A total of 142 species so far this year
141 species by this time last year
The total of 67 species for the month was well below the average of the previous ten years of 73.6 species. However, the year total of 142 species remains well above the ten-year average of 136.4 species despite there being no additions to the year list since Tufted Duck on 2nd June. The hot and dry month provided some return wader passage but other migrants have yet to appear.
Waders included two Ringed Plovers, seven Whimbrel, three on the tidal ponds and four west, a Curlew west and four Redshanks. One Yellow Wagtail flew west.
One Gannet flew east. Waders included two Ringed Plovers, and a Common Sandpiper on the Marsh Pool.
Four Gannets flew west and seven Common Scoters flew east. Waders included two Curlews west, 20+ Turnstones, the injured Sanderling and four Redshanks. Three Swifts flew east.
The return migration in July is usually dominated by waders and so it was that there was a Lapwing south over the caravan park, five Ringed Plovers, the Sanderling with a sail for a wing remains, two Curlews, five Redshanks and 26 Turnstones on the beach and two Common Sandpipers on the Marsh Pool. A flock of ten Common Scoters flew west. There were four Swallows around the Marsh Pool and a Yellow Wagtail.
More evidence of increasing wader passage with a flock of 18 Whimbrels west, four Sanderlings including the injured bird, 36 Turnstones, three Curlews and four Redshanks. Otherwise, quiet in the scrub and down the brook.
A Common Sandpiper on the Marsh Pool was our first returning bird where there were also six Little Egrets two Redshanks. There was a single Oystercatcher and an increase to 28 Turnstones. Sandwich Terns offshore included a juvenile and two Swallows flew west.
Three Whimbrel flew west, there was an increase to five Redshanks on the Marsh Pool and 13 Turnstones were on the beach. Sandwich Terns were offshore and a single Swallow flew west.
One Gannet flew west and two Sandwich Terns were fishing offshore. Waders noted were three Whimbrel west, two Redshanks on the Marsh Pool, two Oystercatchers and a Turnstone. There were ten Swifts over the beach and eight Swallows flew west.
I’m out of action at the moment so all records are being provided by Andy and Ted. Their contributions are always an important part of this blog – GJAB.
Sunny, calm and hot! A juvenile Great Crested Grebe was close inshore off the Obs. There were nine Little Egrets; eight on the Marsh Pool early morning and, later, three were roosting along the east bank. A Whimbrel flew west and two Redshanks and nine Turnstones were on the beach. Mediterranean Gulls included a juvenile on the beach and a Sandwich Tern flew east. A Stock Dove was feeding on the cut grass by the play area and a Meadow Pipit was in the brambles in the grassland.
A male Brimstone butterfly was unexpected at the Obs. A few years ago this species was unknown here, in recent years it has been regular in early Spring but this is the latest. A Marbled White was also seen, another more regularly occurring species here in recent years. Andy picked off a Carrot Weevil (Liparus coronatus) from the umbellifers at the Obs. A “Nationally Notable B” species apparently.

Sunny and warn but with a northerly onshore breeze. There were five Little Egrets and a Redshank on the Marsh Pool, a Whimbrel flew west, a Ringed Plover and Dunlin were heard on the beach and six Turnstones were flushed off the beach by a Sparrowhawk. Four Sandwich Terns flew east, two Swallows hawked briefly over the Marsh Pool and a Reed Bunting calling from the beach vegetation flew into the grassland. Unexpected at this time of the year, this was the first Reed Bunting recorded here in July since 2013.
Butterflies included a Marbled White at the Obs.
Sunny, warm with an onshore breeze. There were seven Little Egrets on the Marsh Pool where an adult Dunlin appeared mid-morning. Other waders noted were a single Ringed Plover and Curlew and two Redshanks. Four Gannets flew east, a flock of c20 Common Scoters flew west and a Common Tern was offshore. Other birds included six Sand Martins and a Swallow west and a Stock Dove.
Butterflies included a male Common Blue on the football pitch.

