August 2018

                                           144 species for the year                                                138 species by this time last year

The total number of species recorded during the month was 98 which is well above the average for the previous ten years of 91.1 species. After no new additions to the year list in June or July,  a total of 12 additions in August was most welcome. Whilst most were expected, we saved the best until last with the  juvenile Purple Heron on 31st. Described by Andy Malone as “unbelievable”  and, surely, it was not an obvious site for such a bird. However, any new bird will be something of a surprise after 28 years of watching. Also, welcome was the Little Stint on 2nd, our first for four years, and a Pied Flycatcher on 21st, after two years without one. 


A light cloud with a succession of showers visible offshore . Calm with a light NE wind developing. It seemed promising; perhaps we would get our first Redstart of the year or a second Pied Flycatcher. A juvenile Great Crested Grebe was on the sea, a Kingfisher was on the groynes at the eastern end of the beach and a Meadow Pipit,with Pied Wagtails on the promenade, would be a precursor of many more in the following months. However, this did not prepare me for the sight of a Heron flying low towards the Marsh Pool whose overall warm brown colours proved it to be a juvenile Purple Heron. A brilliant new species for the site and, despite the usual scattering of people and dogs, it surprised us by landing on top of a large bush in the scrub.  It remained there for about ten minutes and then glided down towards the brook where it was lost from sight. We couldn’t check all the brook without a risk of flushing the bird. As we hadn’t seen the bird in flight again Ted and I  waited.  Rob Stokes and Alex Perry and his father arrived and shortly afterwards the bird appeared, apparently having flown from the brook, and headed west by the Obs. Thanks to Alex for the excellent flight photo.

Purple Heron – Geoff Burton

Purple Heron – Alex Perry

Other birds included a Dunlin on the Marsh Pool, 10 Ruff (another new bird for the year) which flew west along the shoreline and an Arctic Skua flew east. A Sedge Warbler, two Lesser Whitethroats and four Whitethroats were in a small bush in the scrub, a Reed Warbler was along the east bank and two Yellow Wagtails flew west.


Cloudy gave way to sunshine and a light northerly wind.  A westerly movement was sporadic but included one Gannet, nine Wigeon and eight Teal, two Common Scoters, a summer plumage Grey Plover, a flock of 20 Knot, a flock of 12 Whimbrel and two singles, two Curlews and, best of all, two adult Arctic Skuas (light and dark phase) new for the year. A Green Sandpiper circled around the area looking to land in the brook. Also, a Great Spotted Woodpecker was on the spire of the church, three Yellow Wagtails flew west, there were two Lesser Whitethroats in the scrub and the Linnet flock had reached 25.

Fox – Geoff Burton


Cloudy and calm. Waders included a Curlew flying west, three Greenshanks landing on the foreshore by the Obs briefly before flying on west, and three Redshanks on the beach. A Kingfisher was our first returning bird, later than usual but it was relief, after the “Beast from the East”,  to have one on site again. 13 Swallows were gathered on TV aerials in the caravan park but there was no sign of any movement. A Spotted Flycatcher by the scout hut was probably a different bird to the Obs bird last seen three days previously. There were three Lesser Whitethroats, three Whitethroats and a Blackcap in the s crub or along the e ast bankIt was good to have Nicole Khan and Jason Moule pay a visit; they found a juvenile Cuckoo by Lang Court and also had a Hobby flying west.


Waders noted were 23 Oystercatchers gathering on the incoming tide, 58 roosting Ringed Plovers (highest count of returning birds), one Dunlin, two Whimbrels on the beach which flew off west, a Redshank on the Marsh Pool and 85 roosting Turnstones. There were 12 Sandwich Terns offshore. A Stock Dove landed on the beach, two Swifts were hawking over the estate, a Great Spotted Woodpecker was heard calling from the sewage works, Lesser Whitethroats were seen in the scrub and along the east bank and a Willow Warbler was at the Obs.

On this day: in 1990,  a juvenile Golden Oriole was seen for much of the day in what was then an area of scrub but now forms part of the enlarged sewage works.


Sunny with moderate WNW wind and cooler. Waders included an unusual flock of 55 Redshanks flying west (seen earlier at Reculver), three Sanderlings roosting with Ringed Plovers and four Dunlin and a Whimbrel on the beach. Our  first Swift for nine days drifted south over the football pitch and a Sand Martin and two Yellow Wagtails flew west. The Spotted Flycatcher was using the facilities at the Obs for the third day and a Willow Warbler was also there.


The Spotted Flycatcher was still present.


Cloudy with a light westerly wind. A Spotted Flycatcher along the east bank and later by the Obs, was the first of the year. Many Commic Terns were feeding distantly offshore but our first Black Tern of the year flew west close inshore. Seven Teal and two Curlews also flew west.  A Wheatear was on the shingle ridge and a Reed Warbler and Willow Warbler were along the east bank.

Spotted Flycatcher – Andy Taylor


Cloudy with a light westerly wind. 13 Little Egrets were gathered in the remnant brook at first light. A juvenile Spoonbill flew west at 7.45 am (our second this year) and was probably the one that had been present at Grove Ferry earlier in the morning. 10 Teal, a party of six Greenshanks and seven Curlews flew west. Common Terns were flying west, in groups up to 20, one group included an Arctic Tern. There were two Wheatears were on the shingle ridge, a Lesser Whitethroawas in the scrub and a Willow Warbler was at the Obs.

A Clouded Yellow that wizzed by the Obs was our 22nd butterfly species of the year.

Spoonbill – Andy Taylor


A Pied Flycatcher, seen briefly along the upper brook, was our first for three years. Found by Andy but, unfortunately,  not seen by those who looked for it later. Also, three Lapwings flew west (the first this month) and a Wheatear and two Lesser Whitethroats were also seen.

It was good to see a Water Vole for only the second time this year. This species has hung in along the Swalecliffe brook because of the absence of mink (never seen here) but still has to cope with dog owners who allow their dogs to hunt the brook. A Banded Demoiselle dragonfly was only the fourth record for this site.

Water Vole – Andy Taylor

Banded Demoiselle – Andy Taylor


Cloudy and calm. Not so active today. Seven Dunlin flew west along the beach and another was roosting with Ringed Plovers and Turnstones. Seven Yellow Wagtails flew west, there were two Wheatears on the beach, a Reed Warbler near the Marsh Pool and four Willow Warblers along the east bank.


Sunny with a light westerly wind. More activity today. A flock of eight Canada Geese, which came in over the sea, flew east and then back west, was unusual for August. Groups of seven, nine and two Teal flew west, two Common Scoters flew east and a juvenile Marsh Harrier flew west. A single summer plumage Grey Plover, our first of the autumn,  and a party of nine Black-tailed Godwits flew west. Roosting waders included 43 Ringed Plovers, four Sanderlings and 114 Turnstones. Also, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, landing in the trees at the back of the sewage works, was chased off by a Magpie and two Yellow Wagtails flew west.


Sunny periods and a moderate SW wind. A Great Crested Grebe and a female Marsh Harrier flew west over the sea and a Hobby flew west low over the grassland and a Peregrine was also seen.  There were seven Sandwich Terns offshore ans 10 Swifts and a Sand Martin flew west.

A Painted Lady was near the scout hut buddleia bush.

Painted Lady – Geoff Burton

Details of the four Pitsea landfill site Herring Gulls, that were on the beach on 31st July, have been received. None has been recorded out of Kent since they were rung (between 2013 and 2017). All have been  seen in the Thames Estuary-North Kent coast area  although one has ventured as far as Dungeness.


Reed Warbler and a Reed Bunting in the scrub were both first returning birds and a Willow Warbler was also seen. Five Gannets and 32 Gannets were offshore.


Sunny with a moderate westerly wind. Three Gannets and three Whimbrel flew west and two Dunlin were seen in flight over the beach. Our first Whinchat of the year was in the scrub although it proved difficult to relocate. Three Swallows flew west, one Yellow Wagtail flew west and one or two were seen around the Marsh Pool. A Grey Wagtail was in the brook by the sewage works entrance, a Willow Warbler was heard calling near the Obs and a Jay flew along the east bank and into the Wood.

An adult Great Black-backed Gull on the beach was carrying the colour-ring 34G. An old friend, having been seen here in 2014 and 2016. He was rung as a chick in Brittany in 2010 and has also been seen at Whitstable, at Dungeness and twice more back in France.

Common Blue – Geoff Burton

Migrant Hawker – Geoff Burton


Sunny with a light westerly wind. A female Tufted Duck flew east at 6.20 am. Later, three Shovelers flew west. Two Whimbrel flew west and, on the Marsh Pool now with some water, a Common Sandpiper and Redshank were seen. Two Stock Doves flew south over the football pitch, a Garden Warbler was along the east bank and a Willow Warbler at the Obs.

The Marsh Pool – Geoff Burton


An evening visit by Andy produced our first returning Wheatear and Snipe. 30 Swifts flew west and a Kestrel was the first seen here for some time.

Wheatear – Andy Taylor


Sunny and fairly calm. Warblers were more in evidence this morning; our first Garden Warbler of the year was seen along the east bank; our first Sedge Warbler of the autumn was in the scrub, there were several Willow Warblers in the scrub and along the east bank and the “resident”warblers, WhitethroatBlackcap and Chiffchaff were also more showy. Even Robins showed more! A flock of six Whimbrels flew west and a Common Sandpiper was seen on the beach and in the brook.  As the tide rose, waders gathered to roost on the beach between the groynes; 84 Turnstones, 37 Ringed Plovers and four Sanderlings were also the highest counts so far this autumn. A juvenile Moorhen was in the brook and Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were calling within the sewage works.

