Common Scoters mainly flew east. A further surprise came with a second Long-tailed Duck, a female, joining the immature on the tidal ponds. Later they also flew west. Other birds on the move included 970 Lapwings, four Avocets and a single Knot west and a Bar-tailed Godwit east. Four Little Gulls flew west, there were single Red-throated Diver, Great Northern Diver and two Razorbills offshore and a Short-eared Owl flew west at 11.54 am. Other birds noted included 28 Fieldfares and 23 Redwings west in small parties at dawn, 11 Skylarks, 800 Starlings and 270 Chaffinches west.


Cloudy and calm. There were four Red-throated Divers and a Great Northern Diver offshore. One Shelduck flew west, the Long-tailed Duck and a duck Eider were offshore and six Common Scoters landed on the sea. Waders included a Grey Plover on the groynes and a single visible Snipe in the Marsh Pool. There were two Sandwich Terns offshore and a flock of ten Little Gulls flew west. Other birds noted included a Short-eared Owl, which circled the area and dropped into the scrub at 9.15 am. It flew off east when flushed about half an hour later. A Kingfisher flew down the brook by the sewage works entrance.

Great Northern Diver – Geoff Burton


Sunny with a light SW wind. Only one Red-throated Diver but two Great Northern Divers offshore. Four Egyptian Geese flew west at 8.20 am (earlier seen at Reculver), the Long-tailed Duck was near the tidal ponds, two Goldeneyes flew west, a redhead at 10.10 am and a drake at 10.30 am (our first of the autumn), and a pair of Common Scoters flew west. Waders included three Grey Plovers and a flock c 50 Golden Plovers west over the sea and eight Snipe and 24 Redshanks flushed from the Marsh Pool by a Sparrowhawk. There were 14 adult Great Black-backed Gulls on the tidal ponds, one ringed but too distant to read. A Sandwich Tern and two Razorbills were also offshore. Other birds noted included a male Great Spotted Woodpecker, eight Skylarks west, the pair of Stonechats in the scrub and a Chiffchaff at the Obs.

A Harlequin Ladybird visited the Obs.

Goldeneye – Geoff Burton
Harlequin Ladybird – Geoff Burton


Cloudy then sunny, fresh SW wind. One Red-throated Diver and six Great Crested Grebes were offshore. The Long-tailed Duck and a duck Eider were also offshore. Five Shelduck , a duck Common Scoter and four Red-breasted Mergansers flew west and another merganser was offshore. Waders included a Grey Plover on the groynes by the caravan park and two Bar-tailed Godwits west. There were 15 Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach, an adult Kittiwake flew east and two Razorbills were in flight offshore. Other birds noted included the pair of Stonechats.


Three Pochard and a Tufted Duck flew east, the Great Northern Diver was offshore and 11 Little Gulls flew west.


Sunny, cool, moderate westerly wind. Three Red-throated Diver were offshore. 10 Shelducks and a pair of Wigeon flew west, a duck Eider and the Long-tailed Duck were offshore and ten Common Scoters and a Red-breasted Merganser flew east. Later, a Goosander came in from the east. Waders included a single Knot west and the Purple Sandpiper. Two Little Gulls and a Sandwich Tern flew west. Other birds noted included six Skylarks west, a Swallow and a Chiffchaff. Six Long-tailed Tits were in the conifer along the promenade by the caravan park.


The Long-tailed Duck and the Purple Sandpiper were still present, a Rock Pipit was seen and a Song Thrush was in the scrub.


Cloudy, some rain, light SW wind. There were two Red-throated Divers, a Great Northern Diver and eight Great Crested Grebes offshore, five Gannets flew east and a Pomarine Skua flew east at 1.45 pm. The Long-tailed Duck was present at the tidal ponds for its seventh day. Waders included the Purple Sandpiper, five Snipe and c20 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool and 35 Curlews heading west from the Studd Hill roost. Five adult Great Black-backed Gulls included the “Norwegian” ringed bird and a Sandwich Tern was offshore. Other birds noted included a Stock Dove, Kingfisher and Swallow, a Song Thrush, Chiffchaff and two Goldcrests, and c50 Chaffinches, two Siskins and a Redpoll west.

