A total of 111 species so far this year 113 species by this time last year
Now we embark on our first month of lockdown. Fortunately for us, and Andy as well, he is able to walk down to the site. Therefore, most if not all the records for the time being will be his.
Light cloud, misty at first, calm then a light cooling NE wind. There were eight Great Crested Grebes on the sea, an adult Gannet flew east, two Shelducks flew west and two Sandwich Terns rested on the red buoy. Waders included a single Ringed Plover, three Curlews, eight Redshanks and 21 Turnstones and a Snipe flushed from the back of the Marsh Pool. There was little vis mig with a Sand Martin west at 6.30 am the only noteworthy occurrence.
Cloudy, mild with a light westerly wind. Early indications were that it was going to be a good day. A Wheatear was on the shingle ridge and a Willow Warbler was singing by the skate park (new for the year) and during the morning another three were found. Andy found a male Ring Ousel on the dog walker created path by the Obs Pool and later, at 8.20 am, the real surprise came in the form of a Waxwing which flew west by the Obs calling as it went! In addition, three adult Mute Swans flew west behind the church and another two east and a total of eight Yellow Wagtails flew west during the morning. A boost of five year ticks by 9 am. Other birds on the move included two Redwings south early morning, four Sand Martins and eight Swallows west and a Marsh Harrier south. There were three Red-throated Divers on the sea and three Red-breasted Mergansers flew west.

Andy’s brief circuit produced two Swallows and two Sand Martins to add to the year list.
Cloudy, cold with a SW breeze. There were eight Red-throated Divers, including two in summer plumage, close inshore, six Great Crested Grebes and a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers. Three Canada Geese and an Avocet (at 7.40 am) flew west (both additions to the year list). Other waders included just single Oystercatcher and Ringed Plover, eight Redshanks and 22 Turnstones. Two adult Mediterranean Gulls flew east and another flew west. Three Stock Doves, 180 Woodpigeons and some small parties of Goldfinches flew west.
Cloudy with a light WNW wind. There were nine Red-throated Divers, two Great Crested Grebes and a party of nine Teal on the sea. A flock of 30 Brent Geese flew high east, two Greylag Geese flew east and a total of 22 Shelducks flew west in small parties. Waders included 24 Oystercatchers east, five Ringed Plovers, seven Redshanks and a Snipe in the marsh. Four Lesser Black-backed Gulls flew west. Birds of the day, however, were two additions to the year list in the form of a Redwing briefly in the Elm Wood and three Redpolls west over the Obs. Meadow Pipits and the Reed Bunting continue to hold territory and a male Blackcap and two Chiffchaffs.