Swalecliffe is not known for odonata. So, our second ever Willow Emerald, our first Broad-bodied Chaser and a Migrant Hawker represented a good result. A Brimstone moth was also seen by the Obs.

Willow Warbler – Andy Taylor

Broad-bodied Chaser – Andy Taylor

Willow Emerald – Andy Taylor


Cloudy with a light northerly wind. Wader numbers continue to increase with 34 Ringed Plovers roosting on the shingle ridge and 68 Turnstones roosting between the groynes at the eastern end of the beach.  There was also a pristine breeding plumage Sanderling,complete with rufous face and breast (I believe they are called Red-necked Stints on Fair Isle). Other waders included single Redshank and Common Sandpiper. One Swallow and one Yellow Wagtail flew west and one Grey Wagtail was in the brook by the sluice.


Sunny with a light to moderate NW wind and cooler. A juvenile Arctic Tern, seen close inshore by the Obs, was a new species for the year and there were more Sandwich Terns offshore and ten Common Terns flew east.  An early Pintail flew west and a juvenile Marsh Harrier, flying west low over the sea, was our first of this species since April. Waders included 28 Ringed Plovers on the beach on the incoming tide, two Common Sandpipers and, late in the morning, a flock of 28 Whimbrel rested briefly on the beach.  Also, five Sand Martins flew west and a Willow Warbler was along the east bank.

Whimbrel – Geoff Burton


An “white” Swallow was perhaps the highlight of Andy’ visit. There  was also one drake Common Scoter which flew east close inshore and a juvenile Green Woodpecker on the football pitch. Arnie van Orsouw noted three Grey Wagtails present in the afternoon.

Green Woodpecker – Andy Taylor


Sunny, warm but with an onshore breeze. Two Great Crested Grebes flying west were the first noted here since May. An adult Sanderling  was the first of the autumn and other waders numbers increased with 18 Ringed Plovers and 60 Turnstones roosting at high tide. A flock of eight Whimbrel flew west and a calling  Green Sandpiper flew south unseen. A flock of c190 Herring Gulls on the beach included 113 juveniles. Two Sandwich Terns included a juvenile bird. Three Little Egrets were roosting along the east bank at high tide and later were feeding on the beach.


Sunny with a light NE wind and still very  warm. Two Gannets and three Sandwich Terns were offshore. Waders included 12 Ringed Plovers, an increase to 33 Turnstones and an adult Dunlin (our first returning bird) roosting between the groynes at the e astern end of the beach, six Whimbrel west and a Common Sandpiper. A Stock Dove flew west over the beach, a Meadow Pipit was in the grassland, a Grey Wagtail was in the middle brook and two very vocal Lesser Whitethroats were in the scrub.


Sunny with a light NE wind. Another very hot day with clear skies did not seem promising. However, when I arrived Andy had already seen a flock of 80 Knot flying west. As I was counting the Ringed Plovers (13 in total), I spotted an adult Little Stint feeding amongst them. This was our first for four years and only our third in the last ten.  So that was two year ticks already. However, it did not carry on it quite the same vein. Other waders included two Redshanks, a Common Sandpiper and 13 Turnstones. Frustratingly, two more flocks of tightly-grouped waders (perhaps 200 in all) flew west too far out to positively identify. Other birds noted were eight Little Egrets, four Mediterranean Gulls, including three juveniles on the beach, a Stock Dove flying south over the Obs, a Great Spotted Woodpecker in the sewage works that later flew south over the churchyard,  two Sand Martins flying west, a Lesser Whitethroat in the scrub and a Grey Wagtail.


sunny with an onshore breeze and very warm. A slow start to the month. Waders noted included three Ringed Plovers, two Redshanks and seven Turnstones but the falling tide may not have facilitated an optimum count. All three (as far as we know) broods of Mallard were on show; one brood of seven in flight and two broods of five are fully-grown. The juvenile Sandwich Tern was seen again.

A total of eight species of butterfly to start the month including a Green-veined White, Comma, Small Heath and Holly Blue.

July 2018

                                             132 species so far this year                                                       132 species by this time last year 

With a  total of 70 species, another below par month (an average of 72.5 in July over the previous ten years). It was also the second month running that no new species was added to the year list and the  total of 66 days without an addition, by the end of the month, was a new record. However, typical of July was the trickle of returning waders which included a few Green Sandpipers, lots of Whimbrel and singles of  Bar-tailed Godwit and Greenshank. 


Thunder and lightning and a period of heavy rain from 7.15-30 am. Then it was sunny with a light SW wind. A flock of 15 Common Scoters flew east and four Sandwich Terns offshore included our first juvenile of the year. Waders included a single Curlew flying west and a Redshank and two Common Sandpipers on the beach. There were also five Little Egrets and an adult Grey Heron on the beach and four Herring Gulls sporting Pitsea colour rings were noted.


Cloudy, moderste southerly wind with light rain showers. Six Whimbrel flew west, two Common Sandpipers flew south over the area and a Redshank appeared on the beach by the Obs late morning. A single Swift, two Sand Martins and Swallow flew west. A Stock Dove on the shingle ridge flew off south and was the first recorded here since April (they seem to be getting extremely scarce).


Sunny at times but much cooler with a light southerly wind. Unfortunately, this change in the weather did not result in a change in our fortunes. A Whimbrel was on the beach, three Ringed Plovers and six Turnstones were scattered over the beach at low tide and a single Redshank was heard calling. 16 Swifts flew west and two Jackdaws on the football pitch were the first seen since mid-June.

Sad to see that what is supposed to be our flower meadow (in front of the sewage works) has been mowed for the second time this season. Having recovered a bit from being mowed in May, there is now not a single flower standing! Is it simply that the contractors forget what they are supposed to do? Last year, Andy was able to stop a contractor mowing this area but we can’t be on site 24/7.

That was the flower meadow that was – Geoff Burton


The heat had Andy heading home by 9.30 am but not before noting the increase in waders with ten Ringed Plovers, a Whimbrel, a Green Sandpiper and two Common Sandpipers, and eight Turnstones. A juvenile Green Woodpecker was doing a tour of the sites hotspots!

It is two months to the day since we added a new species to the year list. It is not, however, a record as none were added between May 22nd and July 26th in 2009 (a gap of 65 days). Nearly there though!


Sunny and calm with an onshore breeze. There were five Little Egrets with three roosting along the east bank during the morning. A Grey Heron was on the shingle ridge. Wader numbers continue to increase with nine Oystercatchers and 14 Ringed Plovers roosting between the groynes including four juveniles. Single Whimbrel and Redshank were heard calling as was a flock of Turnstones, though only two were seen. A Green Woodpecker was calling in the churchyard and later one was seen in the trees along the upper brook. Only our second of the year but regular sightings will now be expected in the post-breeding period. Five Swallows were circling over the shingle ridge and the local House Martins continue to visit the beach to feed.


Sunny with a light southerly wind and very warm. A developing onshore breeze cooled things down  a bit. Just a bit! Three Gannets flew east and a Teal circled over the beach. Waders were on the increase with seven Oystercatchers, seven Ringed Plovers  (all adults) and seven Turnstones (six still in breeding plumage) on the beach. A single Whimbrel and a party of 11 passed offshore. There were 17 Mediterranean Gulls, including eight juveniles, on the beach. Two Sandwich Terns flew east, five Swallows flew west and a Grey Wagtail was in the brook near the sewage works entrance.


Sunny, calm, very warm. Waders included a Whimbrel and a Redshank heard calling, the latter our first returning bird, and two Green Sandpipers which circled over the brook and the Marsh Pool before disappearing over the beach. Eight Turnstones flew east along the beach. A trickle of vis mig with six Swifts, a Sand Martin and two Swallows, a Meadow Pipit (first since April now it is not a breeding species anymore) and two Yellow Wagtails, all heading west.

The latest event in the “tidying up” of the churchyard was the cutting off of ivy at the base of two of the sycamore trees. Ivy provides many insects and nesting sights for birds and, later in the autumn, is often alive with Ivy Bees. Bad for wildlife, ugly and seemingly pointless!

The Marsh Pool managed to attract one wader, a Common Sandpiper on 19th, before becoming completely dry two days later.

Ringed Plover – Geoff Burton


Dead ivy – Geoff Burton

The Marsh Pool (compare with 12th) – Geoff Burton



Sunny with a light westerly wind. Five Gannets and a Gadwall flew west. Waders included a Whimbrel on the beach, a Greenshank, which dropped down towards the beach before continuing east, and a Common Sandpiper on the Marsh Pool (both first returning birds) and a summer plumage Turnstone. Seven Swallows flew west and two Yellow Wagtails were on the beach. Also, a Great Spotted Woodpecker was calling in the churchyard, a Grey Wagtail flew into the sewage works and a Buzzard was soaring in the sky to the SE.

A male Brown-tail moth was not a surprise, given the number of caterpillars seen, but a Black-and-yellow Longhorn Beetle was a smart dude!

Turnstone – Geoff Burton

Black-and-yellow Longhorn Beetle – Andy Taylor

Brown-tail – Geoff Burton (scope Andy Taylor)



Sunny, light westerly wind, warm. Two Grey Herons flew west, a Whimbrel was on the beach and ten Mediterranean Gulls flying west included three juveniles. An  adult Turnstone on the beach was our first here since late May. A bit of vis mig with 20 Swifts, four Sand Martins and six Swallows west.

