The total of 67 species during the month was a bit below the ten-year average of 69.9 species. A Guillemot on 13th was the first specifically identified auk of the year (there have been very few) and the year total of 139 species is well above the ten-year average for the end of June of 133.8 species. There was little else of note but two Avocets west on 3rd, three Hobbies on 10th and a Green Sandpiper on the Marsh Pool on 28th will have to suffice.
A total of 139 species so far this year
142 species by this time last year
Waders noted were a Ringed Plover and five Turnstones on the beach and a Curlew flying west. There were five Little Egrets on the Marsh Pool and six Mediterranean Gulls on the beach. A Great Spotted Woodpecker around the Obs was only the second record this year after one on February 2nd. A Reed Warbler was also present.
Cloudy with light westerly wind and light rain showers. There were six Little Egrets and a Grey Heron on the Marsh Pool. A single Oystercatcher and Ringed Plover were on the beach and two Turnstones were on the groynes. There were four Mediterranean Gulls on the beach, another seven flew west and two Sandwich Terns flew west. Other birds noted included 21 Mallard, a Stock Dove and a Grey Wagtail.
Cloudy with a light SW wind. Seven Gannets flew west and a Grey Heron flew west high over the area harassed by a Herring Gull. A Green Sandpiper on the Marsh Pool was an early returning migrant and was present for much of the day. Unusually, a Curlew was also present on the pool late morning. Also, six Little Egrets were also there. A single Ringed Plover took off in display flight from the beach when disturbed by a dog walker and seven Turnstones were on the groynes. Six Mediterranean Gulls and three immature Great Black-backed Gulls were on the beach and three Sandwich Terns flew west. Other birds noted included seven Swifts west, three Swallows, a Grey Wagtail by the sluice and a Reed Warbler in song at the back of the Obs.
Butterflies noted were Small White, Meadow Brown, Small and Large Skippers, Marbled White and our first Common Blue of the year. A Banded Demoiselle is a scarce dragonfly here.

There were nine Little Egrets on the Marsh Pool, two Sand Martins flew west and a juvenile Grey Wagtail was on the roof of the scout hut.
Sunny but clouding over, cooler, moderate SW wind. There were four Little Egrets on the Marsh Pool, a Curlew flew west over the beach, there were two immature Mediterranean Gulls and eight Great Black-backed Gulls, including seven on the beach. Seven fully-grown ducklings were along the middle brook. Six Swifts flew west.
Butterflies seen were Small White, Holly Blue, Comma, Meadow Brown, Small Skipper and Marbled White.
Sunny, calm, warm. A pair of Teal, a Little Egret and a Grey Heron were on the Marsh Pool. A Turnstone on the groynes at the eastern end of the beach was our first this month and a Ringed Plover was also seen. A third calendar year Mediterranean Gull was on the beach, with five immature Great Black-backed Gulls, and a Sandwich Tern was close inshore. Two Cetti’s Warblers could be heard “ticking” in the Elm Wood.
A boost to our butterfly year list with Comma, Small Skipper and Marbled White all new for the year. Eight species on the day and a total of 19 species for the year. A Lunar Hornet Clearwing at the Obs was a new moth for the site.