Great Black-backed Gull – Geoff Burton


Cloudy with light rain and a freshening SW wind. There were two Red-throated Divers, eight Great Crested Grebes offshore and c10 Gannets. A single Wigeon was with the Brent Geese, there was an early morning gathering of 67 Mallard on the Marsh Pool, two duck Eiders lingered off the Obs all morning and two duck Common Scoters flew west. Waders included 52 Sanderlings roosting between the groynes, the Purple Sandpiper with them, and 20 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool with one visible Snipe. Three adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls flew west, there were 11 Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach and three Sandwich Terns flew west close inshore. Other birds noted included a Kingfisher in the brook near the sewage works entrance, a Goldcrest at the Obs, 75 Chaffinches and a single Greenfinch west and a flock of 15 Linnets roaming along the beach.

Sanderling – Geoff Burton


The Long-tailed Duck was on the sea off the skate park early morning and later down by the tidal ponds. Seven redhead Goosanders flew west at 12 pm. The Purple Sandpiper was seen and there were two Sandwich Terns offshore. A Short-eared Owl in off the sea early morning was only our second of the year after one in September. “Hundreds” of Chaffinches flew west with a few Siskins and Redpolls.

There were many birders present this morning, the lure of the Long-tailed Duck and Purple Sandpiper, and a late Clouded Yellow was reported.

Long-tailed Duck – Andy Taylor
Goosanders – Andy Taylor


Sunny, light SW wind. Three Mute Swans flew east, a Shelduck flew west, an immature drake and a duck Eider and a redhead Red-breasted Merganser were offshore and the Long-tailed Duck was again in the tidal ponds. The Purple Sandpiper was along the shoreline. An adult Mediterranean Gull was on the beach and three Sandwich Terns were offshore. Other birds noted included a Little Grebe in the brook, the pair of Stonechats, a Chiffchaff, and two Rooks on the beach.

A Speckled Wood butterfly was at the Obs.

Purple Sandpiper – Andy Taylor


The Long-tailed Duck and the juvenile Pomarine Skua were reported again.


Cloudy at first, then sunny with a moderate SW wind. The morning started well with a Hooded Crow, presumably the same bird previously seen on October 22nd, on the beach with the Carrion Crows. It got better with the finding of a Long-tailed Duck within the tidal ponds. Our fifth record for the site and first since 2019. There were c10 Great Crested Grebes and a Red-throated Diver, still in breeding plumage, offshore and two Great Northern Divers flew west. An immature drake Eider was on the sea beyond the ponds and a redhead Red-breasted Merganser flew close inshore. Waders included a single Lapwing west and 14 Redshanks on the beach. The juvenile Pomarine Skua flew east over the beach, an adult Mediterranean Gull flew west, there were five Sandwich Terns offshore and a Razorbill was also close inshore. Other birds noted included one Skylark west, one Stonechat and a Song Thrush in the bushes opposite the Obs.

A late Speckled Wood butterfly and a Common Darter were by the Obs.

Hooded Crow – Geoff Burton
Carrion and Hooded Crows – Andy Taylor
Speckled Wood – Geoff Burton


Cloudy with steady rain all morning made for a limiting start to the month. There were two Red-throated Divers and two Great Crested Grebes offshore and c350 Brent Geese on the beach. 25 Redshanks gathered in the bay on the incoming tide. A ringed adult Mediterranean Gull, four adult Great Black-backed Gulls and two Sandwich Terns were on the beach. Other birds included one Swallow west, the pair of Stonechats, a Jay in the scrub and c80 Chaffinches and a single Goldfinch west.

The Mediterranean Gull had been ringed as a chick in Flanders in Belgium in 2010, colour-ringed in 2020, and since recorded in Belgium in 2021 and in the Netherlands in 2022.

Red-throated Diver – Geoff Burton
Sandwich Terns – Geoff Burton

October 2023

A total of 110 species for the month was bang on the average of 109.8 for the previous ten years. It was a very quiet month with no spectacular northerly gales, no significant visible migration or significant easterly vagrants. It did , however, manage nine additions to the year list including only our third Hooded Crow on 22nd and third Water Pipit on 31st.

A total of 164 species so far this year

A total of 165 species by this time last year


A Water Pipit on the Marsh Pool was only the third record for the site. The last record here was in 2007. Five Mute Swans landed on the sea off the Obs and seven Greylag Geese flew south. There were five Snipe on the Marsh Pool, 12 Little Gulls flew west over the Obs and there were two Razorbills offshore.

A late Clouded Yellow butterfly was our first, and probably our last, of the year. That brings the butterfly total for the year to 24 species. The list is only 26 species with Ringlet and Purple Hairstreak not recorded this year.