A Shaded Broad-bar moth was the first noted this year.

Shaded Broad-bar – Geoff Burton


A short visit for Ted before he was driven off by the heat. There were five Little Egrets on the Marsh Pool and two Whimbrel flew west.


Ted Lee noted ten Common Scoters flying east, three Whimbrel flying west and 12 Mediterranean Gulls on the beach.


Cloudy with a light northerly wind. A flock of 30 Common Scoters flew east, a Hobby flew west low over the scrub and there were three Curlews, two flew west and one was on the beach. A flock of 54 Carrion Crows was on the football pitch and feeding time!

The Marsh Pool looks good for migrant waders at the moment but potential customers should hurry because, with this hot weather, it will not look good for long.

The Marsh Pool – Geoff Burton


Cloudy with a cooling NE wind. Three Curlews flew west accompanied by  a single Bar-tailed Godwit. Five adult Common Gulls also flew west. There was a flock of 20 Goldfinches in the scrub including a few juveniles.

House Sparrow – Geoff Burton


Sunny with a light NE breeze and very warm again. A little more happening today with one Fulmar east, an immature Gannet, a Curlew and a Shelduck west and c110 Common Scoters, including one flock of 80, in flight offshore. Numbers of Mediterranean Gulls continue to gather on the beach; there were at least 11 today including our first sighting of a juvenile. This individual was colour-coded and was rung as a chick at Antwerp in Belgium on 9th June (thanks to Camille Duponcheel for the rapid response). Two Sandwich Terns flew east, seven Swifts flew west, a Grey Wagtail was heard in the sewage works and a Lesser Whitethroat was watched as it delicately extracted insects from the head of an umbellifer opposite the Obs.

Another Marbled White was seen near the Obs and a female Velvet Ant (Mutillidae) was seen crawling towards the Obs. This wingless wasp has a legendary sting which has earned it the name of “cow killer). Fortunately, your team escaped unscathed!

Unfortunately, no photo of the Velvet Ant was obtained. My son has asked why the “Swalecliffe Birds” site is full of pictures of insects with the odd rabbit and cat thrown in. I told him it’s that time of the year!

Mediterranean Gulls – Geoff Burton


Sunny, a light NE wind and very warm. 15 Gannets flew east, a Curlew flew west and 11 Mediterranean Gulls were on the beach.

Two Marbled Whites were at the Obs and the Lang Court rabbit was seen again.


12 adults and two second-summer Mediterranean Gulls flew west.


Light cloud, calm. A Hobby flew low over the wooden bridge by the sewage works entrance.  Two Common Terns were offshore,  an adult Cuckoo flew by the Obs, there were six Swifts, c10 House Martins over the beach and a Grey Wagtail.

Our first gatekeeper of the year by the obs (21st species for the year) and another sighting of Ringlet.

Juvenile Kestrel – Geoff Burton


Cloudy with a moderate NE wind. Very little to report; a pair of Shelducks were on the Marsh Pool.

Our first Essex Skipper of the year was recorded along the middle brook and a Ringlet was seen again in the scrub.

Essex Skipper – Geoff Burton


Sunny, moderate NE wind, warm. Two Gannets flew east, there were four Little Egrets and a Grey Heron on the Marsh Pool and six adult Mediterranean Gulls appeared on the beach by the skate park on the incoming tide.

Andy Taylor found a pair of Hornet Moths on the poplar tree by Lang Court. This was the same tree as last year but a bit later (24th June in 2017). A Ringlet butterfly in the scrub was only our third record here with the two previous records many years ago. Other butterflies included Large White and Peacock, there were some Silver Ys, a Dock Bug and the first sighting of a Water Vole, near the lower wooden bridge, this year.

Mediterranean Gulls – Geoff Burton

Ringlet – Geoff Burton

Hornet Moth – Andy Taylor

Dock Bug – Geoff Burton


Sunny, light to moderate NE wind, warm. An immature Mute Swan flew east over the sea, there were five Little Egrets in the area, including three on the Marsh Pool, and a Grey Heron was also on the Marsh Pool.

Butterflies recorded were Small and Green-veined Whites, Small and Large Skippers, Red Admiral, Meadow Brown and Small Heath. Also, in common with many sites, there were a lot of Silver Y moths about.

Silver Y – Geoff Burton

June 2018

                                                                                 132 species so far this year                                                                                    130 species by this time last year

The total of 66 species recorded during the month was the lowest June total (since records began) and the lowest of any month (since records began). The average June total for the previous ten years was 72.4 species. There were two species not recorded in June before; the long staying Cetti’s Warbler, last recorded on 14th, and the Barnacle Goose which flew east on 2nd. For the first time here, no Turnstones were recorded in June this year. Although summering totals have been low in recent years,  with a maximum count of 16 in the last four years, there were peaks of 126 in June 2010 and 95 in June 2013. June is always a quiet month but the prevalence of easterly winds may have contributed to the  particularly poor showing this year.  


Sunny periods with a light NE wind. First returners were a Grey Wagtail in the brook by the sewage works entrance and a Green Sandpiper, possibly two, which flew SE from the brook and later flew north. Four Curlews flew west. A Grey Heron resting on the beach from mid-morning was the first here since April.

A good morning for butterflies with a Marbled White zipping by the Obs (our first for four years) and a Painted Lady pausing briefly there; both new for the year. A Rabbit was feeding on the grass by Lang Court; nobody can remember seeing one at this site before!

Rabbit- Andy Taylor


Cloudy, moderate easterly wind. One Gannet flew east, one Curlew flew west and another two lingered on the beach. Six Teal landed briefly on the water’s edge by the Obs before continuing west. Only our second June record of this species in the last 12 years. There were 46 Carrion Crows on the football pitch awaiting the arrival of the corvid food bank.

Now where have those ducklings got to?


Cloudy, moderate easterly wind. Very quiet. A Shelduck flew west and a second-summer Mediterranean Gull flew east.


An adult Cuckoo was in the scrub, a Hobby flew west and there were five Little Egrets in the area.

Our first Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Moth was in the scrub and two Comma butterflies were the first seen since April.

Burnet Moth – Andy Taylor


Sunny, calm and very warm.  Two flocks of six and ten Curlews flew west and a single Lapwing and Yellow Wagtail also. 12 Swifts flew west and a Great Spotted Woodpecker circled over the promenade before dropping into trees behind the caravan park.

Butterflies included our first Small Skippers.

Little Egret – Geoff Burton


Sunny, calm and warm. Two Gannets flew east and there were more waders today with seven Oystercatchers east and 13 Lapwings and a Curlew west. A Hobby flew west close by the Obs and a Great Spotted Woodpecker  (on a typical first date for post-breeding dispersal last noted in March) flew along the east bank.

A good day for butterflies with our first Large Skipper of the year plus Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Small and Large White,  Small Heath, Meadow Brown and Holly Blue. A Common Lizard, favourite food of the local Kestrels, was seen in the scrub.

Sparrowhawk and Common Lizard – Andy Taylor


Sunny with a fresh NW wind. Not the weather we want until about August! Two Gannets flew east,  a Curlew flew west and our eight singing migrant Reed Warbler of the “Spring” was near the scout hut.


Cloudy, moderate southerly wind. Four Curlews and an adult Mediterranean Gull flew west but an adult Common Gull in breeding plumage was more unexpected. A Yellow Wagtail flew west and there were five House Martins feeding over the beach.

A Cinnabar moth was the first noted here this year.


Common Gull – Geoff Burton


Cloudy with a moderate SW wind. An immature Gannet flew east, a Whimbrel, heard calling, was drifting east, a first-summer Mediterranean Gull flew east and parties of five and two (mostly adults) flew west. A second brood of Mallard (seven ducklings) were along the upper brook.


Sunny periods, a light southerly wind and warm. Curlews were on the move today with 13 flying west and another two resting on the tidal ponds. Two Hobbies, flying west over the churchyard and the Obs, were only the second and third this year. Two Common Terns resting on the buoys offshore were noteworthy only because of their scarcity here this year. Another movement of Swifts with 20 passing through during the morning. The Cetti’s Warbler, first recorded here on 21st April,  was not heard today. Time will tell if it has just gone quiet or departed.


Cloudy with a fresh southerly wind. Bird of the day was the hepatic female Cuckoo which put in its first appearance since 11th May. Two Curlews flew west and 16 Swifts (presumably a feeding movement) also heading west was the highest count so far this year. An adult Moorhen in the sewage works was our first sighting seen April but this is likely to because they have become very elusive.


Sunny with a light southerly and warmer. A change in the weather but not in our fortunes. One Fulmar flew east, two Shelducks flew west, one Oystercatcher was the only wader and two Sandwich Terns fed close inshore.

Hoowever, warmer weather did result in two additions to the butterfly list in Small Heath and Meadow Brown (total now 14 species). Holly and Common Blues, Speckled Wood and Small White were also seen.

Small Heath – Geoff Burton


Cloudy with a moderate NE wind and cool. A Curlew on the beach by the Obs was the first returning wader. A Canada Goose flew east close inshore. The brood of seven ducklings were again seen along Coot Strait and a Magpie was feeding two fledged young along the   east bank.

Butterflies noted were Small and Large Whites and Common Blue.

Large White – Geoff Burton


Cloudy with a light NE wind. Ten Gannets flew west and four flew east. An immature Mute Swan flew west over the sea. So we are still waiting for a change in the weather or season!