Sunny, warm, light SW wind. There was one Great Crested Grebe on the sea, five Little Egrets between the beach and the Marsh Pool where there was also an adult Grey Heron and a Redshank. Two Lapwings circled low over the beach and there were three Oystercatchers along the shoreline by the Obs. Three Mediterranean Gulls flew west and a second calendar year Common Gull was on the beach with Black-headed Gulls. Other birds noted included a Hobby hunting over the area early morning, one Stock Dove, five Swifts and single Sand Martin and Swallow and a Cetti’s Warbler calling persistently by the Obs. There were c10 Long-tailed Tits by the Obs, a Jay along the east bank and a male Greenfinch in the Elm Wood.
Butterflies noted were Small White. Meadow Brown, Holly Blue, Large Skipper and Small Heath.
Sunny, warm, light SW wind. A Ringed Plover on the shingle ridge was flushed by dog walkers. There were two Sandwich Terns on the red buoy. Three Sand Martins and a Swallow flew west and there were three Reed Warblers in song. A troop of ten Magpies were on the football pitch.
Five species of butterfly included our first Brown Argus of the year. Meadow Browns were numerous and a Small Tortoiseshell was also seen.
Cloudy, light SE wind, heavy rain from 8.50 am. Seven Gannets, an adult Mediterranean Gull and single Sandwich and Common Terns flew east. A flock of 23 Lapwings flew SE into the storm.
Adult Moorhen feeding three chicks in the brook.
Two Mute Swans off the beach.
A Cetti’s Warbler was heard and seen briefly. There had been at least one individual present since last September but it had not been heard or seen since 24th May. A quiet period whilst it got on with the job of bringing up a family, a new bird or a returnee? A Jay which flew into the scrub was the first recorded this month.
At this time of the year, attention inevitably turns to creatures other than bird. Our first Large Skipper of the year was a little late, several nettles at the Obs were festooned with Peacock butterfly caterpillars and Holly Blue was also seen. Our first ever record of an orchid, the Common Spotted Orchid, was welcome and surprising.

Eight Teal flew west and an adult and a juvenile Swallow were feeding over the beach.
Sunny with a light NE breeze. Three Gannets flew east and three Mallards flew west. Waders noted were eight Oystercatchers west and a Ringed Plover heard; two species that have or potentially would nest if not for the excessive level of disturbance.
Cooler. A Guillemot flew east; our first specifically identified auk of the year! A Red Kite flew west over the football pitch, a Lapwing circled over the area and two Curlews flew west. Also, four juvenile Long-tailed Tits were seen along the east bank.
Speckled Wood and Small White were the only butterflies noted.
Cloudy, warm. Two Great Crested Grebes offshore and two Shelducks flew west.
Sunny, warm, light NE wind. There was one Great Crested Grebe offshore. A second calendar year Common Gull was on the beach with eight immature Great Black-backed Gulls. A single Stock Dove and a Swift were also noted.
Butterflies noted were Small White, Holly Blue, Red Admiral and Speckled Wood and a single Green Oak Tortrix was seen in the grass by the Obs, a migrant that has been filling moth traps throughout the county and beyond.
Sunny, much warmer with a light easterly wind. One Great Crested Grebe offshore and a Gannet flew east. Raptors responded to the heat with five species recorded including three Hobbies circling over the area. There were three Oystercatchers on the beach, a Lapwing circled over the beach, a Curlew flew west and a Redshank was on the Marsh Pool. A Common Tern landed on a buoy by the tidal ponds and a Sandwich Tern fished offshore. A few Swifts and House Martins were also noted.
Butterflies noted were Small White, Holly Blue and Speckled Wood.
Cloudy, moderate NE wind. Two Gannets flew east. Four Oystercatchers flew east along the shoreline and two Sandwich Terns flew east. The Mallard brood with six ducklings seen for the first time this month in the brook below the sluice. There were three Stock Doves on the shingle ridge and a single Sand Martin was noted.
One Speckled Wood butterfly seen.
A Reed Warbler was singing sporadically in the bushes opposite the Obs.

Cloudy, cool with a moderate NE wind. Three Gannets flew east and a Grey Heron flew west. The pair of Oystercatchers were calling and displaying over the area, a Curlew flew west and a Ringed Plover was also seen. Two adult Mediterranean Gulls and two second calendar year Common Gulls flew east and there were ten immature Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach. Also seen were two Stock Doves on the beach, a juvenile Pied Wagtail on the football pitch, a Chaffinch was singing along the upper brook and a Greenfinch was singing in the Elm Wood.
A flock of 20 Canada Goose on the tidal ponds was a very high count for any time of the year. Two Shelducks were also noted, a Hobby flew north over the Marsh Pool and there was a high count of eight Greenfinches between the car park and the sewage works.
Two Avocets flew NW, a single Sandwich Tern was noted and Swift and all three hirundines put in an appearance.
A few Gannets were offshore and a group of ten flew east later. One Common Scoter and two Common Terns flew east and the pair of Oystercatchers were also present. Two Stock Doves were on the coastal path.