August 2024

August was an exceptional month. Exceptionally poor with only 73 species recorded compared with a ten-year average of 89.8 and the lowest within that period of 82 in 2017. However, the year total of 139 is not far off the average of 141.6 species. Only three species were added to the year list during the month, Green Sandpiper and Pied Flycatcher on 12th and Great Skua on 31st. The immature Shag made it into the month with its 25th and last day on 1st. As to be expected, wader numbers increased during the month with peaks of 153 Turnstones on 25th and 102 Ringed Plovers on 28th. Unfortunately, the Marsh Pool finally dried out just when it might have attracted a few more waders.

A total of 139 species so far this year

148 species by this time last year


Cloudy, light rain at first, fresh NE wind. The first significant northerly blow of the autumn was rather disappointing. A Great Skua drifted west at 9.50m am, whilst new for the year, was our only significant seabird. Two Gannets flew east and a Teal resting on the shoreline, eventually flew off west. Waders noted included two Sanderlings and a Common Sandpiper on the beach. 12 Sandwich Terns flew east.


Sunny, warm, light SW wind. A bit of wader movement today with six Black-tailed Godwits, four Redshanks and a flock of 22 Whimbrels close inshore, all heading west. Also noted were two Yellow Wagtails west, two Whitethroats flying catching from bushes on the edge of the scrub and six Long-tailed Tits in the Elm Wood.


Sunny, warm, light southerly wind. There was a single Great Crested Grebe offshore, two Gannets flew east and a string of ten Grey Herons flew west low over the sea. Waders included 102 Ringed Plovers, with two Sanderlings and a Common Sandpiper and many Turnstones, roosting between the groynes. Also noted were a single Yellow Wagtail, a female Pied Wagtail with three juveniles on the football pitch, a Willow Warbler along the east bank and a Pied Flycatcher, our second of the autumn, which appeared briefly bathing in the brook by the sewage works entrance.

Butterflies noted were Small and Green-veined White, Speckled Wood and Small heath. A Fox moth caterpillar trundled across the path by the sluice.

Slightly off topic, an unusual ship was spotted on the horizon. Research revealed that it was a replica 16th century Spanish Galleon, the Andalucia, which has been travelling the World. That morning it had left Southend and was due at Cowes on the Isle of Wight next week.

A Cormorant and Little Egrets – Geoff Burton
Speckled Wood – Geoff Burton
Fox moth caterpillar – Geoff Burton
The Andalucia – Geoff Burton


Waders included 58 Ringed Plovers, 87 Turnstones and a Common Sandpiper. Three Sandwich Terns flew east and two Sand Martins and three Swallows flew west.

On this date in 1990, a juvenile Golden Oriole was present in scrub which is now part of the sewage works. The only autumn record for the site.


Sunny with a light southerly wind. Only a few days left to rescue this month from oblivion! No strong northerly winds for sea watching, no significant easterlies for falls of passerines. Today, no movement over the sea (except three Gannets), no vis mig (except for a trip of eight Swallows) and no migrants in the bushes (without exception). Waders were the only exception with 87 Ringed Plovers on the beach, with one Dunlin, three Sanderlings west close inshore and 85 Turnstones roosting between the groynes.

Passed the time with a little phone photography along the east bank. An I-phone 14 through a KOWA TSN88.

19 millimetres of rain fell (nearby) on Saturday but this was insufficient to replenish the dried-out Marsh Pool.

Little Egret – Geoff Burton
Grey Squirrel – Geoff Burton
Collared Dove – Geoff Burton
Marsh Pool August 2024 – Geoff Burton
Marsh Pool August 2023 – Geoff Burton


Sunny with a light southerly wind, after a very windy Friday and wet Saturday (19mm of rain fell that day). Two immature Gannets flew west. An influx of waders included 66 Ringed Plovers on the beach and 153 Turnstones roostting between the groynes. A party of five Whimbrel landed briefly on the beach before heading off west and a further single was also noted. An adult male Pied Wagtail was feeding a freshly-fledged juvenile on the football pitch.

Juvenile Pied Wagtail – Geoff Burton
Adult male and juvenile Pied Wagtail – Geoff Burton


Cloudy, freshening SW wind. A Great Crested Grebe was offshore, there were seven Little Egrets on the Marsh Pool and 35 Mallard were in flight over the area. Waders included six Oystercatchers and c30 Ringed Plovers on the beach and a Common Sandpiper in the brook. Also noted was an adult Mediterranean Gull west, many fewer now than in the immediate post-breeding period, 12 Swallows west and two Yellow Wagtails west, one coming off the beach.


Sunny with a light westerly wind. A flock of 11 Little Egrets flew west by the tidal ponds and, alter, there were six on the dried-out Marsh Pool. Waders included one Whimbrel west and a Common Sandpiper by the mouth of the brook. Also noted were a Green Woodpecker calling by the Obs (a juvenile was seen at the Obs on July 24th and one has been seen or heard on several occasions since). There were 13 Swallows west, one Yellow Wagtail and two Grey Wagtails feeding along the shoreline.