Cloudy with a moderate NE wind. The cool northerly airflow continues its grip. Three Fulmars  and 12 Gannets flew east.  A family of six Long-tailed Tits appeared briefly along the east bank.

A Common Blue near the Obs was our first new butterfly for the year since Green-veined White on 19th April. A Silver Y moth and a Thick-thighed Beetle were also seen.

Little Egret – Geoff Burton


Cloudy, fresh NE wind and cool. One Fulmar flew SW over the area whilst 62 Gannets east was the highest count of the year. A  Grey Plover flew north by the Obs. An  adult Common Gull on the beach was unusual as, typically, only first-summer birds are seen at this time of the year. A duck Mallard with seven ducklings in the brook were the first brood seen this year. A Reed  Warbler was singing along the east bank.


Cloudy, misty at first with a light NE wind and cool. 10 Sandwich Terns flew east close inshore early in the morning. 25 Gannets flew east. There were two Shelducks on the beach and two Little Egrets on the beach with one on the Marsh Pool. Six Lapwings flew north out over the sea.

A quiet morning, and with news of a Black-winged Stilt at Oare Marshes, an early departure was called for.

Black-winged Stilt – Geoff Burton


Sunny and warm. Three Gannets flew west and eight flew east. A Barnacle Goose flying east over the sea was our second record of the year and a first for June. There were two Shelducks on the shingle ridge and six flew west and  a party of 23 Common Scoters flew east. Eight Oystercatchers on the beach were the only waders seen and there were four Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach. Seven Swifts and two Swallows flew west and our first juvenile Pied Wagtail was on the beach and the football pitch.

Butterflies were represented by Small Whites, Holly Blues and a male Orange-tip. In the ten years or so I have kept records this is the first June record of Orange-tip (all previous records have been in April and May). Andy Taylor found a new moth for the site in the form of Alabonia geoffrella .

Alabonia geoffrella – Andy Taylor


Arnie van Orsouw heard a Reed Warbler singing along the east bank. Our sixth migrant this Spring.

May 2018

                                                                        132 species so far this year                                                                                    129 species by the same time last year

An odd month with warm spells at the beginning but much cold northerly weather from mid-month onwards.. The total of just 80 species compares with an average of 85.5 over the previous ten years. The month started well with five of the expected migrants, i.e Hobby, Greenshank, Little Tern, Turtle Dove and Reed Warbler, seen but no sign of a Garden Warbler or Spotted Flycatcher. Bird of the month was undoubtedly the Cattle Egret on 5th whilst our first Merlin of the year, on 3rd, was unexpected. However, the second half of the month was dire with five Avocets appearing out of the gloom on 26th, the only other addition to the year list.  Despite all this, the total of species for the year is now three ahead of that at the same time in 2017.   



Sunny, warm with a light NE wind. A struggle this morning with one Gannet and one Shelduck west and two Swifts, three Sand Martins and four Swallows also west whilst a single House Martin was hawking over the area.  Our second ever Cetti’s  Warbler was present for its 38th day!

A Red Admiral at the Obs was the first since one recorded by Andy during the winter months.

Greenfinch – Geoff Burton


Cloudy and misty and warm when the sun broke through. Early morning conditions favoured a few migrant waders with a party of five Avocets calling and eventually emerging from the mist as they flew on west (our first this year). Also two Dunlin and three Ringed Plovers (probably migrants) flew east along the beach and two Turnstones flew west. Over the sea, 57 Gannets, including one party of 26, flew east (our highest count this year) and an adult Kittiwake also flew west.  An immature Mute Swan flew east over the Obs and then flew back west and there were eight Great Black-backed Gulls (two adults and six immatures of various ages) on the beach (a high count for this time of the year. Other migrants included six Swallows west and two Reed Warblers singing, along the east bank and in the Scout Wood.

Sadly, there is as yet no evidence of the new notice boards having any affect on disturbance on the beach. Today, this included a lady, with dog of course,  painstakingly collecting rubbish on the shingle ridge at high tide.


Cloudy with a light NE wind. 13 Gannets flew east and a party of four Grey Plovers flying east close inshore were the first this month.  Swifts continue to be uncommonly scarce with only two noted today.

Holly Blue and Small White were the only butterflies seen today.


Cloudy with a shower of rain and light northerly winds. Three Sandwich Terns feeding close inshore unusually included a second year bird (usually they remain in the winter quarters of West Africa). Two Turnstones were on the beach and the resident Carrion Crow flock numbered 64 birds.


Cloudy, light NE wind and cool. A better day in comparison with the poor standards of recent times. Five Gannets and five Common Scoters flew west. A Greenshank was heard calling and two Sanderlings (the first this month) and five Turnstones were on the “slipway” at the eastern end of the beach. Eight Swallows and a Yellow Wagtail flew west and a Reed Warbler was singing in the bushes opposite the Obs.

Sanderlings – Geoff Burton


Sunny with a light NE wind, warmer. Remains quiet, very quiet. There were four Swifts hunting over the area early morning.  A Whimbrel flew west and two Lapwings, the first since March, circled over the Marsh Pool then drifted off inland. A Song Thrush was videod as it smashed and ate a snail along the coastal path.


Cloudy, moderate NE wind and again cool. After a period of quiet warm weather, we now have a period of quiet cold weather. Five Shelduck  flew east whilst a single Turnstone was the first seen here for a week.

The notice boards ask that people avoid the area marked “sensitive” which is the beach. Today, there was a party of 55 school children on the beach wielding red and white poles and tape!


Cloudy with a fresh northerly wind and cool. Ten Gannets flew east over the sea and a party of five Mediterranean Gulls (four adults) flew east over the area. Vis mig was limited to hirundines with one Sand Martin, 43 Swallows and five House Martins flying west. A Reed Warbler, singing in the depths of the east bank, was our second this year as was a Turtle Dove heading south, seen by Arnie van Orsouw in the afternoon.

Three notice boards, many years in the gestation, have finally materialised. They look good, they are more substantial than previous versions which had a tendency to unexplained disappearance, and  so will hopefully remain longer. They are quite informative but I fear the appeals to more “sensitive” behaviour may go unheard.


Light cloud with a fresh, cooling northerly wind.  Not a pleasant morning. Four Gannets flew east and 27 flew west.  Some vis mig with seven Swifts, 82 Swallows and four Yellow Wagtails heading west.  Unusually, no Turnstones were seen for the second visit; more usually a few remain throughout the summer.


Sunny with a light SW wind. Two Great Crested Grebes were offshore, four Shelducks flew west and a Little Egret was on the beach, then roosting along the east bank and then on the Marsh Pool. Waders were scarce with two Oystercatchers and two Ringed Plovers but no sign of any Turnstones. Not a vis mig day but a flock of six Collared Doves appeared to be in a hurry heading west and there were two Swallows and three Goldfinches also on the move. Two House Martins were back at the remnant brook presumably in search of mud for their nest.

Little Egret – Geoff Burton


Sunny with a moderate southerly wind. This had all the makings of another quiet day but two additions to the year list were welcome if not unexpected. Firstly, a Hobby flipped over the east bank and flew low across the football pitch heading east. Secondly, a Reed Warbler was singing in the trees by the Obs and showed well briefly. Out over the sea, five Gannets circled distantly, a Shelduck flew east and there were two Great Crested Grebes offshore. It was a good morning for raptors with, as well as the Hobby, a Red Kite flying west over the sea at 9.40 am and a very pale Common Buzzard flying west over the area at 10.55 am. Waders were limited to the ever present OystercatcherRinged Plover and Turnstone and a few Sandwich Terns flew east. Vis mig was minimal; three Swallows,  a Sand Martin and two Rooks flew west and there were also two local House Martins in search of nesting material. The hepatic female Cuckoo appeared in the scrub and the Cetti’s Warbler was present for its 21st day.

Hepatic female Cuckoo – Ted Lee


Ted was on duty again today. The three Turnstones were still present but there were no other waders of any note. More vis mig, however, with seven Swifts, 125 Swallows, five House Martins and three Yellow Wagtails west.


Ted Lee saw two Little Egrets, three Turnstones and a Common Tern. Two Swallows and three Yellow Wagtails flew west.


Sunny, calm and very warm. There were two Great Crested Grebes offshore, two Gannets flew east, a drake Gadwall flew west, a few Sandwich Terns flew east but the highlight of the day was three Little Terns which flew east mid-morning. Only just about annual in occurrence in recent years. Waders were scarce with only six Turnstones remaining but there was another flock of 60 Black-tailed Godwits which (as on 5th) flew high east. A Cuckoo flew west and a few Swallows and four Yellow Wagtails also.

Butterflies included Speckled Wood and Holly Blue and a female Orange-tip which often go overlooked. A Brimstone moth also flew by the Obs.

Finally, on its 17th day, the Cetti’s Warbler showed well enough at the Obs for Andy to get a record shot.

Cetti’s Warbler – Andy Taylor


Andy bravely ignored the obvious downsides of a hot, Bank Holiday Sunday morning. He was rewarded with a flock of five Common Sandpipers, flushed from the beach by a dog walker,  and heard two Greenshanks calling ( new for the year).  He then beat a hasty retreat.