Little Gulls – Andy Taylor


Cloudy, light southerly wind. There were two Red-throated Divers and a Shag offshore. An immature Mute Swan flew west inshore, three Velvet Scoters flew east, and two redhead Red-breasted Mergansers were joined offshore by a redhead Goosander, our first returning bird. An adult Mediterranean Gull flew west, there were at least five Little Gulls offshore, three Sandwich Terns, two Guillemots and two Razorbills. Otehr birds noted included a pulse of c30 Swallows heading west, three Goldcrests around the Obs and a Kingfisher hovering over the beach.

Red-breasted Mergansers and Goosander – Andy Taylor


Sunny periods and showers, light SW wind. One Red-throated Diver and seven Great Crested Grebes offshore, a Grey Heron west and a pair of Gadwall on the sea. Two Curlews flew west and there were 31 Redshanks in the bay opposite the Marsh Pool on the incoming tide. The juvenile Pomarine Skua flew close in by the skate park at 7 am and was seen heading east at 9.35 am. An immature Mediterranean Gull flew west, two immature Little Gulls were feeding offshore, a juvenile Lesser Black-backed Gull was on the sea, 13 Great Back-backed Gulls, including 11 adults, were on the beach, three Sandwich Terns were offshore, and an Arctic Tern and three large auk sp flew east. Other birds noted included the male Stonechat, a Chiffchaff at the Obs and seven Linnets.


There were two Red-throated Divers and eight Great Crested Grebes offshore and a Black-throated Diver, new for the year, flew west at 11 am. There were 20+ Gannets offshore. There was a flock of 260 Brent Geese along the shoreline, joined at one point by a single Wigeon, whilst two Teal dropped into the Marsh Pool and six Common Scoters flew east. Waders included 48 Ringed Plovers, nine Sanderlings and 18 Dunlin roosted between the groynes and there were 30 Redshanks in the bay opposite the Marsh Pool. A juvenile Pomarine Skua passed west close inshore at 8.44 am, a second calendar year Mediterranean Gull was close inshore and a Little Gull flew west. Other birds included ten Skylarks, including a flock of seven low over the sea, and a Brambling flew west.


A flock of 36 Curlews flew towards the roost in fields beyond the caravan park. Two Goldcrests were also seen.


Sunny, calm. There were five Red-throated Divers and five Great Crested Grebes offshore. 126 Brent Geese were along the shoreline, 10 Common Scoters flew east, a drake Eider flew west at 10.40 am and a Shag was offshore at 12.15 pm. Waders included three Snipe and 24 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. An adult Mediterranean Gull flew east and another was on the sea close inshore, six Little Gulls flew west, the Pitsea ringed Great Black-backed Gull was again on the beach and a Sandwich Tern was offshore. An immature Marsh Harrier flew west over the sea at 10.50 am. Other birds noted included a female Great Spotted Woodpecker near the sewage works entrance, six Skylarks, a Grey Wagtail, the pair of Stonechats, a Song Thrush in the bushes opposite the Obs, two Chiffchaffs and a Goldcrest.

Small White and Red Admiral butterflies were noted.


A Little Grebe was along the Coot Strait, a single Fieldfare our first of the autumn and a female Blackcap and a Goldcrest were along the east bank.


Light cloud, calm. There were two Red-throated Divers and three Great Crested Grebes offshore and 108 Brent Geese along the beach. A Pochard flew east and a Velvet Scoter, new for the year, flew east at 9.56 am and back west at 10.18 am. Waders included 64 Ringed Plovers and 32 Sanderlings roosting between the groynes, a Purple Sandpiper between the groynes and a Green Sandpiper which headed east over the caravan park. A Great Skua flew west early morning. Other birds noted included two Great Spotted Woodpeckers in the Elm Wood, the pair of Stonechats, five Goldfinches, a flock of 14 Siskins in off the sea and a Redpoll west.

An adult Great Black-backed Gull with the Herring Gulls on the beach was sporting one of the orange colour rings of the North Thames Gull Group. It had been ringed as a second calendar year bird in March 2014 (so born in 2013) at the Pitsea Landfill Site. It was seen there in 2015 and 2016 and then in the far north of Norway as a breeding bird in May 2017. It was seen again further south in Norway in August that year but there had been no further reports since until today.

The Great Black-backed Gull in North Norway in May 2017 – per North Thames Gull Group


A Hooded Crow was on the beach early morning, but only briefly, as it was harried by the resident Carrion Crows. Only our third record for the site after birds in December 2003 and April last year. Other birds noted included a Marsh Harrier flying south, a Merlin flying north and a Goldcrest.


