November 2024

A total of 93 species for the month was well below the ten-year average of 102.2. This the fourth month running that the total has been well below the ten-year average. Additions to the year list were Goldeneye and Goosander, Razorbill and Little Auk. Notable was the presence of Snow Bunting and Dartford Warbler throughout the month, although both could be elusive at times. Purple Sandpiper was also present throughout the month with two on 10th, the adult and a juvenile, with the juvenile also present on 16th at least.

A total of 164 species so far this year

167 species by this time last year


Cloudy, milder, light southerly wind. One Great Northern Diver flew west and four Red-throated Divers flew east, a Gannet flew west and two drake Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore. Waders included 40 Oystercatchers and 65 Ringed Plovers on the beach and the Grey Plover on the groynes. Two adult Mediterranean Gulls were on the sea close inshore and later one was on the Marsh Pool. There were three Lesser Black-backed Gulls and nine Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach. A group of eight Stock Doves flew west, a Skylark was on the coastal path and the Snow Bunting and Dartford Warbler were still present.

A Moorhen was noted well offshore heading towards the beach and pitching down on the beach by the skate park. This is the first noted out at sea. Although British Moorhens are highly sedentary, there is a movement of continental birds into the country in autumn. Of the nearly 130 foreign-ringed birds recovered in Britain and Ireland most were ringed in the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany (The Migration Atlas, 2002).

Little Egret – Geoff Burton
Snow Bunting – Geoff Burton


A Great Northern Diver and four drake Red-breasted Mergansers were on the sea. The Purple Sandpiper and the Snow Bunting were also noted.


Sunny and calm. There were two Red-throated Divers east and three Great Crested Grebes offshore. Waders included 61 Sanderlings along the shoreline off the Obs and 15 Snipe visible on the Marsh Pool. A duck Teal and a duck Shoveler were also on the Marsh Pool. The Snow Bunting and the Dartford Warbler were also present and a female Reed Bunting was in the grassland.


Sunny and calm. There were two Red-throated Divers and three Great Crested Grebes offshore. Waders included the adult Purple Sandpiper on the beach off the Obs on the outgoing tide and the Grey Plover. Bird of the day was undoubtedly the Little Auk that flew east close inshore at 11.38 am. Our first since 5th November 2021. Other birds noted included the Snow Bunting, Kingfisher, and a Chiffchaff in the churchyard.


After two days of gales and heavy rain, calm returned today, albeit with a bit of drizzle. Bird of the day was a Slavonian Grebe close inshore by the tidal ponds. Only our second report of the year. The Snow Bunting and Dartford Warbler were seen and there was another sighting of Kingfisher.


A group from the Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory paid a visit today enjoying the “bitterly cold westerly winds”. Amongst the birds seen were seven Teal, a Shoveler, five Common Scoters and a drake Red-breasted Merganser. Waders included one Purple Sandpiper and a Grey Plover. Other birds of note included the Snow Bunting, two Rock Pipits and a Grey Wagtail, four Stonechats, a Chiffchaff and two Firecrests.


A drake Goldeneye and a drake Goosander, which flew west over the sea, were both additions to the year list. The Dartford Warbler, last reported on 10th, was seen again as was the Snow Bunting.


Sunny, cold (0-5 C), moderate NW wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes offshore, a Grey Heron on the tidal ponds, a duck Teal and a duck Shoveler on the Marsh Pool, and a Little Grebe in the brook by the sluice. A steady movement of waders heading west over the sea included 22 Golden Plovers and c90 Knot. Also one Purple Sandpiper, the Grey Plover and 38 Sanderlings were also noted. Thrushes were also on the move with 22 Fieldfares and 33 Redwings west early morning and, towards midday, a flock of 16 Fieldfares dropped into the bushes opposite the Obs, them moved on west, and five Redwings joined the Starlings in these bushes. Also noted were the Snow Bunting on the beach, four Rooks on the beach and a single Goldfinch.


Sunny, cool, calm. There was a Red-throated Diver offshore, a group of nine Great Crested Grebes by the tidal ponds and a Grey Heron on the tidal ponds. Six Shelducks flew west. Waders included the Grey Plover, tmoderate NW wind. wo Lapwings on the tidal ponds and 24 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. There were eight adult Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach and the tidal ponds with one feeding on an auk close inshore by the skate park. One Kittiwake flew west. Other birds of note included a Snow Bunting and a Dartford Warbler, last seen over a week ago so questions as to whether they are the same birds, and a Firecrest near the changing rooms.

Grey Plover – Geoff Burton
Great Black-backed Gull with auk – Geoff Burton


Cloudy, light westerly wind. There were five Great Crested Grebes offshore, three Gannets flew west, 67 Brent Geese were on the beach and a Little Grebe was in the brook below the sluice. Waders included 40 Oystercatchers on the shingle ridge at high tide, the Grey Plover and the juvenile Purple Sandpiper, 30 Snipe flushed from the Marsh Pool by two microlights, and 24 Redshanks also on the pool. Other birds noted included three Stock Doves in a flock of Woodpigeons, also flushed by the microlights, a Kingfisher, and a Chiffchaff at the Obs.

Purple Sandpiper – Peter Maton
Sanderling – Peter Maton


Cloudy then sunny, light northerly wind. A Red-throated Diver, four Gannets and four Shelducks flew east and three Pintail (a drake and two ducks) flew west. Waders included 21 Oystercatchers, 24 Sanderlings, a Purple Sandpiper and a Dunlin on the beach, 33 Curlews heading towards the Studd Hill roost, 15 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool and a flock of 14 Lapwings flying NW. Other birds noted included a female Great Spotted Woodpecker in the Elm Wood, three Skylarks, a pair of Stonechats in the scrub, and a Goldcrest.