Sunny, calm and warm with just a little cooling onshore breeze. Andy’s reward for an early start was a new bird for the site. A Cattle Egret circled over the area at 5.35 am, decided on balance not to land, and headed off SE. Anything after that was likely to be an anti-climax but a flock of 70 Black-tailed Godwits flying high and east was not only a new species for the year but our highest ever count here. Also, it was good to welcome back a hepatic Cuckoo for her third year. She mooched about the scrub for a bit before flying off west in front of the obs. Otherwise it was very quiet. A few Sandwich Terns and a Common Tern were the first for a week, a few Swallows flew west, a Skylark rested briefly on the shingle ridge.

The Cattle Egret was the 245th species recorded here since 1990 and, after Citrine Wagtail last October and Melodious Warbler last May, the third addition in less than a year, i.e. above average for recent years.

Cattle Egret – Andy Taylor


Sunny, calm and warm. There was one Great Crested Grebe on the sea, three adult Gannets flew west, two Mute Swans flew west  an seven Shelducks flew east. A Cuckoo was calling in the sewage works and then flew east across the area and beyond. A little vis mig ealy morning included three Sand Martins, 32 Swallows and a Yellow Wagtail. One male Wheatear was on the shingle ridge whilst a  flock of nine Jackdaws, flying south over the football pitch, was unusual.


Sunny, light westerly wind, warmer. What seemed a fairly quiet morning did produce two new birds for the year. Firstly, a Merlin (not the most expected falcon addition at this time of the year) flew low over the estate at c8.30 am and then, presumably the same bird, flew east across the area at 10.10 am. Secondly, a Turtle Dove starting “purring” from the sewage works behind the Obs at about 11 am. It was out of sight save for a brief appearance in display flight. There was a modicum of vis mig with one Swift, 24 Sand Martins, 94 Swallows, five House Martins, three Yellow Wagtails, 15 Goldfinches and four Linnets flying west. Two Wheatears were again on the shingle ridge. One Great Crested Grebe was on the sea, two Greylag Geese paused briefly offshore by the Obs and two Brent Geese flew west close inshore. One Whimbrel flew west.

Wheatear – Andy Taylor


Sunny with a moderate westerly wind. A relief after yesterday’s winds and heavy rain. One Great Crested Grebe was on the sea, an adult Mute Swan flew east and two Whimbrel flew west. Vis mig included one Swift, two Sand Martins, 55 Swallows, two House Martins, 15 Yellow Wagtails, 106 Goldfinches and 18 Linnets. There were two Wheatears, a male and a female, on the shingle ridge and a Willow Warbler along the east bank.  Good to hear that the Cetti’s Warbler has made it into the new month.

Butterflies seen were Green-veined and Small Whites, Speckled Wood and Orange-tip.

April 2018

                                                            123 species so far this year                                                                126 species by the same time last year

A total of 96 species for the month was a bit above the average for the last ten years (which was 94.8 species). It looked as if we were going to do better but poor un-Spring like weather in the last week, when only two species were added, Cuckoo and Sedge Warbler, pulled it back.  However, we did reduce the deficit over last year from 16 to 3 species. In any case, at this stage in the year, it is not how many you see but what you see. Our second only Cetti’s Warbler, our first for four years Black Redstart and Grasshopper Warbler, and Spoonbill and Hen Harrier not seen last year, may be significant later on.

Spring birds likely to be added next month would include Hobby, Greenshank, Little Tern, Turtle Dove, Reed Warbler and Garden Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher. 


Heavy rain, fresh northerly winds and cold. And 5 degrees C at home this afternoon, therefore, a no show today.


Cloudy with a moderate northerly wind and light rain. Unpleasant! Three Gannets flew west, and later east, one Great Crested Grebe flew west and a Fulmar flew east. In the murky conditions, a Whimbrel rested on the beach by the Obs and three Bar-tailed Godwits (two breeding plumage males and a female) also dropped in for a rest. They were able to get some respite as the foul conditions had cut down on the dog walkers. Some Yellow Wagtails appeared out of the mist and included  a party of five which flew north out to sea. Two Swifts were seen over the estate and seven Swallows flew west. The Cetti’s Warbler continues to roam up and down the east bank occasionally letting out a burst of song.


Cloudy with spots of rain, a moderate NW wind and cool. There were two Great Crested Grebes offshore, four Gannets flew east, seven flew west, ten Common Scoters flew east and a Fulmar circled over the Obs several times. A Whimbrel flew west, touching down on the beach briefly. Three Ringed Plovers were on the beach, 34 Turnstones gathered towards high tide and a Common Sandpiper was along the middle brook. Three Sandwich Terns and two Common Terns flew west. Limited vis mig included one Swift, nine Swallows, four Yellow Wagtails, 30 Goldfinches and 12 Linnets. A male Wheatear was on the beach, the Cetti’s Warbler was present for its eight day and a Sedge Warbler suddenly burst into song behind the Obs at 11 am. Our first Spring record for four years.

Fulmar – Andy Taylor


A quiet morning with two Swifts, movement of Swallows and Sand Martins but not House Martins. The Cetti’s Warbler was still present and there were two Willow Warblers in the churchyard. A Sparrowhawk taking a Turnstone was perhaps an unusual prey item.

The Great Crested Grebe was again in the brook but two dog walkers took it upon themselves to try and catch it with nets! Apparently, it looked “knackered” but it swam off and hasn’t been seen again.

Willow Warbler – Andy Taylor


Sunny, cool with a fresh SW wind. A light vis mig with four Swifts, one Sand Martin, 32 Swallows, two House Martins, 76 Goldfinches and 12 Linnets west. There were 58 Turnstones roosting on the beach at high tide.  The Cetti’s Warbler continues to sing unseen along the east bank. We need a change in the weather.


Cloudy with a light SW wind. A much quieter day with a Cuckoo flying west high over the sewage works, the highlight. There was little other vis mig save for seven Swallows, two Yellow Wagtails, five Goldfinches and 13 Linnets flying west. There was one Great Crested Grebe on the sea, two Fulmars and a Common Scoter flew east and on the beach at high tide there were three Ringed Plovers, a Sanderling and 67 Turnstones. Two Sandwich Terns and a Brent Goose flew west. The Cetti’s Warbler continued to be heard but not seen along the     east bank, where a Lesser Whitethroat was also singing and a Common Whitethroat was performing aerial displays in the scrub.


Sunny with a moderate SW wind and cooler. A return to Spring after a premature bout of Summer! This was more conducive to vis mig and totals included our first six Swifts, 14 Sand Martins, c50 Swallows, five House Martins, three Meadow Pipits, ten Yellow Wagtails and a few Goldfinches and Linnets. It was a good day for raptors too with the prize going to a ringtail Hen Harrier flying west low over the sea at 7.30 am and later appearances of a female Marsh Harrier, three Sparrowhawks and a Buzzard. Waders included our first Common Sandpiper of the year which commuted between the beach, the brook and the Marsh Pool, as the vagaries of disturbance dictated and a roost of 80 Turnstones which harboured three guest Sanderlings.  Two late Brent Geese flew east close inshore,  eight Mediterranean Gulls , a Sandwich Tern and two Common Terns flew west.  There were two Wheatears on the beach, the Cetti’s Warbler was still present along the east bank and a Lesser Whitethroat was singing opposite the Obs.

Swift- Andy Taylor

Lesser Black-backed Gull – Geoff Burton


Sunny and warm at first but a freshening easterly wind cooled things down considerably. Yet again conditions didn’t look good for vis mig and they weren’t. However, Andy started us off with a fine male Ring Ousel which dropped into the trees at the back of the upper brook and promptly disappeared. Whilst taking that in, he heard an unmistakable burst of Cetti’s Warbler song coming out of the depths of the east bank bushes. This was only the second record for the site after one on 29th October 1995! That one was heard by Mike Gould and a visiting RSPB group from Thanet (I think). Visits from RSPB groups to Swalecliffe are equally rare. This came at at time when the population was still recovering from the extinction brought about by the severe winters in the 1980s. The bird got a specific mention in the Kent Bird Report of that year.  Four Red Kites drifted west during the morning but the only other vis mig consisted of a couple of Swallows and Yellow Wagtails. A Great Northern Diver was seen offshore (the first for a week), four Fulmars flew east and three Canada Geese did a circuit of the area. Waders were few but included 15 Oystercatchers, 25 Turnstones and a Whimbrel. One Sandwich Tern flew west.

Sadly, the brook-haunting Great Crested Grebe appears to have a broken leg. Today it swam along to the upper brook where, despite it being very shallow, it was seen to be catching small fish by snorkelling.


Sunny, calm and very warm. We are greeted all the time with “isn’t it a lovely day”. It is but clear skies with no wind, however warm, is not a recipe for visible Spring migration. There was nothing moving over land or sea. A Whitethroat sang a bit late morning  in the scrub (a second bird was present) and this was an addition to the year list. A Whimbrel was seen on the beach but six Oystercatchers, two Curlews and about 25 Turnstones were the only other waders seen. There were two Great Crested Grebes on the sea whilst the bird in the brook was present for its fourth day.

A Green-veined White at the Obs was our 11th butterfly of the year and there were also Brimstone, Small Tortoiseshell, Orange-tip and Small White about. That may be all the species seen by the end of  the month as the only others seen here before the end of April has been  an occasional Small Copper and Painted Lady.

Great Crested Grebe – Geoff Burton


Sunny, calm and very warm. Four immatures Mute Swans flew west close inshore. There were 44 Turnstones roosting between the groynes, a single Sanderling was on the beach and seven Redshanks were roosting on the Marsh Pool.  Only one Swallow flew west and one Yellow Wagtail was heard.  A quiet day but one that produced three additions to the year list with a Green Woodpecker calling from the sewage works, a Lesser Whitethroat in the bushes opposite the Obs and a single Redpoll flying west.