Sunny, with Canadian dust, light SW wind. One Great Crested Grebe offshore was our first here since July 10th. There were four Little Egrets on the Marsh Pool. Waders included five Oystercatchers, 42 Ringed Plovers and 36 Turnstones, two Dunlin west and four Sanderlings briefly on the spit off the Obs. Two Sandwich Terns flew east. Also noted were 27 Swallows west, a Yellow Wagtail and our first Grey Wagtail, by the sluice, since March. Six Long-tailed Tits at the Obs were the first since June (where do they go?) and there were also two Jays by the Obs.


Sunny with a light NW wind. A Fulmar flew east. There were two Sandwich Terns offshore and 15 Swallows flew west.


Sunny with a light southerly wind. There were 37 Mallard along the shoreline early morning. A Common Sandpiper was on the beach. One Sandwich Tern flew east and two parties of Common Terns, c40 in total, flew west. Also noted were six Swallows and two Yellow Wagtails west.


Sunny, warm, light SW wind. A Hobby was hunting south of the caravan park. Waders noted were three Oystercatchers on the beach, three Whimbrels west, one resting on the beach, one Common Sandpiper in the brook, 47 Ringed Plovers on the beach and 73 Turnstones roosting between the groynes. A pair of Lesser Black-backed Gulls with three juveniles were on the beach and one Sandwich Tern flew east. Also noted were a single Yellow Wagtail west and 15 Pied Wagtails in the field between the caravan park and the coastguard cottages.


Sunny, very warm, light SE wind. A very busy morning, well compared to recent visits. A Green Sandpiper, in the remnant brook early morning, was our first of the year. A Teal, eight Pochard and two Gadwall flew west. A Pied Flycatcher, which flew into the trees by the Obs, was another addition to the year list. Two Gannets flew east, waders included four Oystercatchers on the beach, one Whimbrel west, 20 Ringed Plovers and two Dunlin on the beach and 30 Turnstones . One Sandwich Tern flew east, five Common Terns flew east and ten flew west. Unusual at this time of the year, three Rooks flew over the Scout Hut.

Butterflies noted were Small and Green-veined White, Gatekeeper, Speckled Wood and Holly Blue, a Common Darter dragonfly and another Jersey Tiger moth.

Sparrowhawk – Geoff Burton


An adult Cattle Egret flew west by the Obs, there were two summer plumage Dunlins on the beach and single Whimbrel and Swift flew west.


A Common Sandpiper along the brook and a Jay along the east bank.


A Great Spotted Woodpecker flew out of the sewage works.


Sunny, light SW wind. Six Common Scoters flew east. There were nine Oystercatchers, 15 Ringed Plovers and 29 Turnstones on the beach and a Common Sandpiper in the brook. One Sandwich Tern flew east. Two Swifts and two Swallows were noted, a Sedge Warbler was in the scrub and a Willow Warbler was along the east bank.

Butterflies included a Common Blue by the Obs and a Jersey Tiger was seen again along the front fence of the sewage works.


Sunny, warm with a light SW wind. One Gannet flew east. Waders noted were two Oystercatchers, six Ringed Plovers, four Whimbrel, including two resting on the tidal ponds, a Common Sandpiper and 18 Turnstones. Also seen were a Sand Martin and 11 Swallows and a Yellow Wagtail west and two Willow Warblers along the east bank.

Butterflies noted included another Wall.


The Green Woodpecker was noted again. Two Yellow Wagtails flew west and, later, there were two on the Marsh Pool.


Cloudy, light SW wind. A Gannet flew west, and two flew east, and there were six Little Egrets, including three flying west and five Sandwich Terns flew east. A summer plumage Dunlin was with six Ringed Plovers on the beach, there were nine Whimbrel, three Common Sandpipers and two Redshanks along the shoreline and a Greenshank flew west. A gathering of 28 Mediterranean Gulls on the beach included four juveniles. Also noted, four Swifts and 15 Swallows flew west and a Lesser Whitethroat was in the scrub.

Butterflies noted were Gatekeeper, Green-veined White and Speckled Wood and a Jersey Tiger moth was new for the year.

Jersey Tiger – Geoff Burton


One Snipe flew west, there was a summer plumage Dunlin amongst Ringed Plovers, 23 Common Terns flew east and a Lesser Whitethroat was seen.

A Common Blue butterfly was seen around the Obs.


Cloudy, spots of rain, light NE wind. The immature Shag was present for its 25th day (but was not seen again). One Common Scoter flew east. Waders noted were three Oystercatchers and three Turnstones and a Whimbrel. There were two adult Great Black-backed Gulls on the tidal ponds and three Sandwich Terns, including one juvenile, offshore. A Sedge Warbler was in the a scrub.

Shag – Geoff Burton