Cloudy, light NE wind. One Red-throated Diver flew east, five Great Crested Grebes flew west, another was offshore and 165 Cormorants headed west in one straggly line. Two Teal flew west and, later, there were two ducks on the Marsh Pool. 36 Curlews flew towards the Studd Hill roost. Other birds noted included a Kingfisher, a pair of Stonechats, 30 Chaffinches flew west amongst which a Brambling was heard.

Cormorant – Geoff Burton


Sunny periods and showers with a strong NE wind. c50 Gannets, three Shelducks and 18 Kittiwakes flew west, seven Common Scoters flew west, and another three flew east, in a 90-minute seawatch, late morning.


Sunny, cooler, light NE wind. One Great Crested Grebe was offshore, another five flew west, and 13 Gannets flew west. Waders included 40 Sanderlings on the beach, ten Snipe on the Marsh Pool and the flagged and colour-ringed Curlew, seen previously on October 24th, on the beach. Other birds noted included three Skylarks, a Grey Wagtail, the pair of Stonechats and a Reed Bunting west.

The Curlew was captive-reared at Elmley on the Isle of Sheppey. It was released on the 14th July, subsequently observed on the South Sale on 9th September before the two sightings on the beach. Rearing and releasing Curlews at Elmley is part of a programme to encourage this species to breed in lowland Britain.

Curlew – Geoff Burton


A Great Northern Diver and a flock of eight Velvet Scoters (a high count for this species) flew east. A Knot was present on the eastern end of the beach, Lapwing was noted and a juvenile Purple Sandpiper was seen. The Dartford Warbler was seen again but there was no sign of the Snow Bunting.


Cloudy and calm. A Great Northern Diver and nine Great Crested Grebes were offshore, three Gannets and five Wigeon flew west and the duck Wigeon was again on the Marsh Pool before flying inland with Mallard. A Golden Plover flew west low over the sea. A Sandwich Tern was offshore and a Guillemot was close inshore by the Obs. Other birds noted included a single Swallow, a Chiffchaff calling at the Obs, a Firecrest along the east bank, six Chaffinches and 70 Goldfinches west and the male Snow Bunting was still present.

Redshank – Geoff Burton

A Great Black-backed Gull, born in 2013 and ringed at the Pitsea landfill site on 14 March 2014, was seen in the far north of Norway in May 2017, where it was presumably breeding. It was seen at Swalecliffe in October last year and has reappeared on the beach today.


The Snow Bunting and the Purple Sandpiper were both present but the Dartford Warbler was not seen. A Razorbill was seen distantly on the sea.

Cloudy and calm.


Cloudy, misty, light SE wind. There were four Great Crested Grebes offshore and four Gannets flew east. There were 160 Brent Geese on the beach which included our first juvenile of the year. A duck Wigeon and a duck Teal were on the Marsh Pool. Waders included the adult Purple Sandpiper. There was one Mediterranean Gull offshore and nine Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach. The Snow Bunting and the Dartford Warbler were still present and other birds noted included two Swallows, two Chiffchaffs, a Firecrest at the Obs with 12 Long-tailed Tits, and a male Blackcap in the bushes opposite the Obs. A Jay flew over the scout hut carrying an acorn in its bill.


Cloudy, misty, calm. A Red-throated Diver was offshore and a Teal was along the shoreline. Waders included a Grey Plover with an injured leg, presumably the bird present last winter, two Purple Sandpipers, including a juvenile bird, a flock of 60 Sanderlings on the spit opposite the Obs and eight Snipe along the shoreline. A Mediterranean Gull and two Sandwich Terns were offshore. The Snow Bunting and the Dartford Warbler were still present and other birds noted included five Swallows, a Grey Wagtail, two Fieldfares west, 15 Linnets on the beach and a flock of Siskins.

Grey Wagtail – Geoff Burton
Snow Bunting – Geoff Burton
Dartford Warbler – Geoff Burton


A Great Northern Diver was offshore and four Red-breasted Mergansers were close inshore. The Snow Bunting and the Dartford Warbler were still present.


Cloudy and calm. There was a Red-throated Diver, a Great Northern Diver and c10 Great Crested Grebes offshore, 180 Brent Geese on the beach, four Shelducks, a flock of 30 Pintail and a pair of Eiders flew west, two Common Scoters flew east and another west. Waders included six Sanderlings and the Purple Sandpiper on the beach and seven Snipe and 25 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. An Arctic Skua was chasing gulls offshore, there were 19 Great Black-backed Gulls, with only three immatures, on the beach and four Sandwich Terns offshore. The Snow Bunting and the Dartford Warbler remain in residence, five Swallows flew east, a roaming tit flock at the Obs included a Chiffchaff, three Goldcrests and two Firecrests and a Grey Wagtail and a Brambling were also noted.


Snow Bunting still present.


The Snow Bunting and the Dartford Warbler are still present.


Cloudy with a light westerly wind. There was one Red-throated Diver, one Great Northern Diver and three Great Crested Grebes offshore, five Little Egrets on the Marsh Pool and 132 Brent Geese resting close inshore at high tide. Waders included the Purple Sandpiper and 37 Dunlin roosting between the groynes. An adult Mediterranean Gull flew east and there were four adult Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach. The male Snow Bunting was again on the beach and the Dartford Warbler in the grassland bushes. Other birds noted included a Kingfisher in the brook below the sluice, a male Great Spotted Woodpecker in the Elm Wood, two Stonechats, 35 Redwings heading west in the early morning, and 60 Goldfinches west.

Snow Bunting – Geoff Burton
Snow Bunting – Geoff Burton