Butterflies included two Orange-tips and another sighting of Brimstone.

Mute Swans-  Geoff Burton


Ted Lee reported two Red Kites flew west along the beach during the morning.


Sunny, light to moderate southerly wind, warm. An adult Gannet,  a drake Shoveler and seven Mediterranean Gulls flew west. Waders included 87 Turnstones roosting between the groynes and seven Redshanks roosting on the Marsh Pool. Vis mig included one Stock Dove, 55 Woodpigeons, single Sand MartinSwallow and House Martin, two Meadow Pipits, a Yellow Wagtail, 39 Goldfinches  and 25 Linnets flying west. There were also three Willow Warblers, a Jay, two Rooks and a Peregrine.

Warm weather brought out three new butterflies for the year; two Speckled Woods, a Large White and a Holly Blue.


We have emerged from a week’s gloom to a bright, sunny and much warmer Spring-like day. However, the birds have yet to hear about it. The four Great Northern Divers appeared again as the tide came in but were together only briefly. The divers had to run the gauntlet of jet skiers but they just nonchalantly dived and came up again as if nothing had happened. There was a  good turnout of the usual suspects augmented by Julian Russell and Richard Smith. There were also six Great Crested Grebes offshore and a Fulmar flew west. Typical at this time of the year, there were five Greylag Geese flying west,  a flock of nine Shelduck west and smaller numbers east or west. Waders included two Whimbrel west and there were 118 Turnstones, two Sanderlings and a Dunlin roosting amongst the groynes at high tide. A total of 41 Redshanks were roosting on the Marsh Pool, a high number at any time and more surprising given the lateness in the season. A few Swallows  and a single House Martin flew west and the Grasshopper Warbler continued to sing fitfully and, for the most part, invisibly in the scrub.

The warmer weather brought out butterflies with a second showing of Brimstone, a few Small Whites and Peacocks and a Comma.



Cloudy, dull but a marked improvement on recent days,  with a light SW wind. A Grasshopper Warbler was singing occasionally near the bluethroat bush; our first for three years. A Willow Warbler was also in the scrub. There was a trickle of Swallows flying west (c12) and a single Sand Martin. A Wheatear appeared along the coastal path mid-morning. Waders included three Whimbrel west and two Ringed Plovers, five  Sanderlings and c70 Turnstones on the beach and 14 Redshanks were on the Marsh Pool. Two Sandwich Terns were offshore. A group of four Great Northern Divers were close inshore as the tide came in; an unprecedented number for the site.

Wheatear – Geoff Burton


Away visiting relatives in Yorkshire. It appears it was  cool and murky throughout the period (as it was in Yorkshire) but Andy managed to track down a few additions to the year list. Best was a Black Redstart in the churchyard on 9th (still present the next day when it was seen by Ted). This was our first for four years and so a bad one to miss. A Common Tern on 9th was also a new bird for the year.  A Green Sandpiper was seen briefly on the Obs Pool on 11th before being flushed (yet another example of dogs rescued at the expense of wildlife), a Willow Warbler was new on 12th and our second Wheatear was also present that day.

Black Redstart – Andy Taylor


Cloudy, calm, light rain .  A Great Northern Diver and three Great Crested Grebes were offshore. Three Shelduck  flew west and a Little Egret and a Grey Heron were in the brook. Waders included nine Sanderlings and 34 Turnstones on the beach.  A first-summer Mediterranean Gull flew west and there were ten Sandwich Terns were offshore. Vis mig included four Sand Martins, 42 Swallows and two Yellow Wagtails flying west.

March 2018

                                                                        94 species for the year                                                                         110 species for the same time last year

The total of 84 species for the month was a little above the average over the last ten years but this did little to reduce the deficit. This is 16 species behind the end of March total last year and about ten behind the average over the last ten years.  The severe weather did produce our first Woodcocks for four years and other good birds were a Lapland Bunting on 20th (also our first for four years) and a lingering Black-throated Diver from 29th. The only Spring migrants were Chiffchaff and Sand Martin. 


Sunny periods with a few light showers. Diver numbers built up as the tide came in this morning. Disturbance from  a police boat saw at least 45 Red-throated Divers in the air at one time. Other birds offshore included the Black-throated Diver and at least one Great Northern Diver. There was also an adult Shag in full breeding plumage which lingered offshore. Three Common Scoters flew east and a party of seven Red-breasted Mergansers flew west. Two Gannets flew east and c100 Cormorants had gathered offshore. An adult Little Gull also flew west close inshore. There were 20 Brent Geese on the beach and waders included eight Ringed Plovers, three Sanderlings and a Dunlin. Little Egret,  a species apparently  badly effected by recent severe weather conditions, was in the remnant brook. Two Buzzards were soaring behind the estate.


Cloudy with a light easterly wind, cool. There was a raft of c150 Cormorants close inshore, 30 or more Red-throated Divers, one Great Northern Diver but no sign of yesterday’s Black-throated Diver.  Six Great Crested Grebes were offshore. A pairof Pintail flew east, four Common Scoters flew east, 11 flew west and two drakes and a duck were close inshore late morning. 19 Brent Geese were on the beach and 25 Redshanks were roosting on the Marsh Pool.


Sunny after a clear night with a touch of frost. Light southerly winds. The bird of the day was undoubtedly a Black-throated Diver which, unusually for this species here, showed well close inshore. There were also two Great Northern Divers and c15 Red-throated Divers, a  Great Crested Grebe and four Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. Also, 21 Brent Geese are still lingering on the beach and waders included 18 Sanderlings and 140 Turnstones roosting at high tide, but only one Ringed Plover and a few Dunlin, and 14 Redshanks roosting on the Marsh Pool. An immature Peregrine flew east along the beach, a Buzzard appeared low over the estate and a Jay flying towards the sewage works was the first for some time.  However, we are still waiting for Spring!


Cloudy with steady light rain all morning. Two Great Northern Divers were present offshore all morning at least three Red-throated Divers and three Great Crested Grebes. Three adult  Gannets flew west and another was sitting on the sea. One Grey Plover and 14 Sanderlings were on the beach and ten Redshanks were roosting on the Marsh Pool. A Moorhen, about ten feet up in the bushes along the east bank, was fending off the attentions of two Magpies. They pursued the bird into the trees by the sewage works.


Sunny periods, a fresh NW wind and cool. A Great Northern Diver and a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore. Ten Greylag Geese and eight drake Common Scoters flew east. There were 32 Redshanks on an undisturbed Marsh Pool and a single Snipe was also in view. Three Buzzards and two Sparrowhawks were circling over the estate late morning. Two Sand Martins flew west at 10.50 am; a new bird for the year. Four alba Wagtails, probably of the nominate race, and a Reed Bunting also flew west.


Cloudy and calm. There were 18 Red-throated Divers offshore, a Great Northern Diver was the first seen this month and two summer plumage Black-throated Divers flying west were new for the year.  Two Canada Geese flying west over the beach were also new for the year, five Shelduck flew west and single Fulmar and Gannet flew east.  Three Red-breasted Mergansers (two drakes and a duck) were offshore and a female Marsh Harrier flew west then headed inland. There were three Great Spotted Woodpeckers (two males and a female) were seen and there were two Chiffchaffs along the east bank.


Cloudy with a moderate SW wind. Six Red-throated Divers, a Great Crested Grebe and two pairs of Red-breasted Mergansers  were offshore. There were 20 Brent Geese, three Snipe in the marsh and an adult Mediterranean Gull flew east.  A Great Spotted Woodpecker was again heard drumming along the upper brook and a pair of Long-tailed Tits were at the Obs.


Cloudy, light westerly wind, cool. There were four Red-throated Divers and a Great Crested Grebe offshore. Two Shelduck flew west and there were c40 Brent Geese. Waders included 22 Oystercatchers, one Grey Plover and three Sanderlings on the beach. Some vis.mig with 22 Meadow Pipits, 62 Redwings and two Reed Buntings (our first this year) flying west. Finally, a Great Spotted Woodpecker was drumming along the upper brook, a male Stonechat was in the scrub (the first since 10th, so possibly a migrant) and a Rock Pipit was at the mouth of the brook.



Sunny, feeling mild where sheltered from the fresh southerly wind. There were 12 Red-throated Divers and eight Red-breasted Mergansers on the sea, one Fulmar flew west and a Gannet flew east. There were 40 Brent Geese on the sea by the skate park.  Waders included 22 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool and our second sighting this year of a Purple Sandpiper (courtesy of Arnie) which had no doubt strayed from its Hampton base. One Skylark flew south and two Rooks flew east.

A Peacock butterfly was our second species this year.


There were 40+ Red-throated Divers offshore, some in partial or full breeding plumage, and ten Red-breasted Mergansers (seven drake and three ducks). Seven Shelduck and two Mediterranean Gulls, in breeding plumage, flew west.  A  Common Buzzard, which came in off the sea and continued south, was our first of the year and a Peregrine was seen several times during the morning. There were 13 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool (another 12 on the caravan park field) and five Snipe were flushed from the marsh. Also, two Skylarks flew west and there was a trickle of Meadow Pipit passage as well. One Meadow Pipit was in display flight.