Cloudy, light rain with a moderate southerly wind. One Great Crested Grebe offshore, six Gannets flew east, two Mute Swans flew west and 67 Brent Geese on the beach included six juveniles. A Teal was in flight over the area and three Common Scoters flew east. The Purple Sandpiper was again on the beach by the caravan park. Bird of the day, perhaps, was a female Pheasant (new for the year) which flushed from the side of the brook and flew into the sewage works. Other birds noted included a flock of 15 House Martins west, the male Stonechat and a male Blackcap in the bushes opposite the Obs, a Chiffchaff at the Obs and nine Linnets over the scrub.


Cloudy, calm, persistent light rain. There were four Great Crested Grebes offshore. Two Grey Herons were on the beach and five Sandwich Terns offshore. Other birds noted included a male Stonechat in the bushes opposite the Obs, c10 Long-tailed Tits at the Obs and four Reed Buntings. A bit of a wash out!


Cloudy, moderate southerly wind. There were three Red-throated Divers offshore, three Grey Herons and eight Little Egrets on the beach. Three Brent Geese west and 20 gathered along the shoreline (including one juvenile). Three Shelduck flew east and there were two on the beach, three Pintail flew west, one Common Scoter flew east and a flock of c30 were seen distantly offshore. Waders included two Sanderlings and 22 Redshanks on the beach, two Curlews on the beach and one west. A Mediterranean Gull flew east, a flock of seven flew west and there were five Sandwich Terns offshore. Other birds noted included our first returning Little Grebe along the middle brook, three Skylarks west, a Grey Wagtail, three Pied Wagtails on the football pitch, three Redwings in off the sea early morning, the pair of Stonechats, a Chiffchaff, a Brambling calling from the bushes opposite the Obs and four Reed Buntings which flew west from those bushes.


Cloudy, fresh SE wind. There were five Red-throated Divers and six Great Crested Grebes offshore. Two Shelducks and three Wigeon were around the tidal ponds, six Teal flew west and ten Brent Geese dropped in. Waders included 38 Oystercatchers and two Sanderlings on the beach and six Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. There were seven adult Great Black-backed Gulls on the tidal ponds and two Sandwich Terns flew east. Other birds noted were four Skylarks, two Grey Wagtails, a pair of Stonechats and a very vocal Brambling in the trees along Swalecliffe Court Drive which flew off SW with two Chaffinches.


“Parties” of Brent Geese, “small numbers” of Wigeon and a single Shoveler flew west. There were two Lapwings on the beach, a Great Skua flew east and a group of ten Little Gulls flew west. The male Stonechat was still present and a Redpoll flew west.


Cloudy, cool, light easterly wind. One Red-throated Diver and two Great Crested Grebes were offshore, nine Gannets flew east, 12 Shelduck flew west, eight Common Scoters were in flight offshore and, later in the morning, 145 Brent Goose flew west accompanied by a single Wigeon. Waders included 26 Oystercatchers on the beach and 32 Redshanks and a Dunlin appeared on the Marsh Pool as the tide came in. A Purple Sandpiper, on the concrete apron by the caravan park, was our first October bird for five years. There were seven Sandwich Terns offshore. Other birds of note included a Great Spotted Woodpecker in the Elm Wood and another which flew west high over the Obs. Two Rock Pipits were at the mouth of the brook. A male Stonechat was by the bushes opposite the Obs from where a Cetti’s Warbler was heard calling. A westerly movement of Chaffinches included two Bramblings, heard only, and Siskins and a Redpoll were also heard. Eight Reed Buntings were present early morning and a Greenfinch was heard along the east bank.

Purple Sandpiper – Andy Taylor


Sunny, cooler with a moderate WNW wind. There were two Red-throated Divers offshore, a Great Crested Grebe flew east and three Gannets flew west. Waders included 26 Oystercatchers on the beach, two Dunlin, a Curlew west and 11 Redshanks on the beach and the Marsh Pool. An adult Mediterranean Gull flew west, there were two Sandwich Terns, and an adult Arctic Tern flew west. Other birds noted included a Great Spotted Woodpecker, two Skylarks west, a Grey Wagtail, and a movement of finches with c200 Chaffinches, two Goldfinches and six Siskins west and six Reed Buntings.

Speckled Wood and Red Admiral butterflies were noted.


Cloudy, some light rain, light SW wind. There were four Red-throated Divers offshore, 15 Little Egrets on the beach and six Brent Geese, two on the beach and four west. A Great Skua flew west at 10.10 am, returning east later, and there were were seven Sandwich Terns offshore. Other birds noted included two Stock Doves, a large flock of 24 Long-tailed Tits by the scout hut and two Jays.