Light cloud, very warm and calm. A flock of 30 Little Egrets were on the Marsh Pool early morning with another two flying west; 20 were still present late morning. A Marsh Harrier flew low over the sea heading for Sheppey. Waders noted were an Oystercatcher and two Ringed Plovers on the beach (one juvenile), a Curlew west and the Redshank on the Marsh Pool. There were 12 Mediterranean Gulls and six Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach.

A Green Sandpiper was on the Marsh Pool, still present at 2 pm at least.
Sunny, very warm. Two juvenile Grey Herons were on the beach, one of which still sported a hair brush (punk) crest. There was some indication of a returning wader passage with three Ringed Plovers, two adult females and a juvenile, a breeding plumage Sanderling, in addition to the long-staying individual and a Whimbrel west over the sea. An Oystercatcher, two Curlews and the Redshank on the Marsh Pool were also noted. A juvenile Sandwich Tern flew east.

Sunny, warm with a moderate northerly wind. Two Gannets flew west. The Sanderling was roosting between the groynes, two Curlews flew west but only one Turnstone was seen. An adult Common Gull was on the football pitch early morning, there were nine Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach and two Sandwich Terns flew east. Other birds noted included two Swifts and three Swallows west and a juvenile Robin in the Elm Wood.
Butterflies noted included a Marbled White at the Obs and a Speckled Wood near the sewage works entrance.
Cloudy with a fresh northerly wind. Two Gannets flew east, three flew west and two Common Scoters flew east. A Curlew flew west, the Sanderling and three Turnstones were on the beach and the Redshank was again on the Marsh Pool. A near-adult Common Gull was on the beach, eight Great Black-backed Gulls were on the beach and a Sandwich Tern flew east. Two Stock Doves dropped onto the beach, 32 Swifts, two Sand Martins and a Yellow Wagtail flew west. A juvenile Greenfinch was perched in the dead elms.
There was drama on the edge of the churchyard. Two Carrion Crows were noted to be pecking at something on the ground. This turned out to be a juvenile Sparrowhawk. The crows flew up into the trees as I approached but the hawk remained on the ground. The crows were calling from the trees, apparently waiting for me to move on, but I was reluctant to try and pick up the bird with my bare hands. However, after a minute or two the hawk flew of low and weakly, landing on the ground inside the churchyard. It moved on again and although I could here the calls of gulls and crows calling I didn’t see the hawk again. I hope it was ok!

Sunny with a light northerly wind. Waders noted were singles of Oystercatcher east, Curlew west and the Redshank on the Marsh Pool. Other birds included three Swifts west, a male Kingfisher along the middle brook and four Greenfinches were also seen.

Sunny with a light SW wind. A Gannet flew west and an adult Mute Swan was on the sea. A flock of 33 Mediterranean Gulls were on the beach early morning with another five on the Marsh Pool. A flock built up during the morning, on the beach by the Obs, and reach 101, including our first juvenile, before they were dispersed. The previous record count was 34 on 6th July 2017. A Kingfisher along the middle brook was our first post-breeding bird and two Swifts and eight Swallows flew west.
Our first Gatekeeper of the year brought the total species to 20. Another Marbled White was also seen.
Sunny with a moderate SW wind. A Great Crested Grebe was offshore. Three Curlews were seen and the Redshanks was on the Marsh Pool. There were seven Mediterranean Gulls on the beach early morning and, later, two adults flew west. One Swift and three Sand Martins flew west and a Greenfinch was heard calling.
A Red Admiral was at the Obs.
Sunny with a moderate SW wind. There were two Little Egrets on the tidal ponds. Waders noted were a Ringed Plover heard singing, the Sanderling with a damaged wing, a Curlew and three Turnstones on the beach and the Redshank again on the Marsh Pool. Two Sandwich Terns flew east. Other birds included a Great Spotted Woodpecker low over the grassland and a Reed Warbler singing from the bushes opposite the Obs.
Butterflies seen were the three Whites, Painted Lady, Large and Small Skipper, Comma, Small Tortoiseshell and Meadow Brown.