A shortened visit in the steady drizzle, but with some heavier outbreaks of rain, and a fresh southerly wind. A Fulmar flew west and 12 adult Gannets flew east.  Three Red-breasted Mergansers (two drakes and a duck) were on the sea. A Little Egret in the brook was the first seen since the cold weather. There were 21 Redshanks on the caravan park field. A Rock Pipit on the beach was of the Scandinavian race, littoralis.

Scandinavian Rock Pipit – Andy Taylor


Cloudy, mild with a southerly wind. There were four Great Crested Grebes and three Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. One Fulmar and a breeding plumage adult Mediterranean Gull flew west, Waders included four Grey Plovers, 32 Sanderlings and 47 Dunlin and 26 Lapwings flew west. A male Stonechat was the first recorded since the cold weather; a survivor or a migrant?


Sunny periods with a cool westerly wind. There were six Great Crested Grebes on the sea but one feeding in the brook was exceptional. An adult Shag was on the sea,  two Shelduck flew west and another was on the Marsh Pool. Waders included 40+ Golden Plovers and 37 Lapwings flew west and five Grey Plovers were on the beach.  Also, there were two Mediterranean Gulls, a Stock Dove and four Skylarks flew west whilst another Skylark was in song beyond the caravan park.


Milder again with a light SE breeze. There were 22 Red-throated Divers. A Greylag Goose and two Shelduck flew west, two drake Teal, a drake Common Scoter and six Red-breasted Mergansers were on the sea. 12 Grey Plovers included seven flying west, 39 Lapwings were on the beach briefly with another eight on the Marsh Pool, 22 Sanderlings flew west and five Bar-tailed Godwits were on the Hampton flats. An adult Mediterranean Gull in breeding plumage flew west. A Stock Dove, which flew NW over the football pitch, was the first of the year (it has been a much scarcer bird here in recent years). Three  Skylarks headed inland, a Fieldfare and a Redwing were on the football pitch and an immature Rook was on the beach.


It was milder (i.e. not below freezing) for the first time for a week.  However, a species associated with the cold weather, Woodcock, appeared for the first time in four years when two were flushed by dogs from the shingle ridge. Other waders included four Grey Plovers and a Bar-tailed Godwits on the beach. Five Great Crested Grebes flew east, a Greylag Goose flew west and five Teal were offshore all morning.  Another Teal was on the Marsh Pool and there was another appearance by the  female Mandarin Duck which flew from the upper brook into the sewage works.  A flock of 12 Fieldfares flew west over the Obs (another was in the area all morning) and two Snow Buntings were seen in flight by the Obs.


Another freezing morning, cloudy with strong easterly winds and freezing rain that coated both clothing and optics (not like that at the Pak Thale salt plans as I watched my first ever Spoon-billed Sandpiper!) At least the conditions had some effect on the movement of birds; ducks included eight Red-breasted Mergansers flying west, a Wigeon on the Marsh Pool and also three Shelducks, two drake Pintail and two Teal. Most notable amongst the waders were 17 Bar-tailed Godwits where also there were six Grey Plovers and 188 Dunlin. A juvenile Kittiwake was also seen.


Andy took a brief walk around in the afternoon braving the strong easterly winds. Snow was lying on the ground and the brook was frozen. Most notable were 22 Little Gulls that flew east close inshore,  Bar-tailed Godwit also flying east and also an addition to the year list and three Snow Buntings, seen by Jim Bloor, around the children’s play area. A Common Scoter flew east, 30 Brent Geese flew east and another eight were on the Marsh Pool.

February 2018

                                                 83 species  so far this year                                                                                     96 species by this time last year


The total of only 70 species recorded during the month was poor. It compares with an average of 78.2 over the previous ten years with a maximum total of 91 seen in 2012. Only three species were added during the month with Snow Buntings (a single on 10th and 13th and the flock of seven on 28th), the only notable addition. As a result, we are now a massive 13 species behind last year (seven at the end of January).  


As I head off to warmer climes (Thailand), Andy has the opportunity to capitalise on the cold conditions. Will “the Beast from the East” bear fruit or is it just too late in the season? A good start with seven Snow Buntings appearing late morning (six flew off east) and 13 Pintail on the sea. Also 12 Teal were noted.


Sunny periods with snow showers in a light NE wind. A few inches of snow on the ground. Three Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore and a pair of Teal were in the brook. 30 Golden Plovers were resting on the shingle ridge and a Grey Plover, 16 Sanderlings and 59 Dunlin were on the beach. Away from the sea, seven Skylarks flew east, two Fieldfares dropped into the scrub and two Redwings flew west. A Rook,  circling over the caravan park and drifted north.  Some reaction to the cold weather without anything of great significance.


Cloudy, cold with a few snow flurries in a moderate NE wind. An adult Gannet flew east. There were 35 Brent Geese, 29 Ringed Plovers, a Grey Plover and 20 Sanderlings on the beach.


Sunny with a fresh easterly wind, very cold. A Great Northern Diver was offshore early morning and drifting east and there were 12 Red-breasted Mergansers on the sea. A pair of Shelduck circled close inshore by the Obs and a drake Teal flew west. A small improvement. There were also 16 Sanderlings on the beach and the lone Grey Plover. However, birds of the day were two immature Rooks which came in off the beach flying south over the sewage works; a typical time for the  first record of this mainly migrant species here.


Sunny, moderate to fresh NE wind and cold. There were 102 Brent Geese on the beach and a flock of seven Common Scoters flew east. Six Red-throated Divers and a Great Crested Grebe were offshore whilst waders included a Grey Plover and 12 Sanderlings again, there were two Lapwings on the Marsh Pool where a check found eight Snipe (the highest count for some time). The male Stonechat continues to show and four Greenfinches and ten Goldfinches were in the sewage works.


Cloudy, rather misty with a light to moderate NE wind and cold. The sea continues to be almost devoid of interest; three Red-throated Divers flew east, a Great Crested Grebe was offshore and a single Cormorant flew east. There were 29 Brent Geese on the beach whilst waders included a single Grey Plover and 12 Sanderlings. Only one Lapwing was roosting on the Marsh Pool. Other birds included the male Stonechat, two Long-tailed Tits and only one Linnet.


I was away in Reading (lots of Red Kites including a flock of 30, 3 Goosanders and a Red-crested Pochard) whilst Andy was busy constructing a model of Rutland Water in his garden. Andy did, however, manage to complete the East Kent Turnstone Survey count on 17th; 162 birds in the Swalecliffe-Hampton sector was again the highest of all the 22 sectors. He also managed to see a Gannet (only our third this year) and the wintering Rock Pipit. Ian Rendall saw a Kingfisher in the brook on 16th (only our third sighting this year).


Sunny with a freshening southerly wind. Only two Lapwings were roosting on the Marsh Pool. There were 32 Oystercatchers on the beach and a single Grey Plover was present. Three  Goldfinches were in the churchyard and ten Linnets on the shingle ridge. The quietest of quiet days but Ted found the Snow Bunting by the jetty at the e astern end of the beach. It is probably roaming between there and Hampton where it will be subject to much disturbance.


Sunny with a light SW wind. There were 20+ Red-throated Divers and two Great Crested Grebes offshore. There were 100 Brent Geese on the beach. The pair with two juveniles often seen grazing on the jetty were on the Marsh Pool for much of the morning. Also on the pool, there were ten Mallard, three Lapwings  and a Rock Pipit. 79 Dunlin  were roosting on the beach. A Greenfinch was in song in the sewage works and eight Linnets were on the shingle ridge.

10th – sunny with a light SW wind, cold. The highlight of the morning, and of the month so far, was our first Snow Bunting of the year on the beach between the groynes at the eastern end. Nine Red-throated Divers and a summer plumage Great Crested Grebe were offshore, a Fulmar and a Shelduck flew west and a drake Teal was just off the beach by the Obs. There were 16 Mallard and three Lapwings on the Marsh Pool. 


Snow Bunting – Geoff Burton


8th – sunny, light SW wind, cold. There were 11 Mallard again on the Marsh Pool but Lapwings were down to three individuals. There were 22 Sanderlings on the beach. Other birds included a Rock Pipit in the brook by the shingle ridge, the male Stonechat and a Jay in bushes along the upper brook. 


5th – cloudy with an occasional snow shower, a moderate easterly wind and cold. Although the tide was low, the brook was blocked again and therefore murky and unmoving. Not good for the wildlife. There were 11 Mallard in the brook, an increase that often occurs with flooding. A pair of Red-breasted Mergansers flew east close inshore and a Peregrine flew east over the tidal ponds. There were 130 Golden Plovers on the beach. A group of 17 Sanderlings were feeding at low tide and a flock of 18 Linnets flew onto the shingle ridge. 


3rd – cloudy, moderate SW wind, cold. There were 31 Red-throated Divers, three Great Crested Grebes and a Red-breasted Merganser noted offshore. Two Pintail flew west close inshore and a gaggle of eight Greylag Geese flew high east (and inland) at 12.33 pm. Two Grey Herons were on the tidal ponds and two Little Egrets (which have been scarce here since recent cold spells) were on the beach. There were 52 Oystercatchers on the beach. Other birds noted included a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming in trees along the upper brook, a Skylark flying west, a Grey Wagtail, and the male Stonechat.  

Stonechat – Andy Taylor


1st – cloudy with a moderate NW wind and cold. A new month with the same old struggle. However, four Greylag Geese, which flew west, were an addition to the year list. Waders included 42 Oystercatchers, 61 Ringed Plovers, eight Sanderlings and 80 Dunlin with the usual, but down one to  four, Lapwings on the Marsh Pool.  Other birds noted included a Kingfisher for the second time this year, the Rock Pipit in the brook behind the beach, a Grey Wagtail, the now single male Stonechat, a Fieldfare and a Redwing. 