Cloudy, light westerly wind. Six Gannets flew east, one flew west. There were seven Little Egrets on the Marsh Pool and four Brent Geese along the shoreline. A pair of Wigeon flew west and a redhead Red-breasted Merganser, our first returning bird, was close inshore off the Obs before flying on west. There were three Snipe and a Redshank on the Marsh Pool, two Mediterranean Gulls flew east, 4 Sandwich Terns and four larger auks flew east and then back west. A Marsh Harrier came in off the sea heading SE. Other birds noted included one Swallow west, our first returning Rock Pipit at the mouth of the brook, Grey Wagtail, three Redwings west over the sewage works and an adult Rook which circled over the area.

Small White, Speckled Wood and Red Admiral butterflies continue to be seen.

Snipe – Geoff Burton


Sunny, light SW wind. Two Red-throated Divers were offshore, there were eight Little Egrets and a Grey Heron flew west. There were 12 Brent Geese offshore, one Teal flew west with scoters, two Pintail flew east with scoters and three flew west. Waders included a flock of six Grey Plovers west, a Lapwing on the beach, a Redshank on the Marsh Pool and 45 Turnstones on the beach. An immature Razorbill was close inshore. A Great Spotted Woodpecker flew west over the scrub and a male was in the Elm Wood. Other birds included six Skylarks west, two Grey Wagtails, two Redwings and a Song Thrush, a Brambling and a Reed Bunting.


An increase in the number of Sanderlings with 22 on the beach. Four Skylarks flew west.


Sunny, moderate SW wind. Three Red-throated Divers offshore and the juvenile Shag was again offshore. Two Common Scoters flew east and a sub-adult Mediterranean Gull was on the beach. A Marsh Harrier flew west low over the sea at 7.35 am and another, shortly afterwards, flew south over the area. Other birds noted included a Great Spotted Woodpecker, two Grey Wagtails, a Cetti’s Warbler in the bushes opposite the Obs, a Lesser Whitethroat and two Blackcaps in the Elm Wood, two Goldcrests near the changing room and a Rook west.

Small White and Speckled Wood continue to show and a Holly Blue was also seen.

Little Egret – Geoff Burton
Marsh Harrier – Andy Taylor


A juvenile Shag close inshore was our first of the year. Steady visible migration with c400 Chaffinches and 120 Siskins west. A late Lesser Whitethroat was along the east bank.

Lesser Whitethroat – Andy Taylor


Cloudy, warm, light SW wind. Two Red-throated Divers, eight Little Egrets and a Grey Heron, one Brent Goose and one Common Scoter. A single Snipe on the Marsh Pool and one Mediterranean Gull west.


A Garden Warbler was seen along the east bank. Probably our latest record of this species after earlier October records in 1993 and 2010.

Garden Warbler – Andy Taylor


Cloudy with a moderate NW wind. Our first “seawatch” day for some time. The day started with our first Ruff of the year which was on the shoreline by the Obs briefly before flying off west. A Red-throated Diver was offshore. A group of nine Great Crested Grebes landed on the sea. This species has been very scarce here in recent months. Three Gannets flew west, nine Wigeon, three Gadwall, two Teal and ten Pintail flew west, five Common Scoters flew east. Other waders included a Whimbrel which, despite the disturbance, remained on the beach all morning at least, two Curlews west, a Redshank on the Marsh Pool and, later in the day, a Knot had joined the Oystercatchers roosting on the beach. Three Mediterranean Gulls flew east and, in addition to Sandwich Terns, five Common Terns flew west, as did three Razorbills. Other birds noted included a late Hobby, hunting over the estate and a Wheatear again between the groynes.

Small White and Speckled Wood were seen and a second for the year Willow Emerald Damselfly was at the Obs.

Willow Emerald Damselfly – Geoff Burton


A mist lingered over the calm sea. Two Teal flew west. Waders included 25 Oystercatchers and five Redshanks on the beach and two Snipe on the Marsh Pool. Other birds noted included Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail and our first Goldcrest of the autumn by the Obs.


Sunny at first but clouding over, warm, light SW wind. A Red-throated Diver, still in summer plumage, was offshore and a juvenile Gannet flew close inshore. Waders included seven Dunlin flying west, five Snipe on the Marsh Pool and three Redshanks on the beach. Other birds noted included a Wheatear again on the beach, a Jay in the churchyard and six Reed Buntings.

Butterflies noted were Small White, Speckled Wood and Red Admiral. Also Migrant Hawker dragonflies.