January 2018


                                    80 species recorded so far this year                                                                     87 species recorded by this time last year 


The total of 80 species was the lowest start to the year since 2014 and well below the average of 86.7 species over the previous ten years. Highlights, however, included only our second Glossy Ibis on 23rd. Other good birds were Shag on 2nd, a Purple Sandpiper on 5th and a Slavonian Grebe on 9th.



A sunny and calm morning. A line of 50 Red-throated Divers flew west and birds could be seen dotted all over the sea during the morning. There were also eight Great Crested Grebes offshore and two drake Common Scoters flew east. Waders on the beach included 32 Oystercatchers, 28 Sanderlings and 90 Dunlin whilst the five Lapwing were  still roosting on the Marsh Pool. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was calling in the Obs corner of the sewage works . The male Stonechat was present but the female has not been noted since 19th.


Cloudy, mild with a moderate SW wind. Another quiet day but there were two additions to the year list. Ted Lee enjoyed a private showing of a Kingfisher along the middle brook (not a coincidence that the brook is now flowing again) and there was a Guillemot offshore. Waders included 70 Golden Plovers flying west over the sea, 58 Sanderlings on the beach and five Lapwings and 18 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. There were 124 Brent Geese close inshore. Other birds included a Grey Wagtail which flew into the sewage works and the male Stonechat.


Waders – Andy Taylor


Yet another quiet morning, There were about a dozen Red-throated Divers and six Great Crested Grebes offshore and two female Common Scoters flew east. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was calling behind Lang Court, the male Stonechat was seen and a Greenfinch was in the trees along Swalecliffe Court Drive.


Ian Rendall reported an adult Mediterranean Gull on the beach.


Another quiet morning but with the surprise element this time. An immature male Marsh Harrier flew west low over the sea at 10.40 am. Our fourth so far this year. There were 25  Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs as the tide receded. One Skylark flew west, a Redwing was in trees by the scout hut and two Long-tailed Tits were in the churchyard.


Cloudy with a moderate SW wind. It was another quiet morning with a few Red-throated Divers and Great Crested Grebes offshore and also a single drake Red-breasted Merganser. Gannet offshore was a belated addition to the year list. However, at 10 am, the perspective of the day changed when a Glossy Ibis flew west only metres in front of the Obs. Only our second record (the first was in October 2009) which it is safe to say we were not expecting! Will it be refound at Oare Marshes or on Sheppey? There was little else to note; another, or the same, Gannet flew east at midday and a Grey Wagtail showed well in the brook by the Brook Road bridge.

Grey Wagtail – Geoff Burton


Sunny with a light NW wind. Four Mute Swans, three adults and an immature, flew west distantly out to sea and a male Great Spotted Woodpecker was in the Wood; two additions to the year list. About 35 Red-throated Divers were offshore, most moving west, and a drake Red-breasted Merganser was offshore. A flock of 210 Golden Plovers were on the beach. There were also 19 Sanderlings on the beach. There were also two Redwings in the churchyard.


Cloudy, calm, steady rain. The pair of Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore and there were 50 Brent Geese on the beach. The Rock Pipit was on the beach and there were four Redwings in the football pitch trees.

A count of Turnstones between Long Rock and Hampton was carried out at the afternoon high tide. There were 168 birds and a Purple Sandpiper with them was, unfortunately, a 100 metres or so east of the site.


Ted Lee and Arnie van Orsouw were down today and reported a drake Red-breasted Merganser, a Goldcrest along the upper brook and the pair of Stonechats.  


Sunny with a strong, but lessening, westerly wind. An immature male Marsh Harrier flew west at 8.50 am and a Great Northern Diver flew west close inshore at 9.05 am. Two small flocks of Pintail, ten birds in total, flew west; a new bird for the year and a Little Egret, which also flew west, was only the second this year.  Waders included 40 Oystercatchers roosting on the shingle ridge and 90 Dunlin roosting at the eastern end of the beach. A Skylark flew west over the beach, the Rock Pipit was on the Marsh Pool and a Redwing in the bushes along the east bank.

Brent Geese – Andy Taylor


Sunny with a moderate SW wind. As the tide came in, waders on the beach included 33 Oystercatchers, 58 Ringed Plovers, one Grey Plover, 48 Sanderlings (our highest count so far this year) and 41 Dunlin. Flocks of Golden Plovers (c300 in total) flew west low the sea during the morning. It appeared that a large ship had disturbed distant and, up until then,  unseen Red-throated Divers, 82 were counted, and small numbers were seen  flying around, and pitching down,  for the rest of the morning. Two Wigeon flew west,  an adult Mediterranean Gull landed briefly on the beach and a female Teal was resting amongst the gulls and waders. Two new birds for the year were a single Skylark, which flew west over the shingle ridge, and two Greenfinches, which flew over the football pitch. Other birds seen included a Peregrine, two Jays and six Long-tailed Tits.

The brook is now blocked again save for a trickle leaching through the shingle at the eastern end of the beach. The water is high and very cloudy and this may help to explain the absence of Kingfishers for the last month, the total absence of Little Grebes this winter and the lack of any reports of Water Voles.


Sunny periods with a light SE wind. A quiet morning with our first Fulmar of the year flying east. Otherwise, there were a few Red-throated Divers and Great Crested Grebes and a drake Red-breasted Merganser offshore, a single Shelduck flew west and two first-winter Kittiwakes flew east. The Rock Pipit was again on the Marsh Pool and the pair of Stonechats continue to roam the grassland. Six Long-tailed Tits passed through the Obs.


Arnie van Orsouw visited today. Red-throated Divers and Great Crested Grebes were noted offshore. A Snipe was in the Marsh Pool and the pair of Stonechats were also noted.


Cloudy and calm with light rain and poor visibility. There were five Great Crested Grebes and a drake Red-breasted Merganser on the sea and 40 Brent Geese and a Grey Heron on the beach. The female Mandarin Duck was back on the Marsh Pool and two Grey Wagtails appeared briefly on the Obs Pool. The pair of Stonechats and the flock of 20 Linnets were also present.


An adult Mediterranean Gull on the beach was new for the year. There were also 20 Common Gulls there and, as the tide receded, 44 Sanderlings (the highest count this year). 70 Lapwings flew west low over the sea and there were another four on the Marsh Pool.


Cloudy, murky and calm with the wind turbines hidden from view.  Two drake Red-breasted Mergansers on the sea flew off west whilst a drake Common Scoter lingered offshore  all morning. Five Gadwall, which flew west over the tidal ponds, were new for the year, and other ducks in support were two Shelduck, six Wigeon, a Teal  and a pair of Mallard. A total of seven species of duck has not been attained often this winter. There were 22 Sanderlings on the beach. Other birds included the Rock Pipit along the mouth of the brook, two Goldcrests  in the churchyard  and six Redwings flying along the east bank and perching in trees behind the scout hut. Finally, a sub-adult male Marsh Harrier flew west over the Marsh Pool and the Obs at midday and a Slavonian Grebe made a late but timely appearance as it swam steadily westwards passed the Obs (only one recorded last year). A better than average day for Andy.



Cloudy with a light NE wind and colder. Three Barnacle Geese flew east over the sea at 8.50 am (a useful addition to the year list as this species has proved less than annual). The cold weather brought in a few winter thrushes; a Fieldfare was feeding with Blackbirds by the skate park and another two flew in off  the sea and over the Obs. A Redwing was in the bushes along the upper brook. Two Jays that flew from the sewage works to the Scout Wood were also an addition to the year list. Other birds, included 31 Sanderlings on the beach and a Rock Pipit on the Marsh Pool.


Cloudy with a light NE wind and colder. A few ducks were on the move with three Shelduck (two east, one west), seven Wigeon west and four Common Scoters east. The three Red-breasted Mergansers were again offshore and the female Mandarin Duck was on the Marsh Pool.  A Little Egret on the tidal ponds was the first of the year, an adult Kittiwake was offshore and a Great Skua flew west at 11.30 am. A Rock Pipit was on the shingle ridge and a Goldcrest along the middle brook.

Mandarin Duck – Geoff Burton


Cloudy, a light SW wind and showers. There were three Red-breasted Mergansers offshore, an immature male Marsh Harrier flew west over the sea at 10.40 am and 440 Golden Plovers were roosting on the beach. The duck Mandarin Duck was again on the Marsh Pool and a Rock Pipit was also there. A Goldcrest was seen along the east bank. On an afternoon visit, Andy Taylor found a Purple Sandpiper amongst the roosting waders at the east end of the beach which must have strayed from the Hampton “stronghold” of this species!


Rock Pipit, seen by Arnie van Orsouw, was the first of the year, though it was probably the same bird that had been seen regularly in December.


Cloudy with a light SW wind and rain from late morning. A Shag flew west close inshore. Waders on the beach included 79 Ringed Plovers and 109 Dunlin and, on the Marsh Pool, there were three Lapwings and 14 Redshanks. The duck Mandarin Duck was also on the Marsh Pool.


Cloudy with a light SW wind and rain from 10.30 am. A quiet start to the year. There was a Great Northern Diver offshore, 18 Wigeon flew west and the duck Mandarin Duck was on the Marsh Pool. The pair of Stonechats were present and a Goldcrest was along the east bank. The total of 47 species compared with an average of 54 over the previous ten years.